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(data dig)i final found why matilda and grant kill infanty so fast

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3 months ago
Apr 28, 2024, 6:16:30 PM

matilda main gun Scatter Area  8-32           

             HMG Scatter Area  2-25


grant main gun Scatter Area     15-54     

         second main gun  Scatter Area  7-27

         HMG  Scatter Area  0-0


Panzer III   main gun  Scatter Area  18-65

                  HMG  Scatter Area    22-246


panzer iv   main gun  Scatter Area  0-55     (the near scatter area maybe wrong not 0 because rate of fire shows -1 i think it maybe 15-55)

                   HMG  Scatter Area    22-246


from the data, you can see, matilda main gun, and grant second main gun have double hit chance to hit the infantry,and panzer iii is the worsest hit-chance    

3 months ago
Apr 28, 2024, 7:18:34 PM

brits late game is the best, its probably the faction that suffers the most until late game, playing them, is no walk in the park neither.. you will have to defend for 3/4 of a game before pushing hard to regain control.. In the previous tuning no one played them in 1v1, and they had one BG who was decent with the gurkas, now they are worth something but its not a broken faction, far from that

3 months ago
Apr 29, 2024, 4:30:42 PM
CybR wrote:

brits late game is the best, its probably the faction that suffers the most until late game, playing them, is no walk in the park neither.. you will have to defend for 3/4 of a game before pushing hard to regain control.. In the previous tuning no one played them in 1v1, and they had one BG who was decent with the gurkas, now they are worth something but its not a broken faction, far from that

Where you have this information from that no one played brits in last tuning?

Even if early game brits is up, there is no reason t4 should be op. I totally agree that grant and especially matilda has far too much wiping potential to infantry, especially against 4 model squads. Matilda constantly two shots squads and at guns. Yes, it is slow, but it has high armor/health and smoke on top. Backed up by a pack or any other at and it is super hard to push against. I cant even count how many squads i lost to stupid matilda one/two shots.


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