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Did the developers abandon the console version?

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2 months ago
Mar 20, 2024, 3:25:34 AM

I think the developers have abandoned the console version of coh3. Why did they took 7 months to release an update for console that was released  7 months ago for pc? Is it really that difficult to code for console?

On top of that they excluded bunch of stuffs and kept it pc only like "in game store" where u can get skins and battle groups. Again is it that difficult to develop this feature for console? For some  reason I they purposely excluded that from console.

Pc is already 2 patches ahead of the console, patch 1.5 and 1.6

When will they release patch 1.5 the anniversary update and patch 1.6 update for consoles or will they ever release those for console? 

Where is the cross platform play so ps5 players can play against pc and Xbox xs players? I play this on PS5 and the multiplayer is completely dead, it take 100 hours to start a quick match cause noone plays it in console. With cross platform play we can atleast get a few match going cause it seems like atleast some ppl play it on pc, but we have yet to hear anything from the developers about when cross platform play will be available for console.

I will say the new 1.4 update did improve the console version with new maps like "Soucce Wetlands" (nice graphics) and 2 new battlegroups. But many areas in the game on console still looks poor(graphics wise) and poorly developed (I play this on massive 65 inch 4K TV on PS5). Graphically this game still needs more improvement so it can look 4K.

2 months ago
Mar 20, 2024, 3:51:21 AM

I also want to add that other that Sousse Wetlands many of the maps graphically look poor and needs improvements, I think they should just keep at releasing official maps and maybe graphically improve community maps before releasing. Also adding weather change feature like rain, thunder storm and snow storm would be nice.

2 months ago
Mar 28, 2024, 3:49:47 PM

Removed the suspicious comment with the hidden link, please avoid answering those messages as other users may misclick those malicious links.

Regarding the topic:

I don't think the console has been abandoned as recently they pumped out the updates up to 1.4.0 and of course any following PC update will be in consoles. Remember that it is dependant on the Relic partner that does the console port and therefore the schedule cadence.

2 months ago
Mar 29, 2024, 5:52:12 AM

I wonder if they will add a connection to console from this website, I have not seen one thus far.

2 months ago
Mar 30, 2024, 1:21:39 PM

This situation is so frustrating. The game could have been such a great cross platform RTS, but it's definitely not the case right now. We paid full price for the game on console and we get zero support while PC players get regular updates.

2 months ago
Apr 2, 2024, 3:57:56 PM
KingDarBoja wrote:

Removed the suspicious comment with the hidden link, please avoid answering those messages as other users may misclick those malicious links.

Regarding the topic:

I don't think the console has been abandoned as recently they pumped out the updates up to 1.4.0 and of course any following PC update will be in consoles. Remember that it is dependant on the Relic partner that does the console port and therefore the schedule cadence.

This feels Bad man... To say "they pumped Patch 1.4.0 out" 

7 months after PC got it... AND ON TOP month or so later gets the next Patch with free stuff. 

Its a let down, how long will console Players be forced to wait?? 

Another 6,7 or more months. Is it so Hard to keep the console version uptodate with PC? We also payed for it.. So for sure it feels like they dont care. 

There no dates on when console will get 1.6.0 or if we get it at all. ?

2 months ago
Apr 6, 2024, 12:48:27 AM

Love to play it on console and it feels like many are playing online now since the update. I get a feeling that the console port was Sega's idea. Hope Relic can up the effort with updates on  console in the near future. Want more info on whats coming. 


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