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a year ago Nov 16,2023, 18:05:56 PM

[PC] Major Update and Expansion Pack

7 334 Views

On December 5th we are releasing the biggest update to Company of Heroes 3 ever – Steel Shepherd (1.4.0), along with The Hammer & Shield Expansion Pack. It’s going to be a big day for the game, so mark it in your calendars! 

Steel Shepherd is bringing impactful updates, new free content including maps, and additional improvements to key areas of the game. We already gave an overview of what players should look out for back when we released our Roadmap in late August. Replays, a new 1v1 Map, Onboarding Improvements, and several gameplay updates were among what was revealed at this time. However, since then, we’ve been able to squeeze additional improvements and content into Steel Shepherd, which we think players will really appreciate. One such item is a major Visual Update which encompasses numerous areas of the game. Not only that, but we’re also introducing a substantial overhaul of the Campaign Map Systems, a Main Menu Redesign, an additional 2v2 Map, and more! 

You can now see all of the items you can expect in Steel Shepherd in the graphic below. On November 30th, we will be diving deep on several of the changes in Steel Shepherd, so make sure to stay tuned to our social channels and our new Company of Heroes Twitch channel to soak up all the details. 



The Hammer & Shield Expansion Pack is also releasing on December 5th, alongside the Steel Shepherd update. Hammer & Shield introduces two contrasting new Battlegroups for Multiplayer/ Co-op and Single Player Skirmish — the US Forces Advanced Infantry Battlegroup and the Wehrmacht Italian Coastal Battlegroup.  

For solo strategists, an all-new British Forces Air & Sea Campaign Company allows you to tackle the Italian Campaign with bold combined arms tactics that synergize particularly well with the free Campaign Map overhaul arriving in Steel Shepherd. In addition, Hammer & Shield also includes four Premium Cosmetic packs, equipping each army with new cosmetics for select units. 

Hammer & Shield will be available for $16.99 USD from December 5th.

Over the coming weeks we will be sharing more information about the content in Hammer & Shield. For now, check out our short Sizzle Trailer which gives a flavor of each piece of content in Hammer & Shield. 

Find Hammer & Shield on Steam 

For more info and details please check out our FAQ.  

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a year ago
Nov 16, 2023, 7:06:47 PM

Please, fix "waiting for players to join" already.

Battlegroup for money... Okay...

Updated a year ago.
a year ago
Nov 16, 2023, 7:13:14 PM

well this is better than nothing i guess i really was hoping for 1 battlegroup for every faction minimum... well atleast we got 2 new for 2 factions out of 4 factions

a year ago
Nov 16, 2023, 7:24:32 PM

Are the battlegroups locked behind the DLC or will they be available in the ingame store for merit as well?

a year ago
Nov 16, 2023, 8:40:00 PM

Hello, I saw the dlc page on Steam and saw that the Russian language was added to the game?

a year ago
Nov 16, 2023, 9:10:21 PM
PatFenis wrote:

Are the battlegroups locked behind the DLC or will they be available in the ingame store for merit as well?

You can unlock the multiplayer Battlegroups via the in-game store for 10,000 Merit each. 

a year ago
Nov 16, 2023, 9:28:57 PM

Dope patch! Amazing work on the enhancement of the game!!
Expansion is actually a DLC content worth of stuff, you're miss-labeling your products, expansions are huge single-player drop, the real expansion is the patch, almost! xP

I will spam a little bit about the menu, but please stop making redundant sub-menus it's a real chore to navigate!

A well-rounded menu proposition just for you below, with love!

a year ago
Nov 16, 2023, 9:39:30 PM

Thanks guys! Looks fantastic, love the new menu! 

Does it look like we will be able to set different avatars?

Game looks great already imo but after seeing the clips from incoming changes it I cant wait to give a go! 

Big hopes for some tweaks around balancing factions :crossed_fingers

Lgtm go go

a year ago
Nov 16, 2023, 9:40:04 PM

The newly announced COH3 Expansion for December is a complete joke...

What we got for 15$ in 2014 (COH2)?

- Two new Factions (US Forces + OKW)

- 3 Doctrines each (6 in total)

- new camouflage patterns 

- many new maps

What we will get for 17$ in 2023 (COH3)?

- Two new Doctrines 

- One new Campaign Company

- some cosmetics

This is an utter joke...

a year ago
Nov 16, 2023, 10:26:49 PM

There are many things changed that is good, I have questions for November 30th, SP:

-City signs have not been changed, they continue with the "art" of the launch. It doesn't bother me though.

-There are no names of cities/airfields/airports when we select one

-Screen of the three leaders; loyalty I hope can be seen and understood better.
-Unit and city panels remain the same, same "art". I think this change should have been made. Maybe in the future?

Updated a year ago.
a year ago
Nov 16, 2023, 11:09:42 PM

More out zoom guys, the cinetosys (sickness) are agressive with so close zoom in the game.

a year ago
Nov 17, 2023, 6:49:48 AM

Battlegroup and skins for money. Ahaha

It was a waste to hope for new factions such as the USSR or Japan.

a year ago
Nov 17, 2023, 6:54:08 AM

Yes, with a colored background it looks better, but the portraitr appears cut off at the top. The game looks like it's in alpha state.
It is because portraits are being used instead of icons

My suggesttion: put clean icons that are in the game

a year ago
Nov 17, 2023, 8:21:01 AM

add more equipment to each commander. Where is the P26 / 40 heavy tank?!! Two combat groups is very little in a year. A minimum of two groups per faction is required. I expect a large scale of equipment and a larger selection of infantry units

a year ago
Nov 17, 2023, 11:12:28 AM

Just two battlegroups? I expected at least one battlegroup per faction... 

a year ago
Nov 17, 2023, 6:57:28 PM

Just to tell you that I am very disappointed with what Company of Heroes is becoming. I have been a fan of the series since coh 1, 2 completely made me love it for years. The campaign, the DLC and the cooperative war theater that happiness. But with the 3 I don't have any pleasure in the solo missions, it seems that you did everything in a hurry. The missions have no meaning and are too repetitive. I miss the coh 2 campaign missions a lot. The multiplayer is fun in coh 3, but it is not as exciting as in coh 2, The battle group system is very bad, we should have left the generals as in coh2. No ranked game possible as in 2 with a system to level up, all that should have been added. And to finish the expansion the hammers and the shield, guys what are these? an expansion is not that! I'm very disappointed. I don't want to disrespect you, you have worked hard and you all know it. But it's really a shame to no longer have fun like in Company of Heroes 2, which for me was your best game.

is Realy not one expenssion , sorry but is not . Battle group and skins ? wtf siriousl guys . No new faction , New campaign ? that's realy bad for the first expenssion . And i am a big fan guys . not a kid trolls .

Updated a year ago.
a year ago
Nov 17, 2023, 11:54:42 PM

I was one of the BIGGEST vocal haters of the graphics/visuals/color/lighting in the comments for COH3, but the expansion's graphics improvements look to be the real deal! (so far)

Fantastic job! WOW. The only thing to complain was that it took so long. 

a year ago
Nov 18, 2023, 8:23:34 PM

Good job for this patch

It's what the game needed when release, with this content, it would have not those mixed reviews on steam, but we can't go back in time, good the work is well done now

a year ago
Nov 19, 2023, 8:24:53 AM

MOTION in the right direction. Now add 2 more Battlegroups before the end of the year. First of all, add a heavy Italian TANK P26 / 40  to Africa and a sniper, as it is necessary on sandy areas.

For British troops, add Mk.VIII Cromwell A27M from Stand and Comets

Updated a year ago.

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