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Regarding changes to the directory of assets in the Essence Editor.

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2 years ago
Jul 26, 2023, 3:04:36 PM

Hello, Relic!

I just wanted to give you guys a heads up on the fact that whenever you change the directory of any asset already in the essence editor, (and therefore likely used in maps already published on the workshop...) you delete said asset from the maps already published.
When you moved the "na_fort_set\Cell_07" as an example, (my map contained alot of these various cells) to another subfolder any map (Alturba, in this instance) will get "Green missing asset cubes" inplace of said asset.

Consider this when making directory changes in the future, please.
- How important is it to move an asset that with high likelyhood is in use in published community maps?
- Can you instead of changing the directory of a "finished/polished" asset, just add a duplicate with the new changes in a new directory, i.e keep the original in place.

Greybox Items are another matter as they clearly are temporary, and I think I can speak on behalf of all Essence Editor users when I say that we highly appreciate any changes made to these GB assets and new assets added into the Essence Editor in general.

Eventhough this issue caused me annoyance, I do thank you for any changes to the public version of the Essence Editor, and I'm eagerly awaiting more!

Sorry about my inconherent report, English is not my first language.


2 years ago
Jul 26, 2023, 4:01:37 PM

Just a quick note from the team and Mr. Monolithicbacon himself:

Map assets that are unfinished may end being deleted from Community Maps when they are completed and released by Relic. As an example, the fort assets (though visually finished, they were not complete.) You should, in theory, be able to select all of the "missing asset" cubes and assign them to the new location.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but I hope this guidance helps.

2 years ago
Jul 26, 2023, 4:19:14 PM

Thank you for the swift reply, John_RE!

I understand and appreciate the reply from the man himself.
However, I do hope the team takes the concern to heart.
For each community mapper having to go through every map they've made, for each future update, to see if anything "broke", and change whatever is broken is an annoyance that I myself would not put the community through, unless the directory change is really needed.

Once again, Thank you for the reply!



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