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2 years ago Jul 12,2023, 16:00:54 PM

[CONSOLE] Hotfix - Patch Notes

1 521 Views

  • Fixed a crash occuring during the Dynamic Italian Campaign.
  • Fixed an issue where SFX and Music stopped working in Campaign mode.
  • Fixed an issue where the tutorial didn't load a Keyboard and Mouse tutorial.
  • Fixed issues with lobby failure when leaving and joining parties while in a custom game.
  • Fixed some terrain flickering in mountains.
  • Fixed the event cues panel overlapping with other U.I. elements.
  • Fixed unaligned text in the command wheel tooltips.
  • Introduced improvements to performance and load times.
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2 years ago
Jul 12, 2023, 5:52:54 PM

Thanks for update...are you even bothering about new content like PC version?

Btw, we got only hotfix again and nothing more?

2 years ago
Jul 12, 2023, 6:00:40 PM

PC updates will eventually come to console with some level of adaptation, we're currently doing that work. You can always expect some lag time between PC and console.

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Jul 12, 2023, 6:18:57 PM
Gabby_RE wrote:

PC updates will eventually come to console. We're currently doing that work now. You can always expect some lag time between PC and console. We are targeting fall to catch console up to the 1.1.6 PC update.

Can't wait and thank you for answer!

There was really lack of information about this patches.

I'm glad that game is not dead on consoles.

2 years ago
Jul 12, 2023, 6:26:13 PM

There is another problem that I hope it will get fixed because it's causing the AI to shot upwards through the ground at anything and u can see the bullets coming from the ground and it's happening on a 2v2 map called AERE PERENNIUS 

2 years ago
Jul 12, 2023, 10:35:49 PM

Does this include fixing the general issue of not possible to use keyboard?

I just installed an update on PS5 but it still states and my keyboard ist still not working.

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Jul 13, 2023, 3:17:29 AM

See update on PS5.  Got excited as thought it may have included Camera Zoom update… No such luck? Assuming there will be an update to Zoom. As PC got it.  Any idea as to a time frame?   This would massively help pad user’s.  Also tactical pause is very useful.  But because of limited camera view ive developed tact pause anxiety especially when I have a number of units to command.  So once my unit’s start to engage I keep pausing every 5ish seconds cycle through every single one making sure they are ok,   So battles take far longer than they need.

What would be a really helpful option along with tact pause. Would be ability to play at half speed.

ESP my last Mission I think was Potenza.  Lack of zoom was a nightmare as you can’t zoom out far enough to view taller buildings so had no idea if enemy snipers were in them.   Lost so many brave units that were caught unawares.  Although played out very much as every battle to clear out a city in WW2.  Massive advantage to defending side. Attackers suffer Mass losses for little or no gains.  Until I did what every General does when faced with a well defended city.   Used Naval and artillery and flattened every bit off it.   ?

2 years ago
Jul 14, 2023, 12:00:42 PM

I absolutely love this game but it stopped launching on my console and I've tried absolutely everything.please help

2 years ago
Jul 21, 2023, 6:51:14 PM
GreenApple92 wrote:

Does this include fixing the general issue of not possible to use keyboard?

I just installed an update on PS5 but it still states and my keyboard ist still not working.

I have this update as well ( on my Xbox Series X, and can say that the K&M is not working on my end either, despite the patch notes listed saying that the K&M issues were fixed.

Both the Tutorial, and Tutorial Missions (Gela, Calabria) still revert to controller inputs and HUD, and it does not appear this bug has been squashed. Playing with a Razer Turret K&M and Xbox Series X.

Video of Issue: https://youtu.be/4MBb1WNC1xI

2 years ago
Jul 25, 2023, 9:29:56 PM
Gabby_RE wrote:

PC updates will eventually come to console with some level of adaptation, we're currently doing that work. You can always expect some lag time between PC and console.

This is understandable, but it is frustrating for console players when multiple PC patches are deployed ahead of any console updates. The game at its core is great, but it needs fixes and more content (patches) to keep it alive. 


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