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a year ago Oct 31,2023, 16:18:00 PM

[PC] Umber Wasp Balance Tuning Update 1.3.1

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This Balance Tuning update is meant to alleviate some issues stemming from the Umber Wasp (1.3.0) update, and to provide some minor tuning adjustments to Multiplayer balance. This update also fixes an issue with framerates locking to 30 FPS. Here is a note on the goals of this update from Jason on our Balance team. 

Hey everyone, just a quick note from the balance team here. We're aware of the ongoing issues relating to DAK balance and Heavy Machineguns, and we're moving to address these issues. The fixes in this current patch are intended to alleviate the problem, but we're aware it will not fully solve them. Some of this work requires more systemic changes that we could not fit into a tuning update, but we hope to include in future updates, starting with 1.4.0 in December.  - Jason_RE


  • Pachino Stalemate (1vs1) and Sousse Wetlands (4vs4) have had their Automatch selection weight reset so they no longer have a higher chance of appearing. Our team will continue experimenting with this weighting in the future to try to find the best balance as we showcase new maps. 

Heavy Machine Guns  

  • Crew health decreased from 90 to 80. 
  • HMG 42 Team suppression dealt to suppressed targets reduced from 0.35 to 0.3. 
  • Vickers, M1919 Browning, and MG 34 suppression dealt to suppressed targets reduced from 0.5 to 0.4. 
  • HMG Incremental Accuracy standardized to 1.12. 
  • Infantry pin threshold increased from 0.5 to 0.65. 
  • Wide arc machine gun arcs reduced from 125 to 110.

US Forces 


  • M1 Garand cooldown modifier when in close quarters is reduced from 0.2 to 0.15.  

M24 Chaffee Light Tank 

  • Changes from 1.3.0 update reverted.  
  • Reload time decreased from 4/4.25 to 3.5/4 


M8 Greyhound 

  • Area of Effect model cap increased from 2 to 3. 

  • The tracking speed of the turret increased by 33%.


Flak 30 20mm AA Gun 

  • Area of Effect model cap reduced from 3 to 2. 
  • Incremental accuracy bonus removed.



  • Communication Cables sight range now properly affects all resource points.  
  • Decapture rate from Communication Cables removed. 
  • No longer gains bonus sight range from veterancy. (Tooltip will be adjusted in a future update).

Deutches Afrikakorps 

Axis 8 Rad Armored Car 

  • Main gun Area of Effect model cap reduced from 3 to 2. 
  • Receives +50% damage bonus to its coaxial machine gun rather than +100% from Armored Support Battlegroup’s Superior Fire Drills  


  • Kar98k cooldown multiplier at close range has been increased from 0.35 to 0.45.  


  • Manpower cost increased from 250 to 275. 
  • Tear Gas Shot now requires Veterancy 1. 
  • Tear Gas Shot duration reduced from 10 to 3 seconds.


Veteran Leaders 

  • Manpower cost increased from 200 to 250. 
  • No longer automatically reinforces Panzergrenadier Squads upon completion. 


Flak 36 Anti-Tank Gun Team 

  • Armor when decrewed reduced from 100 to 70; standardized with other team weapons 
  • Reload speed increased from 2.5/2.75 to 2.875/3.15; reload time increased by 15%  

Bug Fixes 

  • 250 Halftrack - Heal ability is no longer hidden under the Smoke Dischargers ability.  
  • Axis Loiters now have their health at their correct value of 1800 instead of 280.  
  • Axis Tigers Veterancy requirements now require 25% more XP to level
    (from 2200/6600/13200 -> 2750/8250/16500). 
  • Fixed an issue where "Framerate Limit" was locked to 30 FPS on machines where lower CPU specifications or hardware were detected
  • Dingo can now fire on the move. 
  • Fixed British Supply Surplus Cache and Infirmary upgrades being able to be built on top of existing Supply Caches. 
  • Fixed an issue where the StuG D's veterancy requirement was not set properly to 1000/3000/6000. 
  • Fixed M29 Weasel's Signal Layer ability not giving bonus resources. 
  • Using Focused Gunnery with the Vickers HMG no longer prevents group / band-box selection.
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a year ago
Oct 31, 2023, 4:20:46 PM

When "waiting for players to join" issue will be fixed? Three monts or so are passed since you've introduced it with your emerald bear update.

a year ago
Oct 31, 2023, 4:43:36 PM

I expect at least 2 new commanders per fraction

Updated a year ago.
a year ago
Oct 31, 2023, 4:49:08 PM

PANZERJAGERS price increase is HUGE LOL, piece of shit for 250 becomes piece of ---- FOR 275(!) MP. I see no word about gas round bug, when panzerjagers simply dont shoot. Who cares about their gas round rate of fire when they simply dont shoot? 

Updated a year ago.
a year ago
Oct 31, 2023, 5:06:21 PM

Panzerjagers I think have just been made useless. Teargas round is important to prevent vehicle dives and now it’s kind of worthless. I think they should be five man now or at least benefits from the veteran squad upgrade size increase. Maybe remove the lmg upgrade to compensate.

