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Cheating, by triggering game freezes to opponent teams

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2 months ago
Mar 8, 2024, 12:19:38 AM


There is an exploit that players can enable by making the opponent freeze mostly in 2v2 games, If axis players starts shooting with double nebelwerfer at the same time they trigger a freeze to the Allied team. Recently there are a bunch of freezes in 2v2 games. I do own quite a powerful set for gaming so this issue might be not related to my setup perfs & specs. The guy we played against admit it to do it to counter Rangers units. ie trigger this freeze to win. I submit a report for cheating if you guys need more details or screenshots from his own I can submit it. and wish to get him the right response to this behavior


2 months ago
Mar 12, 2024, 12:53:05 PM

@John_RE I recently bought some War Bonds in the store section but it looks like one item is missing (stug D for left behind skins) I contact support but havent got any feedback from the dev team. Can you let me know if it will be available at some point? I also couldnt redeem some nightfighter skins. My account is linked so it worked for other factions but not the USF one. Thank you in advance. GLHF


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