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There is no excuse...

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a year ago
Mar 4, 2023, 7:50:12 AM

So before the community get blamed (like with Dawn of War 3) where you guys literally blamed the failure on the community, rather than the fact you (Relic) shafted the game......
Here we go...

WHY is there so few maps?

WHY is there no leaderbaord?

WHY is there no Match stats

WHY is there no replays?

WHY is there no ranking (arranged or random, ESPECIALLY THAT)... As in, HOW is a premade 3v3 or 4v4, in the same ranking as queing SOLO with a random team? You had this fixed in COH2, which is why we're so pissed off. Theres no excuse. FIX IT

This is ALL stuff that was super successful in COH2... (so why remove it?)

For this not to be in the game, you guys HAD to have HAD a team who's whiteboard mission was "How can we make it worse?"... Jesus christ... I could of made the initiation of this game better for FREE... Yet you PAID people to make it worse.

(I just want that on the record before you blame the players like you did with DOW3) and kill the entire franchise..

... Infact ill keep going... How about C&C generals 2 (i know, EA, but you;re acting the same)... RTS players are so sick of their games being killed by lazy devs, who have no idea about the history of the francize or its deep lore/story decisions... Either fix it, or hire people who care.

I love COH, and i dont wanna see it die... the same way you killed DOW3 with lazy game development.
Ive made this post because i care about the franchise. Grab your share holders by the arm, and get them to read this kinda thing. Because at the moment, and after DOW3, i don't have a clue what they're doing.

Best of luck


Updated a year ago.
a year ago
Mar 4, 2023, 8:41:21 AM

It's because they spent time upgrading an engine, being unable to hire effectively, and then being forced to rush out a game because they spent time wasting time upgrading said engine so you get a subpar product that needs to now be fixed. That's what happens when someone misleads a team with a vision that is impossible to achieve by the time the shareholders want a product released and miscommunication runs up and down the chain of command because people don't want to rock the boat in fear of losing their job. This is pretty normal.

That being said CoH2 matches randoms with arranged team all the time. 

a year ago
Mar 4, 2023, 12:02:42 PM

I take a different view; Wasn't very impressed with the multiplayer test. Graphics looked poor, game performance was poor even on high end gaming laptop and overall it seemed like a step backwards. It was alarmingly refreshing to then go back to CoH2 when the test ended! Fortunately they fixed those issues in time for release. 

Sure, we're now missing a bunch of beloved features that we got accustomed to in CoH2 as highlighted by the OP but on the plus side we do have a great foundation and that's really key here. I trust the devs will continue building upon it to add some of the features we're missing and more.

Ultimately we can't have everything from day 1 or we probably wouldn't have a game until 2025 or worse. 

Updated a year ago.
a year ago
Mar 4, 2023, 12:18:36 PM

The lack of ranking multiplayer is extremely poor. It creates an entire ecosystem of progression and balanced play. Take a page out of Ao3's book.

The difference between Aoe2 and 3 shows what can be done. 

Also the lack of terrain elevation. Again look at aoe3. Pretty much 2D maps feel last generation RTS now. 

a year ago
Mar 6, 2023, 11:16:37 AM

Agreed. It really limits the fun in Multiplayer without a ladder or an actual profile. 

And no, it's not ok to only have a website like this: https://leaderboards.companyofheroes.com/ 

It needs to be in the actual game. I need to be able to click on my profile and see my stats, see other player's stats etc.

There is also no compendium of some sort, where I can see all units and their defense and DPS stats.

The whole main menu feels so poor & basic, there is really no excuse for something like that in 2023

a year ago
Mar 6, 2023, 2:39:25 PM

The only thing unacceptable for me is the 2 only maps for 4v4. This is crazy.

a month ago
May 1, 2024, 1:50:36 PM
Corsin wrote:

So before the community get blamed (like with Dawn of War 3) where you guys literally blamed the failure on the community, rather than the fact you (Relic) shafted the game......
Here we go...

WHY is there so few maps?

WHY is there no leaderbaord?

WHY is there no Match stats

WHY is there no replays?

WHY is there no ranking (arranged or random, ESPECIALLY THAT)... As in, HOW is a premade 3v3 or 4v4, in the same ranking as queing SOLO with a random team? You had this fixed in COH2, which is why we're so pissed off. Theres no excuse. FIX IT

This is ALL stuff that was super successful in COH2... (so why remove it?)

For this not to be in the game, you guys HAD to have HAD a team who's whiteboard mission was "How can we make it worse?"... Jesus christ... I could of made the initiation of this game better for FREE... Yet you PAID people to make it worse.

(I just want that on the record before you blame the players like you did with DOW3) and kill the entire franchise..

... Infact ill keep going... How about C&C generals 2 (i know, EA, but you;re acting the same)... RTS players are so sick of their games being killed by lazy devs, who have no idea about the history of the francize or its deep lore/story decisions... Either fix it, or hire people who care.

I love COH, and i dont wanna see it die... the same way you killed DOW3 with lazy game development.
Ive made this post because i care about the franchise. Grab your share holders by the arm, and get them to read this kinda thing. Because at the moment, and after DOW3, i don't have a clue what they're doing.

Best of luck


Absolutely agree! A stable and well-supported multiplayer experience is crucial for the success of Company of Heroes 3. Players invest time and passion into multiplayer matches, so ensuring a smooth, balanced, and cheat-free environment is paramount. Looking forward to the team's commitment to addressing these concerns and delivering an exceptional multiplayer experience!
