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2 years ago Aug 31,2023, 15:55:54 PM

Fall/Winter Roadmap

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Today, we are eager to present our Roadmap for Company of Heroes 3 which covers the remainder of 2023. This roadmap graphic will give you an overview of the key updates and features we are targeting for this year.

Before we jump into talking about the PC base game, let’s touch on the upcoming Expansion for Company of Heroes 3. When Company of Heroes 3 launched on PC, we committed to an Expansion release in 2023. We’re pleased to confirm that work on this content is underway and that we are on track for a release this calendar year. We’re staying tight-lipped on expansion content for now but are excited to share more with you when the time is right. 

We want to take a moment to reflect on how the game has evolved since CoH3’s launch. To date we’ve released 3 named updates along with several smaller updates and hot fixes. Our most recent update, Emerald Bear, included additions that were highly requested by our players, such as New Maps, a New Player Profile, Core Gameplay Updates, Improved Pathfinding, and more.

However, we want to acknowledge that at release, CoH3 did not live up to the standards of some of our players. We know there is work to do to get this game to the level that we all expect from this great franchise, but we hope these updates and this roadmap demonstrate our commitment to that objective. We want to extend our thanks to our players for their continued investment, feedback, and patience as we have reorganized our teams and realigned our direction since the launch of the game. 

When it comes to the Console Edition of CoH3, we will be porting more updates, fixes, and improvements from the PC version. Our next update will catch the Console Edition up to the 1.1.6 [Brass Leopard] update, which will drop the first week of September. Brass Leopard will feature a new map, gameplay improvements, and audio updates. We’re aiming to share more info about future Console updates soon. 

Our next named PC update is Umber Wasp, which we are targeting for an October release. Umber Wasp will feature several gameplay improvements including unit responsiveness, continued unit pathfinding improvements, unit selection, improved map pings, a balance pass, and more. We think players will really notice and enjoy the host of gameplay changes landing with this update. 

Umber Wasp will also bring a new 4v4 Map for all modes called Sousse Wetlands and a reworked version of the 1v1 map Pachino Stalemate. It will also include match stats upon quitting a game, new unit cosmetics, and an in-game news system so that we can keep you up to date with all the latest in Company of Heroes 3. 

For most updates moving forward, we intend to deliver a targeted follow-up Balance tuning update focused on addressing key areas from the previous named update. Emerald Bear was the first update we delivered within this new structure, which received its tuning update in August. 

Our second named update, Steel Shepherd, is planned for December. We are happy to say that Replays along with the Replay Caster HUD will be a part of this update! The ability to view queued commands in Tactical Pause, Live Stats, and other valuable tools will be part of this much-requested feature when it launches. 

Steel Shepherd will also feature a new 1v1 map for all modes. Further work is being done to address immersion and gameplay affecting animations, and additional responsiveness improvements are also being worked on for this update. What’s more, based on data and feedback, we understand new players to the franchise have been struggling more than they should with the early sections of the game. To help with that, we’re overhauling our First Time Player Experience with a revamped Tutorial Mission and updates to the Campaign Map, including a reworked tutorial and an improved Supply system. While veteran players may not benefit directly from these changes, we know these updates will be really beneficial for onboarding new players and keeping them with the game. 

We hope this Roadmap gives you a good picture of the months ahead and a few things to look forward to. Our team, just like all of you, are huge fans of Company of Heroes, and we want to thank you for your ongoing support and feedback as we continue working on CoH3. 

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2 years ago
Aug 31, 2023, 4:22:44 PM

Thank you for publically acknowledging the poor launch, refreshing to see it in writing. 

Quick question, surrender button feature and community built maps in pvp rotation? 

Finally, is the first expansion payware or free? 

2 years ago
Aug 31, 2023, 4:23:18 PM

Please Guys, more zoom out, the players

 40+ old year have motion sickeness.

Help us please.

2 years ago
Aug 31, 2023, 4:28:34 PM

So bad roadmap....

MP Balance patch in feb? WTF?

What is this expansion? do i have to paid for it? what a joke...
nothing major to change.

2 years ago
Aug 31, 2023, 4:37:00 PM

Well, you've enough time for not mess this up (crossing fingers) + We really need the new BG and some Balance.  

Anyway goodluck.

2 years ago
Aug 31, 2023, 4:53:17 PM
Prostenall wrote:

So bad roadmap....

MP Balance patch in feb? WTF?

What is this expansion? do i have to paid for it? what a joke...
nothing major to change.

Each of the major updates (Umber Wasp & Steel Shepperd) will include balance changes. The tuning updates afterwards are to tidy up any issues. :) 

2 years ago
Aug 31, 2023, 5:08:55 PM

What about sounds? MG34 still sounds like a softair gun.... And Opel Blitz doesn't even have an enigne -.-

2 years ago
Aug 31, 2023, 5:11:30 PM

I was pretty scared the game would be a flop seeing the state it released in, but seeing the improvements I definitely can see a long life if the team keeps it up. 

