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a year ago Mar 15,2024, 17:00:54 PM

Wire Report - March 15th, 2024

1 232 Views

In this overview, we delve into recent events, including the announcement of new content for Coral Viper (PC 1.6.0), the console update, the conclusion of our two-week-long Twitch takeover, and new content shared by our community.




Coral Viper Changes 

Initially slated for release in March, our Coral Viper (1.6.0) PC update, featuring enhancements like Vote to Surrender and Pathfinding improvements, has been rescheduled to April 23rd, 2024. This decision was made to accommodate additional features and address player feedback more comprehensively. Check out our blogpost for more details. 




Console Update News 

The Console Update was released on March 12th, providing console players with new content, features and improvements for the CoH3 Console Edition. Explore the comprehensive Patch Notes 1.4.3 for more details. 


PC Hotfix 1.5.2 

The PC 1.5.2 hotfix serves as a temporary solution aimed at mitigating the lag and audio issues experienced by players in multiplayer. Please be assured that we are diligently investigating this matter. For further details go to our blogpost



Frontline Mobilization Event Concluded 

The anniversary challenge concluded last week, with the community uniting to collectively unlock a title, badge, and banner. Given the community's achievement of deploying 12 million units by Monday, we established a stretch goal of 14 million, which was surpassed with 16 million units deployed on Tuesday. 

As a result, the community has earned an additional unlocked title. Congratulations to everyone for their commendable efforts. Well done! 


New Skirmish Tutorials 

We’ve released a new set of tutorials! Perfect for newcomers to CoH, these tutorials offer an excellent opportunity to hone your skills. We're going show you how to take on A.I. opponents in a 6 -part series, covering everything from the general flow of a skirmish match to working as a team and leveling up your skills to take on those expert AIs. Watch the tutorials here



Twitch Takeovers 

We've wrapped up our two-week-long Twitch Takeovers showcasing beloved members of our official Creator Squad. Check out their vods on YouTube to catch the fun: 






The Company of Heroes 3 Resurgence Cup  

The Company of Heroes 3 Resurgence Cup, orchestrated by AE, commenced on March 2nd. Featuring a $4,000 prize pool, this 1v1 tournament showcased an inventive losers' bracket with 4v4 and 2v2 formats, granting participants an opportunity for a comeback to the finals. 

Witness the thrilling conclusion of the tournament by watching the final match here. 



And as per usual, here are some of the best recent screenshots from our community. These are shared by cpl.chen 


You can submit your content for consideration by using the hashtag #CoHCommunity on our socials or by sharing screenshots, links and videos on our Discord or Forums.  

That's it for this week. Tune in on CoH3 news on any of the links below.



Official Forums


Technical Support  

Bug Reporting







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a year ago
Mar 17, 2024, 9:20:07 PM

En mi Xbox series s me crashea en ortona. He desinstalado el juego e instalado, borrado caché, he contactado con soporte de SEGA, en muchos puntos del juego se me cierra solo y pierdo progreso en la campaña ya no sé que hacer me apena porque es un juegazo, le vendría bien un parche, ojalá sea escuchado. Me gusta mucho la campaña pero me da problemas me da errores como espacio de memoria y tengo memoria de sobra, o se me cierra el juego automáticamente.

a year ago
Mar 18, 2024, 3:01:25 PM

I made my bug report about the British ambulance getting stuck all the time. So far, they haven't listed this BUG. This bug has been present since the beginning of the game. The ambulance would get stuck, and you'd lose both the ambulance and the equipment being towed

a year ago
Mar 18, 2024, 3:44:58 PM
A mí me da error en ortona y no me deja avanzar o pierdo progreso en la campaña


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