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2 years ago Jan 19,2023, 22:16:35 PM

Tech Test CoH-Development Update

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Tech Test CoH-Development Update

We wanted to thank everyone who took part in our most recent Company of Heroes 3 Multiplayer Tech Test! This was our last push to test our online infrastructure and to nail down any pesky bugs and crashes before we launch on February 23rd. Over 154,000 players took part in the Tech Test, which was four times more than what we had for the Mission Alpha in July! We can’t thank you enough for helping us with this crucial step.  

Over the course of the test, we received over 650 bug reports from the community through our new online form. Your testing also helped us identify crashes well before launch so that we can already investigate fixes.  All these reports along with your feedback is going to help us deliver a great Company of Heroes experience when we launch just over a month from now!

Objectives & Results 

So, what did we want to accomplish with this test? And did we achieve those objectives? 

  • Test server load and overall stability. This includes things like match performance, player logins and overall matchmaking.
  • Test matchmaking queues and how they worked individually. 
  • Test wider array of different PC setups, hardware and software compatibility, and game client stability. 
  • Optimize the game by discovering and reducing crashes and bugs. 
  • Test client and server-side maintenance and patching. 

On all counts, this test was extremely successful for our team. We had 4x our estimated players and we had no server issues. Our average gameplay latency or matchmaking times were both lower than our targets, and we continue to look at ways to improve both. We were able to test over 1,400 different processors and video cards across different hardware setups, and we found and fixed several crashes related to configurations, rendering and game mechanics. Additionally, we found some fun bugs related to AI and economy exploits. 

Our data also showed that certain GPU models that are slightly older were experiencing worse performance than they should have been getting. The Tech Test allowed us to identify this issue early, and we’ll continue to make improvements based on that player data and feedback. Our goal is to make the game playable on as many configurations as possible at launch. 

After our first hotfix, we were also able to cut our crash rate almost by a third. We’re going to continue this work over the next month to reduce our crash rate even further. No game can ever have a 0% crash rate, but we can try to get close! 

The team at Relic accomplished our goals with this test, but we also want to let you know how we plan to tackle your feedback.  


One of biggest topics of discussion during this Tech Test focused on the look, feel and readability of the game right now. First, the version of the game we used for the Tech Test was about a month old, and a major lighting pass wasn’t quite ready for this build of the game, but you’ll see updated versions in our upcoming Deep Dives. We’ve also identified a couple of key issues that were contributing to degraded visuals. For some users, game scaling was defaulting to a Low setting, meaning they were seeing subpar resolutions and blurriness. Additionally, we found two rendering and map bugs that were causing lighting shadow artifacts and missing terrain details, so we really appreciate everyone calling these out! We have most of these fixes internally already and look forward to showing the game again closer to launch.

Before: Tech Test with bugs

After: Latest version with bugs now fixed

Before: Tech Test with bugs

After: Latest version with bugs now fixed

Additionally, we plan to start vehicles in a state that is slightly more weathered, so they don't feel as 'clean' when they are first produced. 

Before: Original vehicle starting state

After: New vehicle starting state - slight weathering

Reference: Full weathering state


There was a lot of discussion about CoH3’s sound design and some concerns that it didn’t quite meet expectations. We found an issue where Sound Output Quality was defaulting to Low or Medium for some players instead of High, which would significantly degrade the audio experience. We approached CoH3’s sound design with an emphasis on realism with gunshots and explosions having more of a “crack,” whereas past CoH titles had more of an old-school Hollywood “kapow!” Therefore, the team is re-working and optimizing several audio FX including cannons, machineguns, explosions, off-map artillery and more to give them that heavy impact. Not only that, but the team is working on the final audio mix and will be completely re-mixing the audio for all our tanks for launch. 

