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There are a lot of racists in this game.

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a month ago
Apr 11, 2024, 8:01:47 AM

There are a lot of racists in this game.

I see that most of the users I meet make racist remarks.

Most of them have no manners and are full of abusive language.

Why do you use racist language after finishing the game?

It is full of low-class users who make racist remarks and use sexual profanity.

Are there any sanctions against unmannered users who use profanity? 

Just today, while playing the game, I encountered racists three times. They made all kinds of racist remarks, including monkeys. It's so low-quality that I don't want to play the game anymore.

a month ago
Apr 11, 2024, 4:59:11 PM

Hi there. I'm sorry you experienced this in your matches. Please make sure you're using the in-game reporting system while you're in a match with players who violate the Code of Conduct. Our system will then have the information it needs to suspend or ban players engaging in this type of behavior.


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