That said I hope the expansion is not rushed and released like the base game was.

Right now my biggest gripe is off maps/artillery/planes are very overwhelming. Allies have more of them, putting axis at a disadvantage, but in general I think it's all too frequent and unfun. 

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Aug 31, 2023, 5:11:48 PM

I'm an avid supporter of the series but sometimes I wonder what in the name of God you tried to prove while making this game. It looks like you tried your best just to make sure coh3 doesn't have anything in common with coh2.

No Replay mode, no spectate mode, no surrender button, loading screen in multiplayer is simply pathetic, stats at the end of the game are a joke, victory screen is so so bad, profiles are a jest, recycled coh2 icons everywhere, multiplayer queue simply bad, even the menu itself is so bad made and a whole lot more I'm tired of bringing up.

Coh2 is a masterpiece. All you have to do is copy some stuff from there.

2 years ago
Aug 31, 2023, 6:40:05 PM

Snail pace for fundamentals. 

Hard to get excited for the bare minimum.

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Aug 31, 2023, 6:44:08 PM

Dear Relic, literally no one cares about single player experience. No one plays this game for the campaign, please wake up. You are wasting your time, and focusing on the wrong thing as you have with most of your previous patches. You need to iron out EVERYTHING that will keep this game alive before focusing on these minor things, literally dedicating months to it. I picked up CoH2 after some friends kept suggesting it to me. I have never launched single player at all, have > 1500 hours in the game. Neither did any of my friends. Do you not have data on how many of your players are playing the campaign at any given time? These developments can NOT be data driven, literally impossible. If there is data suggesting a significant portion of your players are spending significant amount of time in the campaign, please share it with your community, because these updates just leave a bad taste in my mouth, seeing how misplaced your efforts are.

1 Map is not enough, You need to add at least 5 maps per game mode for the game to be able to challenge CoH2 even REMOTELY. You clearly can not do this by yourself, so you NEED a way to add community maps into the map pool. This should be the highest priority. Next up should be new battle groups & new units. The game is EXTREMELY boring right now compared to CoH2, it's almost a snoozefest. Also add in the fact that there are maps that literally promote sitting in 1 spot and blobbing your entire army, none of the improvements you make will get positive feedback even if they're in the right direction because of lack of maps to demonstrate the changes you CAN possibly make.

I am baffled by how badly this project is being managed, it is mind blowing. Who on your team is suggesting single player changes at this moment when you're scoring < 1000 players concurrently at times????? Looks like you cut the wrong staff Relic.

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Aug 31, 2023, 8:44:13 PM

Honestly, Replay function in December, a core and base gameplay feature and mostly anything elese by than is just a bit polishing the game. 

So to get to the point its just feels not play worthy anymore, way to less maps, 1v1 and 2v2 players are starving, just feels like this is the news the last players abandon the sinking ship which is real sad as i loved CoH since 2006. For months im just watching news and did not played waiting for something exciting...

Than first new content is a expension which implements by its name that it might contains something but at the same time probably for more than a few bucks to pay for. 

alcngrk wrote:

Dear Relic, literally no one cares about single player experience. No one plays this game for the campaign, please wake up. You are wasting your time, and focusing on the wrong thing as you have with most of your previous patches. You need to iron out EVERYTHING that will keep this game alive before focusing on these minor things, literally dedicating months to it. I picked up CoH2 after some friends kept suggesting it to me. I have never launched single player at all, have > 1500 hours in the game. Neither did any of my friends. Do you not have data on how many of your players are playing the campaign at any given time? These developments can NOT be data driven, literally impossible. If there is data suggesting a significant portion of your players are spending significant amount of time in the campaign, please share it with your community, because these updates just leave a bad taste in my mouth, seeing how misplaced your efforts are.

1 Map is not enough, You need to add at least 5 maps per game mode for the game to be able to challenge CoH2 even REMOTELY. You clearly can not do this by yourself, so you NEED a way to add community maps into the map pool. This should be the highest priority. Next up should be new battle groups & new units. The game is EXTREMELY boring right now compared to CoH2, it's almost a snoozefest. Also add in the fact that there are maps that literally promote sitting in 1 spot and blobbing your entire army, none of the improvements you make will get positive feedback even if they're in the right direction because of lack of maps to demonstrate the changes you CAN possibly make.

I am baffled by how badly this project is being managed, it is mind blowing. Who on your team is suggesting single player changes at this moment when you're scoring < 1000 players concurrently at times????? Looks like you cut the wrong staff Relic.

Yes, idk who was in charge to force relic to make a literally pure MP game into an SP game and waste huge ressources into it and therfore ruining CoH3.

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Aug 31, 2023, 10:52:20 PM

Glad to see that CoH3 is moving towards a better direction under new management, go David!