Settings & Controls 

We’re happy to be providing more quality-of-life options for players including things like WASD camera controls, customizable keybinds, and more camera settings. We did see that some players had frustrations when navigating those settings menus or when things weren’t controlling in-game as they were used to in CoH1 or CoH2. Your feedback has been critical in identifying those pain points, and we hope to improve on those systems post-launch.  


Finally, we know there’s been a ton of discussion about balance, systems, unit abilities and more. Though this recent test was more focused on testing our online infrastructure, all these discussions are giving us a head start on fixes, balance patches and quality-of-life changes that we want to address in the first few weeks and months after launch. We’re continuing to work on features and systems we know players want, and your feedback is helping to shape and inform what those systems look like, and we want to deliver them in the best state possible without compromising the core game at launch. We’ll have more news on some of those big post-launch updates as soon as we have all the details.  

Be sure to keep your feedback coming in the weeks and months ahead, as that’s going to help us prioritize it and continue improving this game and franchise that we all love so much. From everyone at Relic, thank you for taking part in the Multiplayer Tech Test and we can’t wait for you to play the full game at launch.

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2 years ago
Jan 19, 2023, 10:47:58 PM

I'm pretty sure the tech demo I played has both "After" versions of the screenshots posted here instead of the "Before" ones.

2 years ago
Jan 19, 2023, 10:48:35 PM

It's great to see the immediate changes in response to community feedback - the rework of the sound in particular is great to hear (ha!). I really enjoyed the tech test (and I had a really smooth experience playing it), and definitely felt the lack of the incredible soundscapes that were present in both COH1 and COH2. Looking forward to see and hear the changes at launch :-)

2 years ago
Jan 19, 2023, 11:04:42 PM

The Dev Team at Relic has really shown what it means to listen to the community and take in feedback by acknowledging what went right and what went wrong. The Dev Updates on forum and video have been really nice because of how transparent they are, which I believe garners community trust and support.

Looking forward to February 23rd! 

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Jan 19, 2023, 11:09:32 PM

Look at the ground! The Map textures are STILL washed out. Please do another pass on it. 

There has got to be room for improvement here. 
The before and after they show in the video update look almost identical but worse ground textures on the after. Still too much harsh lighting on the map.

I am sorry if I sound like such an annoying nerd but I am passionate,  you can do better, and win lifetime award achievements in video game making if you do your best! 

2 years ago
Jan 19, 2023, 11:15:30 PM

This tech test was a great way to get community engagement and awareness of issues to address. The quick update really helps to let us know our feedback is being heard. I made a post years ago about how Relic could improve its community engagement, and I'm seeing improvement across the board in all of the issues discussed in that thread. If anything the proof is in the pudding, this tech test showed a lot of promise and things look like they're heading in a great direction. Well done!

2 years ago
Jan 19, 2023, 11:19:07 PM
Relo wrote:

The Dev Team at Relic has really shown what it means to listen to the community and take in feedback by acknowledging what went right and what went wrong. The Dev Updates on forum and video have been really nice because of how transparent they are, which I believe garners community trust and support.

Looking forward to February 23rd! 

Fully agree couldn't say it any better, therefore quote, simply amazing!

2 years ago
Jan 19, 2023, 11:28:51 PM

Thanks for the update. And I am very impressed with the speed of the updates. I have never been more confident that this is going to be the best game in the series. I mentioned in my feedback already, but the gameplay is feeling really good and the Dev Team listening and, more importantly, delivering is reassuring. I never pre-purchase games, but every update and notice has only made me for more confident about the future of the project! I am sticking with the Team all the way to the finish line. 

2 years ago
Jan 19, 2023, 11:29:57 PM
naveed777 wrote:

Look at the ground! The Map textures are STILL washed out. Please do another pass on it. 

There has got to be room for improvement here. 
The before and after they show in the video update look almost identical but worse ground textures on the after. Still too much harsh lighting on the map.

I am sorry if I sound like such an annoying nerd but I am passionate,  you can do better, and win lifetime award achievements in video game making if you do your best! 

