Still not good enough!

it’s been a year and the game still have a lot to improve still feels half baked in many regards. Games more often than not feel too quick unsatisfactory there are very few chances to make a come back unlike previous tittles (something that make those tittles thrilling, engaging and challenging) now days if something goes wrong early people quit because they have little hope to change the game around this just make the game bland and disappointing. The late game is something you don’t see often the power fantasy of engaging with your late army is a rare occasion which is sad honestly. Regardless of the balancing act your are doing today keeping the game somewhat afloat, you should make fundamental changes keep the good that you have in coh3 (like the new battle groups system, the new mechanics, new units), you need to return to form bringing the good parts of coh2 what people love and enjoy, the late game units, bring back old maps and make more new ones, increase the game length make the tug of war thrilling again, bringing back units from coh2 these will increase strategic diversity which’s is needed, bring back the Soviets and a third German faction make this game the ultimate way to play COH not the worse one.

 fix the fundamental problems first, you have loyal base of customers including myself but if you don’t up your game people will leave and this beloved franchise could end.