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Bring Back the Old Ranks

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a month ago
Nov 4, 2024, 7:22:09 AM

The new rank system with the bronze, iron, silver, etc... spoils the immersion of the war game. I loved the old army ranks and this new system is just boring and dry. Also I believe its more confusing for the average player of this game. 

5 days ago
Nov 29, 2024, 4:16:48 AM
Tubby1914 wrote:

The new rank system with the bronze, iron, silver, etc... spoils the immersion of the war game. I loved the old army ranks and this new system is just boring and dry. Also I believe its more confusing for the average player of this game.  
https://community.companyofheroes.com/coh-franchise-home/company-of-heroes-3/forums/9-coh3-feedback/threads/12374-bring-back-the-old-ranks slope

I completely get your perspective! The game gained a great deal of depth and character from the ancient army ranks. The new system loses part of the genuine military feel and seems a little too simplistic. Players accustomed to the traditional ranks may find it confusing. With any luck, the creators will be able to restore some of that immersion!

Updated 2 days ago.

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