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2 years ago May 29,2023, 18:05:15 PM

Company of Heroes 3 - The Road Ahead of Us

5 930 Views

As you can imagine, last week was a difficult time for our team, and we want to thank players for their support and positive messages as we took a few days to regroup. Today we want to address a highly discussed topic in our community — what’s next for Company of Heroes 3? As mentioned in the message posted to Relic’s Twitter, Relic and SEGA are fully committed to supporting Company of Heroes 3 on PC and console. We know there are areas of the game not meeting your, or our, expectations, and we will continue to iterate, improve, and communicate with you as we take on your feedback and plan future updates. Please understand that following this week’s studio events we are still adapting and organizing, and our goal is to answer some of your questions on our upcoming priorities and game updates as best we can.  


What’s Next for Company of Heroes? 

Company of Heroes 3 - Console Edition release

Console Edition is releasing tomorrow, and we’re excited to welcome new players to our community. A welcoming, supportive, and growing community will allow us to continue supporting our game for years to come. 

Brass Leopard PC Update (1.1.5)

This update is on target to release on June 6th and will include a new 3vs3 co-op map, changes to gameplay (including Planes and Loiters), quality-of-life improvements, audio improvements, mod tool improvements and several bug fixes. You can check out our preview livestream here. We will be posting patch notes and a more robust overview closer to the release. 

Emerald Bear PC Update (1.2.0)

The Emerald Bear PC update following Brass Leopard is in its alpha stage and planned to be released in July. We will share more details about its contents once we complete our final testing. This patch is too far along in development to change any of its priorities; however, we are already reassessing priorities for subsequent updates. Once everything is locked in, we’ll share its release date and give you a sneak peek at what’s coming. Based on community feedback, we've dropped "Operation" from our update names to reduce any confusion about their size or scope. 

Communications Cadence

We intend to adhere to a more regular schedule of communications to ensure our players are kept up to date on all the latest news and updates. 

  • Bi-weekly Wire Reports (starting June 9th) – these blog posts will aggregate news about the game along with the best player content we’re seeing. It will include answers to frequently asked questions, and occasional insights from our developers.  

  • Bi-weekly livestreams (starting June 15th) – showcases, play sessions, Q&As with the Dev team, and more.   

Be sure to let our team know what you think of our future updates, the sneak peeks, the before/afters we’ve showcased, and our livestream previews from Brass Leopard. If you liked these types of previews, we’ll aim to have more in the future! 


The Road Ahead

Our team is committed to supporting Company of Heroes 3, and part of that support is building trust with our players and community. As mentioned above, we are reviewing and reassessing all our priorities for the game that are not already locked in for the June and July updates. You can see below that our Development Priorities roadmap has been adapted to reflect what content is coming, what is back on the table, and what has needed to shift.  

There are a lot of topics on the table right now and plenty of conversations for our team to have. Those include (in no order of priority): additional multiplayer maps, a replay feature, vote to surrender, additional balance updates, planning for additional content, and how/when we could integrate community-made maps to the game. 

We are also working on a longer-term roadmap to share with all of you, which will include descriptions of planned content and target dates. We are aiming to release this roadmap shortly after the July 1.2.0 PC update. 

This overview is just the beginning, and we understand it does not cover every concern that the community has raised. What hasn’t changed is our team’s commitment to supporting Company of Heroes 3 and continuing to improve the experience for all our players. Thank you again for your kind messages and continued support as we focus on the road ahead. Join us tomorrow to welcome our new console fans to the community and get ready for next week’s Brass Leopard PC Update! 

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2 years ago
May 29, 2023, 6:53:51 PM

Thanks for this thrilling raid! Looks like June is gonna be bigger than expected!
Mod Tools Improvement!!

I do hope we get the same capabilities as CoH1 down the road, officially! Model & music editing first and foremost! Even if it's only a Tweak like Total War games to shuffle with in-game assets!
Also cannot wait for a good and proper enhancement of the Italian Faction! Please shorten the tutorial phase, this section is a total turn off slog :°

Very excited for Relic's future! All hail to the developers, cheers!

2 years ago
May 29, 2023, 7:17:20 PM

Well done 

Keep improving the audio & pathfinding 

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
May 29, 2023, 8:09:46 PM

I will return to the game sooner rather than later if this frequency of updates and commitment is kept.

But it's clear that at this rate the game should've clearly been released in the autumn of this year.

