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a year ago Nov 16,2023, 18:00:10 PM

[PC] 1.4.0 - FAQ Steel Shepherd + Hammer and Shield

4 897 Views

Exciting times are ahead for players who are waiting on the Expansion Pack and more content. Our biggest update of the year, the 1.4.0 Steel Shepherd Update, is launching on December 5th! Additionally, we are also releasing the Hammer & Shield Expansion Pack on the same day.       

This list of Frequently Asked Questions is a work in progress, and we will continue to update it as we get along. If you have additional questions, be sure to leave them in the comments below.

When is the Steel Shepherd (1.4.0) update launching? 

The 1.4.0 Update launches on PC on December 5th 2023.  

What is included in the Hammer & Shield Expansion Pack? 

  • 2 New Battlegroups 
    • US Forces Advanced Infantry Battlegroup 
    • Wehrmacht Italian Coastal Battlegroup 
  • 1 New Campaign Company
    • British Forces Air & Sea Campaign Company
  • Premium Cosmetic Packs 
  • Check out Steam for more info

What content is releasing on December 5th? 

On December 5th, the PC Edition of Company of Heroes 3 will receive the free content in the Steel Shepherd (1.4.0) update, along with the official launch of the Hammer & Shield Expansion Pack content on Steam. 

I have the Company of Heroes 3 Premium Edition, what should I expect? 

Any Premium Edition owners will automatically receive all content from the Hammer & Shield Expansion Pack for free as part of the Premium Edition. 

Can I unlock the Hammer & Shield Premium Cosmetics Packs without unlocking the Expansion Pack? 

The Premium Cosmetic Packs included in the Hammer & Shield Expansion Pack are only available at this time when acquiring the Expansion Pack on Steam, they are not part of the in-game store offering. 

Can I unlock the British Forces Air & Sea Campaign Company without unlocking the Expansion Pack? 

At this time, the British Forces Air & Sea Campaign Company included in the Hammer & Shield Expansion Pack is only available when acquiring the Expansion Pack on Steam. It is not available for individual purchase. 

Can I unlock the US Forces or Wehrmacht Battlegroups without unlocking the Expansion Pack? 

Yes, both the US Forces Advanced Infantry Battlegroup and Wehrmacht Italian Coastal Battlegroup can be individually unlocked through the in-game Store for the price of 10,000 Merit each.  

Where can I purchase the Hammer & Shield Expansion Pack? 

On Company of Heroes 3 Steam Store page.

What is the cost of the Hammer & Shield Expansion Pack?  

The price on Steam is $16.99 USD. Please refer to the Hammer and Shield Steam page for local currency pricing on December 5th. 

I own the premium edition, how can I access my content?

Please try unchecking/checking the DLC in your Steam game settings.


When is the next Update for the Console Edition? 

Our aim is to catch up the Company of Heroes 3 Console Edition to Steel Shepherd by the Spring of 2024. Certain PC specific features and pieces of content will not be coming to the Console Edition, and we will have details on what is, and is not, included in early 2024. What this means is that the Company of Heroes Console Edition should receive the Emerald Bear, Umber Wasp, and Steel Shepherd updates all at once by the Spring of 2024.  

How can I know more about the content in Hammer & Shield? 

Keep an eye on YouTube and our Social channels (TW, FB, IG) as we will release several content videos in the next weeks.  

How can I learn more about the free content coming in the Steel Shepherd Update? 

Follow us on social media (TW, FB, IG) and our community platforms (Discord, Official Forums) as we’re showing multiple sneak peeks of the upcoming update in the next weeks. You can also join us on Twitch on November 30th to meet with the developers that worked on the update and watch our overview with our producer David. 

How can I learn more about the Multiplayer and Single Player balance changes? 

Join us on Twitch on December 5th for a patch note review of the balance changes with our Gameplay Designers.  



