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Coastal Reserve Bunker Pop Cap

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6 months ago
Dec 25, 2023, 8:54:54 PM

I believe the bunkers are fine as is, but the fact that they do not consume any pop cap is an absolute irresponsible oversight no matter how you look at it, when even the weakest of units have pop costs. At the least, they should cost 5 population, being able to lock down with an MG/AT gun upgrade with an absurd amount of health is busted. I hope this gets changed within the first quarter of 2024. 

I mainly play PvE using the CR, about to start PvP. But in large team games it's likely the same situation.

Updated 6 months ago.
6 months ago
Dec 27, 2023, 12:33:59 AM

Bunkers and defensive structures not costing pop is why people build them. i'd rather have an MG team than a bunker if the bunker will cost pop cap. I don't think pop cap is how you nerf bunkers, and 5 pop per bunker is insane to suggest.

a month ago
May 8, 2024, 11:49:54 AM
GeeeNo wrote:

Bunkers and defensive structures not costing pop is why people build them. i'd rather have an MG team than a bunker if the bunker will cost pop cap. I don't think pop cap is how you nerf bunkers, and 5 pop per bunker is insane to suggest.

A bit of a necro but I think a pop cap for certain bunkers, specifically the AT bunker, might be a good idea. Treat it more as an emplacement than a standard bunker. 

a month ago
May 9, 2024, 11:50:13 PM

Something needs done about coastal bunkers period either it needs to mp bleed them to death if they try spamming 50 bunkers or cost pop cap, build time needs increased with out a doubt its straight cheese in team games, literally mg bunkers covering other mg bunkers, covering other mg bunkers. Destroy a couple and have to fall back to find out they just rebuilt the same ones plus 2 more. As well as Axis in general has far superior indirect especially in team games so they can waste any valid counters, at guns, your mortars, etc and USF howitzer is complete shit and would take 4 x 400 mp of them to counter it, its a joke partly because for some reason they have about twice the hp they should have. 

reminds me of when relic gave okw the sim city doct and every game after that turned into bunker spam with a big pak and superior arty lefh emplacements and they literally could win the game that way same as coastal. Garbage Relic.

in team games where its random they can be pretty fail at coastal, but any team thats some what organized and covers the coastal player while bunker town goes up and its impossible to stop.

I mean honestly relic do i need to post screenshots of what happens every team game of 20 bunkers that go up in a few minutes and you do not find that just silly and a joke i mean its so bad you cannot even path vehicles correctly what a joke

cause you know in the war Italy build 20 concrete bunkers on top of each other in 5 days time…

Updated a month ago.
a month ago
May 11, 2024, 1:16:16 PM

The main problem with the costal battlegroup is the officer free arty spell that has not timer on it so the officer can just sit in place and cover a choke point or VP entirely negating that area indefinitely. Also It can even cover a large sector of the map with vet.

a month ago
May 11, 2024, 7:26:08 PM
Generick wrote:

The main problem with the costal battlegroup is the officer free arty spell that has not timer on it so the officer can just sit in place and cover a choke point or VP entirely negating that area indefinitely. Also It can even cover a large sector of the map with vet.

Exactly and pretty much forces you to fall back so they can repair all the bunker and maybe even build a couple more, they can also just cancel your mortar or indirect barrage just going fwd enough to where it is calling the arty and forcing you to move the mortar or get super unlucky and it decrews it before it can get out. Mortar isnt even a valid counter anyway and they nerfed usf mortar pits so. 

a month ago
May 12, 2024, 4:32:57 PM

The bunkers just need upkeep really. That would slow you down a hell of a lot once you have quite a few. For anyone that doesn't know id like to point out the officer also has a timed offensive ability "Inspire combatants", its quite strong but I rarely see it used. Iv used it many times with Pgrens to beat back rangers. 

Updated a month ago.

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