2 years ago
May 29, 2023, 10:39:14 PM

All this time, and they have 1 map coming and its a co-op map? Holy gawd, fire the person who made that decision and give them a bad reference.

2 years ago
May 30, 2023, 4:30:58 AM

This all sounds like something to look forward to.

Let me ask you this though John. How do you expect us to believe any of the things listed? The damage is done it will take action to regain the trust of your core audience.

I really hope the right people were fired and the blatant lies pre-launch and inaction post launch finally stop. Time will tell, I for one wont be changeing my review for months from the looks of it, also I hardly doubt that anyone is currently in the mood to spend even a dime more on this game after all this mismanagement. 

I really hope for you guys, that in a few weeks the difficulties of "restructering" are surpassed, and the devlopment time picks up in speed. It has been depressing wittnessing the past months.

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
May 30, 2023, 6:50:24 AM

Fantastic news. Looks like the right priorities going forward. FWIW, COH is still one of my all time favorite franchises, and you guys absolutely don’t deserve the hostility you get from the community. Keep up the good work!

2 years ago
May 31, 2023, 11:18:02 AM

Company of Heroes 3 should really learn from the upcoming Street Fighter 6 in terms of attracting a large number of blue ocean players

Although Company of Heroes 3 and Street Fighter 6 are not the same type of game, they are both niche games, right?

The newly released Street Fighter 6 even has a pure entertainment mode of AI-assisted games. Inspired by this mode, I think Company of Heroes 3 should also add AI-assisted functions in the game to attract more blue ocean players

More rookie players means Relic can have more

fault tolerance rate.

More new players mean faster matching efficiency,

More new players means more skin sales,

Relic, do you dare to make some two-dimensional skins for sale? You want to sell skins to make money but don’t want to please young players. Some old players will pay for skins. There is no doubt that the main players who sell skins must be young players.

To put it simply, it is equivalent to an observer mode game that the player can control unilaterally. The main game is played by the AI, and the player guides the micro-manipulation. To put it bluntly, the game can be hung up reasonably!

You can even put the upgraded auxiliary AI on the mall for sale. Wouldn’t it be great to regularly iterate AI strength and continue selling?

The benefits of the auxiliary mode can actually benefit even the masters

1 For example, when you want to answer a very important phone call in the game

2 For example, when you want to pick up a postal package or deliver food in the game

3 For example, when you have to go to the bathroom or help your wife do other things in the game

Some people may say that this is still an RTS game! What I want to say is what type of game is so important! Don't you guys know that traditional Command & Conquer and Red Alert players don't even recognize Company of Heroes as an RTS game

In addition, no matter it is any type of game, his first task is to survive and then he may be qualified to carry it forward. I believe that if the sales of the game still do not improve in the next few months, it will not be waiting for the production team. The second layoff is so simple, it may be hard to say whether Relic will continue to exist, after all, for (SEGA), a studio that cannot bring profits has no value in existence

Here I really hope that the members of Relic can play the upcoming 6th generation of Street Fighter, and experience the efforts made by its production team to attract blue ocean players

2 years ago
Jun 3, 2023, 11:38:12 AM

Are you only looking into a replay feature or also an observer feature?

2 years ago
Jun 5, 2023, 8:11:53 AM

Sounds awesome let’s see Xbox series X  get all the content  as well ??

2 years ago
Jun 6, 2023, 1:32:16 PM

Thank you for the heads up. Please clarify: Is the console edition also getting Brass Leopard and Emerald Bear?

2 years ago
Jun 10, 2023, 9:57:57 PM

Super with the road map and being so honest with the community. COH3 is the only game I'm playing at the moment, at sounds like its going to be in the future as well :)

2 years ago
Jun 15, 2023, 4:35:48 PM

Would love to see random option for faction selection in PVP. 

Great to see that there are plans to continue to improve the game. It's a pleasure to play and my favorite game right now. Been playing since COH1 so it has real staying power for decades. Thanks for all of your hard work developers it is appreciated.

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Jun 18, 2023, 6:26:07 PM

I think it's great that you guys are making notable changes and improvements to the game, however I think you should balance the factions. The USF force remains a weak faction against the Germans and AfrikanCorps. I hope you take this into account.

2 years ago
Jul 29, 2023, 9:27:35 AM

Wann bekommen die Deutschen endlich eine DEUTSCHE Sprachspur???


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