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a year ago
Nov 16, 2023, 7:59:15 PM

I really have to tell you something now, how can it be that you have so many construction sites, but absolutely want something to be sold to you again? Don't you want to fix all the bugs first and make your customers happy? Or do you all want to be unemployed at Relic because Sega pulls the plug like they did with Creative Asembly?

a year ago
Nov 17, 2023, 12:22:54 AM

If I understand what I'm reading correctly console won't receive any of the major updates until spring of 2024! I know you stated "by spring" but I feel confident considering the console track record in assuming this won't go ahead of schedule.

If this is indeed the case that's honestly ridiculous. Console desperately needs updates right now and putting it off for another 4+ months is gonna hurt and could possibly kill the Console version of the game. 

I'm not trying to be dramatic but RTS games are somewhat of a niche on consoles compared to PC and by leaving it without new content or balancing issues that the devs and playerbase are all aware of for such a long length of time is absolutely gonna to hurt the playerbase as it is already getting significantly smaller

a year ago
Nov 17, 2023, 8:09:02 AM

You are mocking, the update for the console is current by spring, the game on consoles will die, you will make a crossplay between xbox and ps5, then the search comes to a 20-minute wait, and you also want to trim the content for us judging by your answers, it's a horror, why are we worse than pc players why should we trim the content, we the same amount of money was paid!!

a year ago
Nov 17, 2023, 9:50:21 AM

Its really a shame that this is what being offerd as a expansion, not even a battlegroup for all factions. you could have implemented the campagin units into battlegroups like the archer tank and canadian shocktroopers or something more then this. the game is fun but the lack of content is killing the game  for me.

a year ago
Nov 17, 2023, 10:05:26 AM

Where is the usual cromwell tank?? not anti-personnel but universal? where is the Italian P26/40 heavy tank??? Minimum of 2 battlegroups per faction!!!!!!!

a year ago
Nov 17, 2023, 3:39:55 PM
Kami_RE wrote:

How can I know more about the content in Hammer & Shield? 

Keep an eye on YouTube and our Social channels (TW, FB, IG) as we will release several content videos in the next weeks.  

Im happy to see new content and updates! Im not really sure about the content of the expansion pack, but with this info, i hope that you didnt release all infos and content about the expasion pack so far and you give us more infos in the next weeks about?! Im not quite sure how i have to sort that pack into a dlc or cosmetics pack or something else so, im not that sad about it but i think its confusing as an expansion pack with that kind of content. So keep it up, im happy to check in again when the updates are ready to test. Also the free updates are pretty good and how you said that you touched every single code file, thats a lot! Thanks for that and lets see what we get on 5th Dec.

a year ago
Nov 17, 2023, 5:38:45 PM

man, I find these comments really self-entitled and disrespectful! 

a year ago
Nov 17, 2023, 6:36:27 PM

Just to tell you that I am very disappointed with what Company of Heroes is becoming. I have been a fan of the series since coh 1, 2 completely made me love it for years. The campaign, the DLC and the cooperative war theater that happiness. But with the 3 I don't have any pleasure in the solo missions, it seems that you did everything in a hurry. The missions have no meaning and are too repetitive. I miss the coh 2 campaign missions a lot. The multiplayer is fun in coh 3, but it is not as exciting as in coh 2, The battle group system is very bad, we should have left the generals as in coh2. No ranked game possible as in 2 with a system to level up, all that should have been added. And to finish the expansion the hammers and the shield, guys what are these? an expansion is not that! I'm very disappointed. I don't want to disrespect you, you have worked hard and you all know it. But it's really a shame to no longer have fun like in Company of Heroes 2, which for me was your best game.

a year ago
Nov 17, 2023, 8:20:42 PM
GunOfGloryRTSWar1992 wrote:

man, I find these comments really self-entitled and disrespectful! 


I'm not sure myself if I would feel encouraged in any way by having such community around my game.

a year ago
Nov 17, 2023, 9:52:10 PM

I can ignore the store for some useless skins. But this content here for a "DLC" should be a free update. A DLC should have a new Campaign at least with a New Faction or some thing in that calibre, man the games market really changed to worse.
This is just sad and greedy.

a year ago
Nov 17, 2023, 10:03:50 PM

I think that using the word "Expansion", we all think of something more substantial than a handful of BGs

a year ago
Nov 17, 2023, 10:05:52 PM
GunOfGloryRTSWar1992 wrote:

man, I find these comments really self-entitled and disrespectful! 

