Hey everyone! I’m Andy, a Systems and Gameplay Designer on the Company of Heroes 3 team. You may remember my write up on A Day in the Life of a Gameplay Designer! I’m here today to share a look at the design and implementation of Campaign Companies and how they provide gameplay options on the Dynamic Campaign Map in Italy and in Missions.
Let’s start by giving you a high-level view of what a Campaign Company is.
What are Campaign Companies?
Campaign Companies are upgradable units that you’ll move on the Dynamic Campaign Map. Companies can be used to capture cities and engage in combat. Each Company can be customized with Detachments to expand their skill set. You’ll move and manage a couple of Companies at a time, deploying them around Italy as you see fit. You’ll have access to several Companies in the campaign and each company type comes with its own suite of abilities and tasks they’ll be better suited to performing.
On the Campaign Map
On top of general movement and combat skills, each company type has a Trait that allows them to move around the battlefield or grants them access to a unique ability.
For example, the American Airborne company has the “Paradrop” trait. This allows them to be dropped behind enemy lines by a C-47 Aircraft. Whereas the British Indian Artillery get access to a barrage ability that will allow them to soften up targets or make capturing structures take fewer turns.
It’s important to keep these unique abilities in mind when you’re deciding where to send your Companies on the campaign map.
A Bit About Investment
Companies come with a few abilities when they’re first purchased but by engaging in combat and Missions, they’ll gain Skill Points. Skill Points are used to unlock additional tools on the campaign map, and a suite of Upgrades, Abilities, and Unit Unlocks for use in Missions.
The items you can unlock cover a wide range of power levels and utility. You’ll want to plan out how you’re doing to spend your Skill Points over time. Do you save up to 6 Skill Points to unlock the Carpeting Bombing run? Or do you spend 2 now to increase your munitions rate in Missions? Or maybe you want another slot for Ddetachments.
Choose carefully and craft each company to how you’d like them to be played.
In the Missions
When you load into a Mission or Skirmish, you’ll have access to any abilities you’ve unlocked on the Dynamic Campaign Map. All you need is the appropriate number of Command Points to use them, and the resources to spend to bring exciting units onto the field, or to reign havoc on the enemy forces.
Be mindful of which Company you take into a given mission. Depending on what abilities you’ve chosen to unlock you may have an easy or hard time dealing with the threats you’re about to face. Is it better to take your Indian Artillery into a defensive Skirmish? Or should you send them to a Mission where you need to gain territory and can utilize their barrages differently? Should you deploy the Airborne against a heavily armored threat? These are the kind of choices you’ll be faced with, make the correct one and reap the rewards.
That’s it for this quick overview of Companies and how they’ll work in Company of Heroes 3. Let us know what you think!
Do you have any ideas for Companies you’d love to see in the Mediterranean theatre?
What types of new and exciting abilities would you like Companies to get?
I know there are plenty on here that would disagree but I would love to see -FULL- Italian, French, and Polish companies. If you look at my threads dedicated to the topic you will find an extensive list of units, vehicles, equipment, and even first pass abilities for Italy and France. I know you have gone out of your way to say you are aware of the community call for something that includes these other nations. I appreciate it every time you bring it up because it feels like we are being heard.
There are two reasons this is a good idea, #1 The very obvious chance to expand peoples knowledge of the fight for Italy before someone mentioned it I had no clue Poland was even still fighting anything or anyone at this point not to mention to have a whole Corps to themselves and were key in taking Monte Cassino one of the set piece parts of this games campaign. Lets also not forget the free french forces that have been fighting from all over Africa and included in the Italian campaign as well.
#2 a perfect way to both package and profit would be selling factions and their corresponding companies as DLC. Also it makes the campaign even more replayable because people could replay the campaign as the new factions/companies. Those two things alone should easily persuade the COH dev team, Relic, and Sega its worth going after.
I love it. Dev team I know you are thinking about the Pacific campaign at some point. Dont deny it! Think about all the interesting and fun things you can do with Naval units and the Marine Corps!
Assuming there will be Easy/Medium/Hard difficulty modes for this campaign (are there?), what ways are you guys looking to change the way Campaign Map challenges players? Will you look to change how Skill Points are awarded to players from missions and, if yes, how so?
