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Bring console up to date already

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a year ago
Nov 12, 2023, 10:19:28 PM

I don't care if this is a broken record but something has to come to console sometime soon. We're playing on an outdated and imbalanced version of the game. It's really getting to the point where it's not fun to play anymore. I want to keep playing but the playerbase is really dwindling from the lack of content and balance updates plus the meta is largely leaning in favor of one side. This is no surprise considering PC already went through this when they were on this version but they've at least moved on to newer patches and will be getting another patch in December. Console though... we're still here waiting for anything. 

Console really has to be brought up to date with PC. Even of we were to provide suggestions and comments here on the forums what's the point? Whenever we finally get a major update it'll be to a version that PC has already been on and played for a time. Console should be inline with our PC counterparts so we too can have equal part in the further life and development of the gameplay

a year ago
Nov 13, 2023, 10:47:27 PM

Totally agree. I have been a long term fan, from the beginning of CoH. Its a real disappointment that the game is not up to the same version as PC on console. What is the reason for the console version to be behind this far? The game is great and I was so excited to play on console, but with such a lack of support, its going to die really quickly.

a year ago
Nov 15, 2023, 4:57:29 AM
CarloVA wrote:

Totally agree. I have been a long term fan, from the beginning of CoH. Its a real disappointment that the game is not up to the same version as PC on console. What is the reason for the console version to be behind this far? The game is great and I was so excited to play on console, but with such a lack of support, its going to die really quickly.

Honestly I'm not sure why console is so far behind. We obviously launched later than PC but PC gets multiple updates for every one update that console gets, its really frustrating

a year ago
Nov 15, 2023, 4:25:55 PM

Heavily, heavily agreed.

To pass a comment on feedback:

Using this forum, and especially the console sub forum, doesn't really yield any benefits for the health of the game. First of all, it doesn't have many active members. Second, the devs don't interact with the people using this forum (I've only ever seen John reply a handful of times and only to inform a user a specific bug they reported has been fixed). And third, as you've mentioned, whatever feedback we give on the current state of the game (from first-hand experience) is already completely obsolete and has been for basically six months already.

It's pretty tragic.

It's funny, one of my friends who recently bought this game, and asked when we might get more factions. I'd just like to see my Marders hit a target when I tell them to shoot something for once! XD

a year ago
Nov 16, 2023, 7:49:02 PM

This game urgently needs to be upgraded to the PC version, and you also need to add a crossplay otherwise the game on the console will die, or in the game pass, developers are you going to do something about it? Thank you if you answer.

a year ago
Nov 16, 2023, 10:39:27 PM

Looking at the big news update about hammer and shield, Relic have stated that console will be brought up to date by spring 2024. So were talking roughly 4 months? How does everyone feel about that?

a year ago
Nov 17, 2023, 12:13:46 AM
CarloVA wrote:

Looking at the big news update about hammer and shield, Relic have stated that console will be brought up to date by spring 2024. So were talking roughly 4 months? How does everyone feel about that?

That honestly is really aggravating to hear. By Spring of next year this game will be a ghost town on Console it already has a shrinking population because of the neglect. Even just getting an explanation or more direct communication from devs as to why console is lagging so far behind would at least be an improvement but we don't even get that

a year ago
Nov 17, 2023, 11:44:03 AM

Four months!! buy then new games will be available and people would have moved on. 

a year ago
Nov 17, 2023, 6:27:43 PM

Not to mention that by spring 2024, PC will most definitely have received new patches, leap frogging past the console editions yet again.Honestly, I'm not even mad about Relic not releasing updates simultaneously, I'm more concerned with the updates that we are getting taking ages to arrive. There's still so many bugs that need fixes that have persisted since launch, nevermind that we have yet to get balance patches that actually make sense (not holding out hope here, I've seen the PC Umber Wasp patch notes and let's just say: Lmao).

VaughnBrute wrote:
CarloVA wrote:

Looking at the big news update about hammer and shield, Relic have stated that console will be brought up to date by spring 2024. So were talking roughly 4 months? How does everyone feel about that?

That honestly is really aggravating to hear. By Spring of next year this game will be a ghost town on Console it already has a shrinking population because of the neglect. Even just getting an explanation or more direct communication from devs as to why console is lagging so far behind would at least be an improvement but we don't even get that

a year ago
Nov 17, 2023, 7:48:38 PM
aWraithsSoulCE wrote:

Not to mention that by spring 2024, PC will most definitely have received new patches, leap frogging past the console editions yet again.Honestly, I'm not even mad about Relic not releasing updates simultaneously, I'm more concerned with the updates that we are getting taking ages to arrive. There's still so many bugs that need fixes that have persisted since launch, nevermind that we have yet to get balance patches that actually make sense (not holding out hope here, I've seen the PC Umber Wasp patch notes and let's just say: Lmao).

VaughnBrute wrote:
CarloVA wrote:

Looking at the big news update about hammer and shield, Relic have stated that console will be brought up to date by spring 2024. So were talking roughly 4 months? How does everyone feel about that?

That honestly is really aggravating to hear. By Spring of next year this game will be a ghost town on Console it already has a shrinking population because of the neglect. Even just getting an explanation or more direct communication from devs as to why console is lagging so far behind would at least be an improvement but we don't even get that


Agreed the reason their given timeliness for console gets me so pissed off is because by Spring of 2024 PC is almost certainly going to be receiving another major update so console will still be behind. Also just thinking about the timeliness since launch for console is mind boggling. The game released for Console in late April this year. Since then has had one major update and one get another until "Spring 2024" so in roughly  11 Months! We've only gotten one update and no new content besides a single PvE 2v2 map

a year ago
Nov 21, 2023, 12:43:46 PM

Does anyone have statistics of sales between PC and console? I know primarily this is a PC game and will be the focus but surely the new audience this is now open to on consoles is important to keep for future additions. 

a year ago
Nov 22, 2023, 6:50:06 PM
CarloVA wrote:

Does anyone have statistics of sales between PC and console? I know primarily this is a PC game and will be the focus but surely the new audience this is now open to on consoles is important to keep for future additions. 

