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Cool fact: 3 Tiger Tanks from trailer

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4 years ago
Jul 25, 2021, 3:43:39 AM

Those three Tiger Tanks that appear at the end of the trailer are based on a historical context and are the first vehicles to arrive in Tunisia in November 1942. In the first operation they participated in which took place in December of the same year, those three vehicles destroyed 9 American and 3 British tanks on the first day alone.

I can feel that we have TIGER ACE once again <3

For more details check out the explanatory video below:

Tiger tank in Africa (1942-1943): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkay9tAI1O4 

4 years ago
Jul 25, 2021, 6:01:02 AM

While Tiger tanks did see action in North Africa, none of the tanks in the trailer are Tigers. The Panzer IVs at the end have armour added to their turrets which makes them look more like Tigers. Fun fact: the Allies often made this mistake, leading to exagerated claims about how many Tiger tanks had been encountered/destroyed.


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