Forgive them, for they remember what things were like for Company of Heroes 2. Consider that some of us bought the premium edition which promised the first expansion for free. This one sits somewhere between Ardennes Assault or Western Front Armies and British Forces in price and gives you... some battlegroups and skins. It's only reasonable to feel disappointed given what you got in CoH2, which would have been the baseline for determining the value of a CoH3 expansion.

a year ago
Nov 17, 2023, 11:08:10 PM
GunOfGloryRTSWar1992 wrote:

man, I find these comments really self-entitled and disrespectful! 

While I cannot speak for everyone, but given that you didn't specify who your comment is directed towards I'll cover myself by saying that consoles need TLC. The timetable that the devs have provided eludes to Console going nearly a full year with only 1 update and no new content aside from a single PvE map.

Entitled? No we paid just like everyone else and have been left hung out to dry and for me personally that's incredibly frustrating to deal with.

Also disrespectful? Again to that I say no, as I stated I cannot speak for everyone but even from what I've seen players are just annoyed with the development of the game to this point and fairly so. They should be able to get that out there. Disrespectful would be personal insults and criticism that is not relevant or productive to the topics at hand

a year ago
Nov 19, 2023, 8:27:16 AM

MOTION in the right direction. Now add 2 more Battlegroups before the end of the year. First of all, add a heavy Italian TANK P26 / 40  to Africa and a sniper, as it is necessary on sandy areas.

For British troops, add Mk.VIII Cromwell A27M from Stand and Comets

a year ago
Nov 20, 2023, 12:36:12 AM

While I agree that the console players should receive the same amount of love as PC players, a majority of these comments are over the top. Really solid improvements have been made with each patch. We forget that CoH2 took a while to come into its own. CoH3 is making great progress in my eyes. Sure, this paid DLC feels a little light, but it's a way for players to show support. With more funds we can get more development and improvements. If you don't want it, don't buy it. 

a year ago
Nov 20, 2023, 7:25:26 AM
bonkill wrote:

While I agree that the console players should receive the same amount of love as PC players, a majority of these comments are over the top. Really solid improvements have been made with each patch. We forget that CoH2 took a while to come into its own. CoH3 is making great progress in my eyes. Sure, this paid DLC feels a little light, but it's a way for players to show support. With more funds we can get more development and improvements. If you don't want it, don't buy it. 

I don't want to support a game with a store this predatory though. And this game is nothing like CoH2 at similar stages in development. This "expansion" doesn't even come close to the DLC packs that were sold for CoH2 in terms of content, let alone the actual expansions. At best, Hammer and Shield compares to getting two and a half commanders and a few skin packs in CoH2, except not really, since unlike CoH2, CoH3 doesn't even have complete skin packs!

a year ago
Nov 20, 2023, 10:53:35 PM

To me it looks like you guys did the bare minimum  amount of work on the expansion just so you can fill your obligation to the premium owners, was hoping for a extended campaign map or a Italian army faction at the minimum. Makes me sad to see this happen. I won't be shocked when this is the last major update to the game. I hope you prove me wrong and the game has support and more additions for years to come, only time will tell.

Updated a year ago.
a year ago
Nov 20, 2023, 11:37:03 PM

Look what the same price (or lower) got you with the CoH2 expansions.

Look what a lower price gets you today with the AoE4 expansion (a game by Relic).

It's shameful.

a year ago
Nov 22, 2023, 9:27:55 PM
Toljus wrote:

Look what the same price (or lower) got you with the CoH2 expansions.

Look what a lower price gets you today with the AoE4 expansion (a game by Relic).

It's shameful.

Age of Empires 4 = Microsoft Games / Company of Heroes 3 = Sega


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