I hope that the map will be like on Empire total war campaign and when you select a battle you get to go in and control it. Anyways looks good so far, can't wait to play test it :)
Thank you for sharing Campaign Companies. Thanks for answering my question @JohnT_RE about the live Q&A sessions. Also good to see you still posting on here, thanks @Banditks for your idea of expanding the factions, I agree with your first point but really despise the second request of yours which was the pay-to-play DLC money grabs in games these days. In Ardennes Assault, I still til this day didn't purchase the Rangers faction, it was not the price point but the fact I had to buy it as an add-on that really never sat well with me. I think that was attempted in COH originally with Brits and other factions that were add on factions and I don't think that appeals to the majority of current gen gamers. Sure games have to generate revenue so maybe this can work if implemented properly I just don't know of how in an Modern RTS how that would work. If you pay $60 for a game, you don't want to play the game to not be able to play it in it's entirety, not just 85% of it or not be included in games with those that obviously paid for the upgrade. In your idea, certain factions that may cost $20 more. To me the game should reward gamers with all factions as free DLC but down the road after a firm player base is formed. Too many changes too soon beyond the needed patches/fixes really sort of ruins games after nerf upon nerf so that every unit becomes OP at some point. I don't know if there is a way around this but I agree other countries should be included, just not sure the pay to play is a route for sustained player growth and retention.
Sorry got off topic back to Andy's point -
Q: Do you have any ideas for Companies you’d love to see in the Mediterranean theatre? A: See BanditKS points, but I am even thinking of certain squads within existing factions like PE was to Germans. It doesn't always have to be a different country to be a cool new Company. I would like to be able to edit the Title of the Company and select it's "badge" or customize it to be more personal to the player. You can keep it with even provided options if it would create issues.
Q: What types of new and exciting abilities would you like Companies to get? A: I think it'll be a fine line between analysis paralysis with too many abilities and not quite sure if Rock/paper/scissors is essential on the Dynamic campaign map. Sure, you need to be able to counter units you come up against but not in every situation so perhaps abilities that aren't clear distinguishers or counters. I'm thinking more of like modifiers that improve the company at what it is already good at. Example: Armor piercing/recon/range all clear bonuses but nothing so OP that it makes existing abilities weaker. (i.e.-power creep) I like the idea of how in Ardennes it tree branched to more abilities but at a cost instead of reinforcements. It doesn't and shouldn't be that counterweight every choice but it was empowering to know it was my choice which direction to take the company, not really a right or wrong choice, just different under the game circumstances. In xcom they had the standards: hunker down, overwatch, run & gun, camo, resilience, all sort of generic by themselves, but when strategically timed, could change outcome of a conflict, hence the beauty. So sometimes overthinking the ability or giving it too much power isn't the objective, keep it stupid simple (KISS) principal, give the power to the player not the ability.
Assuming there will be Easy/Medium/Hard difficulty modes for this campaign (are there?), what ways are you guys looking to change the way Campaign Map challenges players? Will you look to change how Skill Points are awarded to players from missions and, if yes, how so?
Hey Blackout, thanks for the question on difficulty. I can't say much at this but we're exploring our options around difficulty and will have more to share when plans are firmed up.
I like the Skill Point payouts changing idea, I'll pass that feedback along.
Thank you for sharing Campaign Companies. Thanks for answering my question @JohnT_RE about the live Q&A sessions. Also good to see you still posting on here, thanks @Banditks for your idea of expanding the factions, I agree with your first point but really despise the second request of yours which was the pay-to-play DLC money grabs in games these days. In Ardennes Assault, I still til this day didn't purchase the Rangers faction, it was not the price point but the fact I had to buy it as an add-on that really never sat well with me. I think that was attempted in COH originally with Brits and other factions that were add on factions and I don't think that appeals to the majority of current gen gamers. Sure games have to generate revenue so maybe this can work if implemented properly I just don't know of how in an Modern RTS how that would work. If you pay $60 for a game, you don't want to play the game to not be able to play it in it's entirety, not just 85% of it or not be included in games with those that obviously paid for the upgrade. In your idea, certain factions that may cost $20 more. To me the game should reward gamers with all factions as free DLC but down the road after a firm player base is formed. Too many changes too soon beyond the needed patches/fixes really sort of ruins games after nerf upon nerf so that every unit becomes OP at some point. I don't know if there is a way around this but I agree other countries should be included, just not sure the pay to play is a route for sustained player growth and retention.
Sorry got off topic back to Andy's point -
Q: Do you have any ideas for Companies you’d love to see in the Mediterranean theatre? A: See BanditKS points, but I am even thinking of certain squads within existing factions like PE was to Germans. It doesn't always have to be a different country to be a cool new Company. I would like to be able to edit the Title of the Company and select it's "badge" or customize it to be more personal to the player. You can keep it with even provided options if it would create issues.
Q: What types of new and exciting abilities would you like Companies to get? A: I think it'll be a fine line between analysis paralysis with too many abilities and not quite sure if Rock/paper/scissors is essential on the Dynamic campaign map. Sure, you need to be able to counter units you come up against but not in every situation so perhaps abilities that aren't clear distinguishers or counters. I'm thinking more of like modifiers that improve the company at what it is already good at. Example: Armor piercing/recon/range all clear bonuses but nothing so OP that it makes existing abilities weaker. (i.e.-power creep) I like the idea of how in Ardennes it tree branched to more abilities but at a cost instead of reinforcements. It doesn't and shouldn't be that counterweight every choice but it was empowering to know it was my choice which direction to take the company, not really a right or wrong choice, just different under the game circumstances. In xcom they had the standards: hunker down, overwatch, run & gun, camo, resilience, all sort of generic by themselves, but when strategically timed, could change outcome of a conflict, hence the beauty. So sometimes overthinking the ability or giving it too much power isn't the objective, keep it stupid simple (KISS) principal, give the power to the player not the ability.
