We are incredibly excited to be partnering with Wounded Warriors Canada (WWC), a fantastic organization that supports Canada’s veterans, first responders and their families. We really believe in the work and values of Wounded Warrior Canada and know this cause will also be close to the hearts of our players. 

To help fundraise, we have created a number of swag bundles containing CoH3 and Wounded Warrior gear. If you donate via our co-branded Tiltify, you can opt to receive one of the great swag packages shown in the image below while stocks last. These packages are awarded on a first come first serve process, administered by Tiltify. This program will run until June 30th, so don’t miss out. We are now extending our support of Wounded Warriors Canada until July 20th! 

We have a couple great initiatives underway with WWC. First and foremost, we are sponsoring Canadian Armed Forces Veteran Patrick on WWC’s annual Battlefield Bike Ride!

Scott Maxwell, Executive Director for Wounded Warriors Canada had this to say regarding the partnership with Relic and the Battlefield Bike Ride:

“We are excited to partner with Relic Entertainment and its community to raise awareness of the challenges mental health injuries have on our Veterans, First Responders and their families. The Battlefield Bike Ride provides a platform to foster mental health education, highlight and share lived experiences surrounding post-traumatic growth, and provide an opportunity for Canadians to honor the sacrifices of those who have served – all while making a direct impact through fundraising in support of our life changing mental health programs.”

This year’s bike ride saw Patrick ride over 500 miles in 7 days through historic WW2 locations in Italy, from Ortona to Raveena, Italy (you can check bbrseries.ca for the whole itinerary). Some of the locations en route are even featured in our game! When asked why he wished to take part in the ride, Patrick said:

“I am taking part to support my fellow veterans and their families who are working through mental health issues. I myself am working through PTSD and know all too well the toll it takes on both me and my family. Everything I can do to help alleviate that for others, I will do. I’m excited to partner with Relic because they are helping me push for more on this. I would not likely be able to part take in the bike ride if it were not for Relic - not to mention their commitment to supporting the WWC mission. The same as the old saying goes that it takes a village to raise a child; well, those suffering through mental health illnesses / injuries are not alone. I am part of the team that all those people need.”

We are very proud to haved worked with Patrick and WWC on such a meaningful initiative. You can watch Patrick's intro video for the bike ride here. You can catch up on his epic ride on our social channels.