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A (Detailed) New Player's Guide to CoH PVP

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a year ago
Jan 13, 2023, 12:10:17 AM

Cross-posted this from the Discord

As a member of the closed CoH3 internal testing group, I've been working on this guide for a bit. The guide aims to help folks less accustomed to high-intensity PVP gameplay in CoH start to understand a lot of the basic tactical and strategic decisions we veterans have learned over hundreds or thousands of hours. This is my attempt to make the gulf between the newer players and the thousand+ hour veterans maybe a little less intimidating.

Examples of covered topics include:

The various roles of different units (e.g. when should I use AT rifles/bazookas versus AT guns versus snares?)
How to decide which points of the map to focus on.
How to come back from a game you're losing
How to use mines and build cover with your engineers
When to jump into PVP gameplay, and what to expect when you do

Almost everything in here will be old-hat to any veteran of CoH1 or 2 PVP gameplay; most of this guide applies equally well to every game in the Company of Heroes franchise. It is, however, quite dense (~18 pages) because it attempts to cover a lot of topics at a high level.


Updated a year ago.
a year ago
Jan 14, 2023, 6:41:28 PM
DemonicSpoon wrote:

Cross-posted this from the Discord

As a member of the closed CoH3 internal testing group, I've been working on this guide for a bit. The guide aims to help folks less accustomed to high-intensity PVP gameplay in CoH start to understand a lot of the basic tactical and strategic decisions we veterans have learned over hundreds or thousands of hours. This is my attempt to make the gulf between the newer players and the thousand+ hour veterans maybe a little less intimidating.

Examples of covered topics include:

The various roles of different units (e.g. when should I use AT rifles/bazookas versus AT guns versus snares?)
How to decide which points of the map to focus on.
How to come back from a game you're losing
How to use mines and build cover with your engineers
When to jump into PVP gameplay, and what to expect when you do

Almost everything in here will be old-hat to any veteran of CoH1 or 2 PVP gameplay; most of this guide applies equally well to every game in the Company of Heroes franchise. It is, however, quite dense (~18 pages) because it attempts to cover a lot of topics at a high level.


Jan 14, 2023, 1:41:10 PM

Would you happen to have posted guides at an old, now defunct website, called Planet Company of Heroes, under the same handle DemonicSpoon?

If I recall correctly, that DemonicSpoon was Polish and around 14 years old in 2005/6/7.

I used post on that forum as Henreich (or Heinrich?), though I pretended (unsuccessfully) to be older than I was.


a year ago
Jan 14, 2023, 9:54:24 PM

That is accurate on all counts except I think I was slightly older and also not Polish. Hello!

a year ago
Jan 15, 2023, 7:28:33 PM
DemonicSpoon wrote:

That is accurate on all counts except I think I was slightly older and also not Polish. Hello!

What an unexpected blast from the past. Hope time has been well to you.

What did you make of CoH 2? Were you ever heavily involved in GameReplays.com/mods (like Blitzkrieg Mod or Kryanzor's Mod)?


a year ago
Jan 15, 2023, 10:53:12 PM

Happy to talk more but maybe let's avoid doing this on the public forum thread. PMs on the forums seem to be misbehaving so maybe grab me on the Discord!

a year ago
Jan 15, 2023, 11:49:55 PM
DemonicSpoon wrote:

Happy to talk more but maybe let's avoid doing this on the public forum thread. PMs on the forums seem to be misbehaving so maybe grab me on the Discord!

Will do.

I'm Walderschmidt#5120 on discord.

Well written guide, by the way!


a year ago
Jan 17, 2023, 4:08:38 PM

Maybe wrong thread; do you know will they allow us to shrink the Hud and also bring back Units stats in game?  Like what they are Vs Vic Vs INF ect?

a year ago
Mar 8, 2023, 1:29:45 PM

THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR. for my uncle. he loves ww2 stratagy games but he just cant quite beat anything... or anyone.. the only reason im as good as i am is for probably beating him up in the games since 1942 battlefield LOL.... but i thought this would be perfect for him... he gets to overloaded with information its seems hes now 55 :P Thanks again

a year ago
Mar 23, 2023, 7:39:21 PM

Thanks for the positive words. 

I made a few updates:

I added a section on how to defeat blobbing opponents.

I retooled some of the stuff in the weapon ranges section. I originally wrote this guide before the mod tools were out and that section made some assumptions that certain weapon types worked the same way they do in COH2. 

I added a couple links to the wonderful COH3Stats.com website for inspecting unit performance and looking up one's stats on the leaderboard.

3 months ago
Feb 29, 2024, 2:04:04 PM



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