Updated a year ago.
a year ago
Oct 31, 2023, 5:13:01 PM

Finally, frame limit lock is removed! just leave it free even for those with lower CPU.

a year ago
Oct 31, 2023, 5:21:24 PM

"waiting for players to join"

a year ago
Oct 31, 2023, 5:39:50 PM
7und5cmLEIG18 wrote:

PANZERJAGERS price increase is HUGE LOL, piece of shit for 250 becomes piece of shit FOR 275(!) MP. I see no word about gas round bug, when panzerjagers simply dont shoot. Who cares about their gas round rate of fire when they simply dont shoot? 

I really am genuinely genuinely unsure if you're trolling.. You're so upset about a  25mp increase on a good unit belonging to the strongest faction the game?

a year ago
Oct 31, 2023, 5:43:03 PM

MMMM Panzerjagaers arnt getting enough credit on this forum....DPS 5.1 compared to BOYS AT at 4.2? i don't think they are as "useless" as some people think they are.

a year ago
Oct 31, 2023, 6:31:19 PM
aceridgey wrote:
7und5cmLEIG18 wrote:

PANZERJAGERS price increase is HUGE LOL, piece of shit for 250 becomes piece of shit FOR 275(!) MP. I see no word about gas round bug, when panzerjagers simply dont shoot. Who cares about their gas round rate of fire when they simply dont shoot? 

I really am genuinely genuinely unsure if you're trolling.. You're so upset about a  25mp increase on a good unit belonging to the strongest faction the game?

I am 100% sure that this is trolling or you don't fully understand the situation. The price of Panzerjager has been increased due to the buff of its Tear Gas Round ability, which may not work even once in 5 application attempts. Do not forget also that this unit is very weak in terms of such an indicator as the health of units / the number of these units. And I remind you that in addition to increasing the price of the only mobile AT-unit for DAK (let's close our eyes to the fact that this unit is very weak), we have a decrease in DPS of 8 RAD Armored Car by 2(!), which completely changes what is happening in the mid-game. DAK will have one mobile anti-personnel unit (hardly anyone will take 8 RAD) and this is Flakvierling, which will also be nerfed, given the fact that it is actually a strong unit. After such a patch, DAK will be officially a dead faction

a year ago
Oct 31, 2023, 6:42:26 PM
MadMeade32 wrote:

MMMM Panzerjagaers arnt getting enough credit on this forum....DPS 5.1 compared to BOYS AT at 4.2? i don't think they are as "useless" as some people think they are.

Since you decided to compare the performance of DPS against Panzerjagers and Infantry Section with Boys, i have to remind you  that the Infantry Section is a UNIVERSAL unit that can be specialized both as an anti-infantry(bren) and as an anti-vehicle(boys). What prevents you from just giving out Bren, any vehicles will be destroyed by stuarts that absolutely any player spams (otherwise this player is doomed to defeat).

a year ago
Nov 1, 2023, 2:00:25 AM
7und5cmLEIG18 wrote:
aceridgey wrote:
7und5cmLEIG18 wrote:

PANZERJAGERS price increase is HUGE LOL, piece of shit for 250 becomes piece of shit FOR 275(!) MP. I see no word about gas round bug, when panzerjagers simply dont shoot. Who cares about their gas round rate of fire when they simply dont shoot? 

I really am genuinely genuinely unsure if you're trolling.. You're so upset about a  25mp increase on a good unit belonging to the strongest faction the game?

I am 100% sure that this is trolling or you don't fully understand the situation. The price of Panzerjager has been increased due to the buff of its Tear Gas Round ability, which may not work even once in 5 application attempts. Do not forget also that this unit is very weak in terms of such an indicator as the health of units / the number of these units. And I remind you that in addition to increasing the price of the only mobile AT-unit for DAK (let's close our eyes to the fact that this unit is very weak), we have a decrease in DPS of 8 RAD Armored Car by 2(!), which completely changes what is happening in the mid-game. DAK will have one mobile anti-personnel unit (hardly anyone will take 8 RAD) and this is Flakvierling, which will also be nerfed, given the fact that it is actually a strong unit. After such a patch, DAK will be officially a dead faction

The biggest problem is moving the tear gas round to vet 1. This makes building Jagers late game worthless now as they can't provide you with a snare until they get vet. Late game they are too weak to fend off tanks.

a year ago
Nov 1, 2023, 3:56:08 PM
Sallywag wrote:

Panzerjagers I think have just been made useless. Teargas round is important to prevent vehicle dives and now it’s kind of worthless. I think they should be five man now or at least benefits from the veteran squad upgrade size increase. Maybe remove the lmg upgrade to compensate.

good idea!

a year ago
Nov 3, 2023, 7:44:17 AM
shinasukac wrote:

nice path,260manpower rm can kill 300manpower pg even dont lose a man

And if you try long distance? I thought afrika pg are for long distance and riflemen - medium, no? 

a year ago
Nov 8, 2023, 8:39:16 PM

HOW long will it be until anti-personnel mines and new commanders are added

a year ago
Nov 10, 2023, 8:59:28 AM

With the new patch, everyone is waiting for new commanders and the expansion of the store with these commanders ...

and the ability to buy everything without donation, purely for game coins. 

there are still a lot of maneuvers with these commanders that can have enhanced capabilities. 

They can have not 10 but 12 special abilities that will expand their interactions. AND IT'S ALSO TIME TO ADD NEW COMMANDERS.... IT'S LONG TIME

a year ago
Dec 12, 2023, 3:11:12 PM

This version is my favorite version.

How can I go back to this version?


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