It'd be nice to see those figures. Honestly any information at all would be better than nothing. We've just kinda been left in mud without any communication or explanation from the dev team

a year ago
Nov 23, 2023, 9:53:26 PM

I’ve really enjoyed my time with COH3 on Xbox but I’ve got to wonder what the point of bringing the game out on consoles if everything was going to be 3-9 months behind ? Your all ready fighting an uphill battle with a stratagy game on console , so why hurt your brand and the games long term potential by having the patches and balences so far behind . I don’t think anyone would have been upset if the console version was delayed until it could be at least a close match to the PC version . Most people will abandon the game or try it once and stop because they hear how behind the PC version it is . It also doesn’t help that all communication from the COH team (social media, news wires , twitch broadcasts etc ) act like the console version doesn’t exist . I paid full price for the definitive edition on day one and I should be treated just as well as the PC crowd . 

a year ago
Nov 24, 2023, 12:17:40 AM
Bigweb52 wrote:

I’ve really enjoyed my time with COH3 on Xbox but I’ve got to wonder what the point of bringing the game out on consoles if everything was going to be 3-9 months behind ? Your all ready fighting an uphill battle with a stratagy game on console , so why hurt your brand and the games long term potential by having the patches and balences so far behind . I don’t think anyone would have been upset if the console version was delayed until it could be at least a close match to the PC version . Most people will abandon the game or try it once and stop because they hear how behind the PC version it is . It also doesn’t help that all communication from the COH team (social media, news wires , twitch broadcasts etc ) act like the console version doesn’t exist . I paid full price for the definitive edition on day one and I should be treated just as well as the PC crowd . 

Very well said my friend, couldn't agree more

a year ago
Nov 27, 2023, 10:42:37 PM

As we mentioned a couple weeks back, our aim is to bring the Console Edition up to date with Steel Shepherd by the Spring of 2024. So that means we'll be bringing Emerald Bear (1.2), Umber Wasp (1.3) and Steel Shepherd  (1.4) to console all at the same time. Barring some features that are PC-exclusive, all content and changes will be coming over. We'll have more news on what that entails closer to the Spring. 

a year ago
Nov 28, 2023, 10:30:55 AM
John_RE wrote:

As we mentioned a couple weeks back, our aim is to bring the Console Edition up to date with Steel Shepherd by the Spring of 2024. So that means we'll be bringing Emerald Bear (1.2), Umber Wasp (1.3) and Steel Shepherd  (1.4) to console all at the same time. Barring some features that are PC-exclusive, all content and changes will be coming over. We'll have more news on what that entails closer to the Spring. 

Can you provide any additional information on why the huge delay, or why PC continues to get multiple major updates while console has kinda been left high and dry? We're all aware of the timeline but as mentioned above the concern is by the time Console edition starts receiving those updates "By Spring 2024" that game will more than likely have a massive drop off in player counts and could severely hurt the online play of this game

a year ago
Dec 5, 2023, 6:37:03 PM

Well, this is just a mockery, even racism towards players on the console, the PC gets, instead of updates on the console in 4 months, yes, the game will die faster than people will wait for an update, and so the search is long, but it's just too much to at least make a crossplay between consoles and there will already be a little joy, so some more there will be no functions on the console, unlike on a PC.......

a year ago
Dec 19, 2023, 2:01:23 AM

I remember deals you used to see in shops.  They may still do them.

Buy now pay later… 

Now it’s pay now buy later.  

I bought this game at launch despite as a rule as games are always broke when released.  I wait a few months.

But having loved CofH and only now having a PS5.  I decided as I wanted this game to hit well on console. As it may have  brought other developers over to the idea that RTS on consoles isn’t a bad thing.  I mean not strictly RTS but a few total war games would be great.    But turns out our purchases never  stood no chance of supporting the game.  As obviously the developers would have known they would be updating console and pc at the same time.    First time I’ve known one platform gets priority over another:  not talking a matter of weeks.  But what 4-6 months.  It’s not nice and it’s not right 

a year ago
Jan 15, 2024, 4:53:11 AM

What features will be PC exclusive?

Ranked play, skins and more will be coming with this update as well? Because without it, it will be pointless to play multiplayer.

Why have you abandoned the console edition for a half year?

John_RE wrote:

As we mentioned a couple weeks back, our aim is to bring the Console Edition up to date with Steel Shepherd by the Spring of 2024. So that means we'll be bringing Emerald Bear (1.2), Umber Wasp (1.3) and Steel Shepherd  (1.4) to console all at the same time. Barring some features that are PC-exclusive, all content and changes will be coming over. We'll have more news on what that entails closer to the Spring. 

a year ago
Mar 9, 2024, 6:31:49 AM

Months later still nothing for consoles. We got shafted and robbed of money so hard. Games been on consoles since May of last year and we've had 1 update like seriously?  

"Spring 2024" we're a couple weeks off first day of spring and nothing not a peep. You'd think considering all the damn time they've had to work on this they'd have something going for us but alas, it's only getting harder to find games. Que times are ridiculous at most periods of the day. Even if you manage to get into a lobby it's a complete mess because we're playing on a version of the game that's 9 months old so balanced games are down the toilet.


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