- Art of War
Hey Art of War!
Thank you for the detailed answer. It's fun reading what you think about companies. You had a couple of thoughts I'll respond to.
"I would like to be able to edit the Title of the Company and select it's "badge" or customize it to be more personal to the player. You can keep it with even provided options if it would create issues." Once we've finished the game and gotten it in your hands I wonder if you'll feel the same, or have other ideas for making the company your own. The beauty of making games now that we can make adjustments and improvements to it after we ship the 1.0 version.
"I think it'll be a fine line between analysis paralysis with too many abilities..." "So sometimes overthinking the ability or giving it too much power isn't the objective, keep it stupid simple (KISS) principal, give the power to the player not the ability..." What you said here is very true. It's very easy to overwhelm people with too much choice or make things that don't have a big enough impact. We feel like we're in a good place where the abilities are powerful but still require thoughtful consideration around when they're used. We want you to feel that you make a good choice in purchasing the abilities, and that they were worth the effects that you see on the Dynamic Campaign Map and in the Missions / Skirmishes.
@Art_0f_War Hello again sir! I hope you are doing well.
As for making the dlc paid. There is a balancing act to be had by the dev team a big portion of the money made from the game is going to cover development for the game being they have been at it for over a year with only bills and payroll. They simple can’t make the game sell it for 60$ and then do everything after that for free. Any meaningful content above patches need to be compensated somehow.
As for specifically this topic, companies, I would not expect or desire 20$ for 3 polish companies. I would think more along the lines of 10$ which is perfectly reasonable considering the new textures, voice actors, company trees, maybe even some new models, and dev time that would have to go along with such a faction pack. As an in industry example, not perfect but close, Vermintide 2 has classes as paid DLC, they include new animations, new models, new mechanics, and new voice lines from over 5 different people. This all costs 4$ to 6$ which is extremely reasonable considering the amount of time, people, and effort that went into it and the amount of content we get in return. Not exactly a point to point exact comparison but its close enough.
You also have to understand that the dev team can only do so much and have to toe the line with the budget hawks in corporate. Another game I am quite fond of is homeworld deserts of kharak. That game was great came out with two dlcs paid which was also great, new models, textures, abilities, and voice actor lines. However the higher ups totally pulled the funding rug from under them and they just had to drop the game even with other content in the pipeline. That wasn’t on the Devs but on gearbox purse strings.
It would be nice to add Officers to the game to the grand campaign and in-game battles.
When you recruit a new company you get the option to add an officer ( Lieutenant or a Captain with additional cost)
And those officers have special abilities and features which add like (addition combat experience to some troops, less cost for requesting some troops, more campaign movement and increase morale and ability to hold the line "till death") and those officers have more combat experience than normal troops and more health.
Those officers spawn near the HQ when you start a battle or get attacked but also you have the option to choose to include them in a mission or not. So you have the choice to involve them in a fight or keep him safe in the HQ.
Those officers can be killed in the battle and if an officer gets killed. The company gets a negative penalty the next battle or mission due to low morale furthermore that officer to be replaced with a random first sergeant or sergeant that you can continue with and you lose the special abilities or to add new officer that you should spend resources on and that officer comes with different abilities or if you are lucky the same abilities.
Moreover, another approach we can use is, you can recruit more than 1 officer with a max of 4 officers to one company.
1 officer must be assigned as a company leader and if he dies he gets replaced with one of the other 3. And each officer of the other 3 has a special ability on the battlefield that only gets activated when he fights and doesn't affect the company's overall ability
that additional 3 officers can be recruited in the battle or choose to enter the certain mission with.
But the company leader always gets to spawn in each battle and the abilities he has are the only abilities that affect the whole company.
Also the same applies to the enemy units.
it will make the officer assassination mission more realistic. and it might affect the new battle you take.
That will make the battlefield more realistic and will make the player get attached to certain companies and officers which they may lose
which will be more realistic and adds the feeling of losing someone in a war or having a certain enemy officer that gives them hell.
Also a second recommendation.
Please apply the experience system. When a squad or a unit fights and gain
s experience or ability then you can recruit it again for the next battle with the same combat experience.
Dear Friends I am an adult and have played many computer games in my life I will say with all my heart that COH is the king of strategy games Will strive for an excellent platform for almost endless development I do not understand why they do not continue to develop True there are also disadvantages but few, for example a game that crashes sometimes, a long wait to upload the game I see there is COH 3 how can I purchase? With respect and thanks
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