2 years ago
Sep 1, 2023, 12:32:31 AM

Needs a new 2v2 map I don't see that in the roadmap. Also, what about updating all the old COH2 icons? The game still needs a visual and sound overhaul.

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Sep 1, 2023, 9:44:15 AM

Please relic hear the comunnity, where are the new battlegroups 6 month after the realease of the game and we have no notice, very few maps, observer mode in december? its a joke men.

We need a lot of more content to multiplayer forgot about the campaing nobody plays the campaing and also the ia is terrible. Please relic give the player what they want and improve the game. 

2 years ago
Sep 1, 2023, 10:44:04 AM

that's all good, but it's time to add new commanders to the store so that you can buy them with coins. and also add more equipment. assault tiger, yagpanther, pershing, etc.

2 years ago
Sep 1, 2023, 10:44:24 AM



the game is going to die on the consoles.

I see players dropping the game, because of several bugs...

One of the worst, new players cannot even play the game,
because of the connection errors. I could bypass that with a router setting,
but not all players know how to do that.

Remaining player base like myself is also annoyed to find matches,
since we drop the game search after 30 minutes waiting for a game..... oO.

Without cross platform play in 2023 the best RTS game I have ever played and seen on consoles will die on consoles.

Fixing issues will unfortunately not be enough I guess...

Anyway, looking forward that RELIC will rock this!

The game is good and playing with controller feels so great!

At least no one can say they didn't tried it XD

2 years ago
Sep 1, 2023, 9:53:28 PM

Relic, where the heck is the update on adding custom games and skirmish to co-vs AI stats tracking... we had this in COH1 and COH2.  Common guys your really screwing us comp stompers over.  We want to have the freedom to choose the map we want to play (including mod maps), how many AI opponents we play against and the difficulty of them.  This can only be done in skirmish and custom.  Seriously, get with the program guys, I'm shocked at the decision making you guys are doing in this area.  Your basically saying to a chunk of player base screw you, we don't want anyone abusing our systems rofl... who the heck cares if its not official anyways.  It's all about giving your customers something fun to work towards and play.  I've not read or heard anything about you guys fixing this.  I've spend 200 bucks so far on your game sad to say but not a penny more till this MAJOR error in judgement gets fixed.  I had so much fun with COH2 I'm sure I spent over 500 dollars on your game.  I'm just one person but I can't be the only one feeling this way.

One seriously bummed customer...

2 years ago
Sep 3, 2023, 11:31:06 AM

This guy hit the nail on the head. It amazes me how the devs spend time on single player campaign content for this game YOY. Do they not use data to make these decisions. GAME needs 4-5 more 3v3 and 4v4 maps, replay, surrender options and more BGs.  I have never launched SP in 3 coh games and none of my brothers or friends ever have either. NO ONE PLAYS SP RELIC!!!

alcngrk wrote:

Dear Relic, literally no one cares about single player experience. No one plays this game for the campaign, please wake up. You are wasting your time, and focusing on the wrong thing as you have with most of your previous patches. You need to iron out EVERYTHING that will keep this game alive before focusing on these minor things, literally dedicating months to it. I picked up CoH2 after some friends kept suggesting it to me. I have never launched single player at all, have > 1500 hours in the game. Neither did any of my friends. Do you not have data on how many of your players are playing the campaign at any given time? These developments can NOT be data driven, literally impossible. If there is data suggesting a significant portion of your players are spending significant amount of time in the campaign, please share it with your community, because these updates just leave a bad taste in my mouth, seeing how misplaced your efforts are.

1 Map is not enough, You need to add at least 5 maps per game mode for the game to be able to challenge CoH2 even REMOTELY. You clearly can not do this by yourself, so you NEED a way to add community maps into the map pool. This should be the highest priority. Next up should be new battle groups & new units. The game is EXTREMELY boring right now compared to CoH2, it's almost a snoozefest. Also add in the fact that there are maps that literally promote sitting in 1 spot and blobbing your entire army, none of the improvements you make will get positive feedback even if they're in the right direction because of lack of maps to demonstrate the changes you CAN possibly make.

I am baffled by how badly this project is being managed, it is mind blowing. Who on your team is suggesting single player changes at this moment when you're scoring < 1000 players concurrently at times????? Looks like you cut the wrong staff Relic.

2 years ago
Sep 5, 2023, 2:06:33 PM

I play SP... 

I loved that sense of achievement when I finished the campaigns/sets of missions on CoH 1 and 2 on hard. It was like, "yes! I finally got it!." Sad to say this game does not have the same feel. And why does it feel even more arcadey than the first two? Is that just because I've played GoH and MoW now?

Anyway I do appreciate the dedication to updating and improving. The launch did seem unworthy of a CoH brand. So thank you for the updates and the upcoming expansion. 


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