The recent changes are good but they’re still not enough. Please for the love of god change the colour of British vehicles to the same green as the US why are they in this horrible french blue colour?
British infantry still needs some changes, the infantry sections need to be able to have a Thompson upgrade, not a Tommy gun upgrade a Thompson one.
Then the commandos could do with having PIAT launchers to swap to. Just like the US commandos can swap between their LMG and bazookas the British commandos also need some form of better anti tank, having 2 people in the unit to be able to swap between PIAT and stens solves that issue.
The US airborne paras also need a Thompson upgrade just like in both previous COH games. Just some very simple changes there that would have a huge impact on the single player. I absolutely hate Tommy guns. Why do the British units like the Ghurkas and foot guard get stuck with crappy Tommy guns? They weren’t that popular in WWII mainly used by Tank crews. So please just give normal infantry sections an upgrade to all have Thompsons as well as the US airborne.
The US battlegroups for single player are okay apart from the need for thompsons on the airborne units and then the British need quite abit still. They’ve been improved a little in the right direction. Allowing engineers to now build MG nests when they couldn’t before. Adding the Air and sea battle group and yet still there’s not enough for them and I struggle to want to get any tanks with them or any vehicle because for some weird design choice all British vehicles are in French blue. Hideous colour. Whoever green lit that decision is a moron. And the loadout options to swap colours of British vehicles doesn’t even work in single player so I’m stuck looking at hideous blue tanks. Such small changes please relic. The game will never be as good as its predecessors but you can at least make it more bearable and fun to play.
One of the biggest immersion breaking things of all is the coloured stripes on vehicles. Come on relic… we’re not retarded. We can tell whose tanks are who’s without giant blue/yellow/red stripes on them. It’s not red vs blue laser tag. It’s not halo. Bin the colours.
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