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Dynamic Campaign bug: Unkillable Enemy Mechanized Company

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2 years ago
Jul 7, 2023, 1:39:28 AM

Near the Montello hospital near the beginning of the game I've encountered a roaming mechanized unit that is unkillable. I have beat them in auto resolve and real time battles and after, no damage is applied to their unit, they do not retreat, and do not move on the map. My unit takes damage, theirs does not. This is potentially gamebreaking, as one of my fronts is now occupied with fighting the same battle every turn while I am unable to advance and capture montello. 

2 years ago
Jul 7, 2023, 2:56:51 AM

Correction I believe the hospital name is called Morello.

This bug may have been caused by using encircle on the company.

I sent a bug report to relic

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Jul 10, 2023, 3:37:28 PM

Thanks for sending in the report! Our team will take a look when they can. 

2 years ago
Jul 14, 2023, 6:41:48 PM

Been having this same issue with a panzer company, hope this gets fixed

2 years ago
Aug 17, 2023, 10:44:38 AM

Same issue with 3 enemy companies in my campaign in approx 5 turns. Used load previous end of turn autosave helped me usually, but it is super annoying especially if you loose some hard skirmirshis. Bug reported.

a year ago
Oct 12, 2023, 2:33:46 PM

John_RE wrote:

Thanks for sending in the report! Our team will take a look when they can. 

In the three instances I have seen these, each was met a strange prerequisite, it was a from a mid-mission combat save. When reloading the pre-mission auto save the issue does not occur. Reloading the mid-mission combat save and the enemy ended up invincible again. This does not happen every time I save mid-mission, but it only happens from files that were saved at that point.

Since my post is three months later I assume this hasn't been fully addresses. I hope this additional insight helps resolve the issue. It's a little tedious fighting the same unit indefinitely.

a year ago
Nov 8, 2023, 2:38:32 PM

Yeah this happening me every time when I start the italian campaign. There can be multiple unkilleable units on the big map and endless skirmish fights. Please fix this problem asap.

a year ago
Nov 25, 2023, 6:50:00 PM

I'm having this same issue post Monte Casino mission. I have a unit who is being blocked by this unkillable unit, it just sits in the way. I've tried to load different saves and can't resolve this. Mechanized unit that doesn't attack or move, just blocking one of my most experienced units. 

a year ago
Jan 17, 2024, 11:18:26 PM

Same problem for me, it kill my game... so frustrating... come on relic do something !

a year ago
Mar 5, 2024, 4:09:10 PM

Experiencing the same. To add to this, one of my companies, paratroopers, also invincible. 

a year ago
Mar 19, 2024, 3:22:41 AM

I had the same issue with the buged mechanized company, after some time bug gone and was able to  kill this company. Now I have a problem with the German infantry running around the map with immortality and during the attack, my two ships collided and the game recognizes them as one ship. I started the campaign for the first time this week and the immortality bug still keeps appearing.

Updated a year ago.
10 months ago
Apr 28, 2024, 11:47:44 AM

Just realised this was a bug (thought the artillery company ive been pushing back near Barletta was maybe bound to taking the city or an objective). But no, they're just unkillable. 

This is on the latest patch on PC, so 1.6.5. It's not game-breaking for me at this point, but it does mean I have to constantly keep one or two companies way back near the early part of the map to keep this immortal Nashorn in check which is making progress at the actual frontline pretty tedious. Will lodge a bug report.

6 months ago
Aug 20, 2024, 2:14:09 AM

I can confirm a year after the same issue is still happening and still not fixed... i've just experienced it and it's pretty much ruined my 3 days off i get over August i was hoping to finish the campaign before going back to work.. down rate from me.

inform the "team" hopefully they get the hint by next year when the game is dead :D

6 months ago
Aug 26, 2024, 1:25:56 PM

Same issue happening to me. Mechanized company on Italian campaign map won't take damage, no matter how many times I hit it with various units. It retreats after a "victory" but it doesn't lose health and keeps attacking my town.

6 months ago
Aug 26, 2024, 5:12:40 PM

If you're still experiencing this issue, our team would like to review your save files so we can take a closer look at what might be happening. Please jump into our Discord server and open a ticket with our ModMail system. Follow the steps it provides and then you can upload your files and let us know about your issue. 


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