Agree, the second image does not include any units, problem was not the poor textures it was the lighting. Also please use the correct helmet for the German infantry, its already on the tanks as decoration.

2 years ago
Jan 20, 2023, 12:45:41 AM
SturmChester wrote:

I'm pretty sure the tech demo I played has both "After" versions of the screenshots posted here instead of the "Before" ones.

Me too, and it still looks washed out, too much gamma, or harsh lighting. 

2 years ago
Jan 20, 2023, 12:47:20 AM

I didn't experience this bug during the test, but I wish I did. This before image actually somehow looks better because it is more colorful.

2 years ago
Jan 20, 2023, 2:01:00 AM

Why does the ground, HQ, and trees in the "After" screenshot look even more pale when you compare the screenshots from the latest blog post? 

I understand they weathered the tank s. I am not talking about tank models. I am talking about the map textures, the grass, dirt, trees, hills, bushes. and the HQ. Look more washed out now. The opposite of what they say:

 Click here to see the image side by side.

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Jan 20, 2023, 3:59:20 AM

This picture "before":

looks better than the "after" :

The picture "before" is more vibrant, more colorful, the "after" still have this kind of fog filter

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Jan 20, 2023, 6:39:31 AM
SturmChester wrote:

I'm pretty sure the tech demo I played has both "After" versions of the screenshots posted here instead of the "Before" ones.

Same here!

It seems that a small minority of players had a rendering bug and Relic are focusing on that instead of the fact that 80% of the community actually hated the artistic style.

And so nothing will change for the release.

Quite dissapointed by this update. It's clearly over complicated corporate cruft to make it sound like a lot is happening.

2 years ago
Jan 20, 2023, 7:19:04 AM

They have screwed up, at least in these After images. 

In the WB coh2 if you increase the zoom a filter appears as in these After images. I hope they fix it as soon as possible these photos and maybe the video.

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Jan 20, 2023, 7:43:56 AM
devoli wrote:

This picture "before":

looks better than the "after" :

The picture "before" is more vibrant, more colorful, the "after" still have this kind of fog filter

i think the same but

picture "before": colorful and the

"after" = has more detail

2 years ago
Jan 20, 2023, 9:35:11 AM

Very good to hear theyre listening to the community!

I do wish the explosions effects were mentioned, as they lack a punch and recognition. The explosions seems to have very little effect on the terrai too, and the explosions itself looks so weak compared to other titles, im guessing this is because the realism factor they were going for as mentioned they did with aduio, but what realism does not always translate to good gameplay. As well as it lacks recognition, like the stukas for example, when the stuka in coh2 explosoins happens you instantly know its a stuka based on the huge firey explosion the comes and the powerfull impact, but in coh3 you couldnt tell the explosions apart because every explosion's looks the same but in different caliber.

Made a little comparisons video on the effects: https://youtu.be/zpiD6nIK3qE

In the coh3 section it just looks off, looks less dynamic as well and more of a recurring effects animation of the same explosion. As they said, sometimes people do like the Hollywood aspect in gameplay and for me the epic huge explosion's in coh1 is so satisfying, wish they would bring that back1

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Jan 20, 2023, 12:32:07 PM

Add high resolution textures please.Textures are even worse than Company of Heroes 2 :(

2 years ago
Jan 20, 2023, 12:41:26 PM

Problem what i see with my limited knowledge on sophisticated image rendering is that the overall brightness of the map looks to high compared to coh2.

Therefore pulling with its effect everything to a more lighter kind of shiny complain state of affairs, therefore i would suggest dimming the brightness and apply 

a kind of lens effect on it what maybe closely is similar to coh 2.

When moving such direction If the colour scheme debate keep glowing i would suggest they post a screenshot of such vehicles from wehr with coh2 three colour disruptive pattern

This should look close to similar with coh2 wonderful camo patterns 

Updated 2 years ago.

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