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4 years ago Jul 12,2021, 21:35:54 PM

Company of Heroes 3 - Game Overview

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This high-level overview document will introduce you to the gameplay and major features of Company of Heroes 3. As we work towards an Alpha build, we'd like your feedback to help guide our decisions around feature development, content changes, and core gameplay improvements. 

In the summer of 1943, the Allies launch Operation Husky, starting a thrust to remove Italy from the war and weaken the Axis. The Allied forces, composed of American and Commonwealth troops (alongside international allies), engage in a long and arduous campaign that, despite the surrender of the Italian Army, will last well into 1945. As a player, will you recreate history or redefine it? Make the hard decisions that leaders made by choosing who, where and how to deploy companies. Lead your soldiers into battle and make them heroes. 

Here is our vision statement that we are using to inform and shape the game we want to build: 


Why are these vision points important? 

Tactical Company of Heroes 1 Gameplay 

  • This is important to us both as a reference to the gameplay pacing and quality target we are striving for, but also as a response to what our fans are asking for. The core experience of CoH1 has stood the test of time, and we want to bring it back with targeted improvements and some exciting new gameplay mechanics. 

Dynamic Campaign Map 

  • A non-linear, decision-filled dynamic campaign map is a natural evolution for the Company of Heroes series. This new strategic layer provides more opportunities for player choice, diverse campaign experiences, and dynamic, unpredictable missions.  

Mediterranean Theatre Brought to Life 

  • A new theatre of battle brings new terrain, new combat dynamics, improved gameplay and new factions. Our goal is to deliver an experience that could only be realized in the Mediterranean; soldiers from all over the world fight in the most diverse environments Company of Heroes has ever seen. 

Game Modes 

While we can’t announce everything just yet, Company of Heroes 3 will offer the core experiences we know strategy players want:

  • A deep, re-playable single-player mode full of choice, progression, and non-linear exploration. 
  • Single-player and cooperative skirmish modes. Play against challenging AI, alone or with friends, on diverse battlefields modified by many custom-game options. 
  • Competitive multiplayer. Select your battlegroup and face off against other players on tightly balanced 1v1 maps all the way up to sprawling 4v4 battlefields. 

Development Pillars


Company of Heroes 3 is being developed under new circumstances for Relic. In addition to working with upgraded tools and technology, our creative processes have changed. 

Community Engagement 

  • From day one, the team has relied on input from fans. We chose our theatre, factions, game modes, and more, with input from devoted Company of Heroes players. Over the last four years, our “Community Council” has grown, played early versions of the game, and provided vital feedback. 

Player Choice 

  • Company of Heroes has often told exciting stories via immersive missions and cinematic sequences. This time, create your own stories by playing your way. While our narrative will introduce you to important characters and conflicts, the campaign is yours to shape. Make strategic choices that influence your allies and enemies, affect missions and skirmishes, and empower your companies. 

Improved & Expanded 

  • It may sound obvious, but we want Company of Heroes 3 to be the best game in the franchise’s 15-year history. We’re trying to achieve this by improving key gameplay mechanics, dialing up the fidelity of our armies and environments, overhauling our destruction systems, and above all respecting what fans love about Company of Heroes. Our revered tactical gameplay is back, improved and expanded. 

Game Features 

We’ll now give you a glimpse at a few key features of Company of Heroes 3. This isn’t an exhaustive list, and we won’t dive deep at this point, but you’ll learn much more in subsequent posts. 



Company of Heroes 3 will launch with more playable factions than any previous title in the series. While some factions such as the US and Wehrmacht forces have appeared in previous games, each army’s roster and their mechanics are quite different this time. We’re also including vehicles, weapons, and abilities that are brand new to the franchise, including many that feature Italian soldiers and technology.

Core Gameplay 

The exciting tactical gameplay of Company of Heroes returns with many improvements. Core mechanics like cover, suppression, and True Sight have been refined, while our garrisons and building destruction are vastly improved. New vehicle armor mechanics augment the value of flanking, and updates to terrain sight-blocking and shot-blocking create more realistic combat; Italy’s verticality gives players plenty of opportunity to take the high ground and fire down on opponents to gain an advantage. Additionally, we have added new tools to deal with troublesome enemy-occupied buildings, such a breach – a cinematic means to evict the enemy and take a building for yourself.

Dynamic Campaign Map 

The biggest addition to Company of Heroes 3, the dynamic campaign map, reshapes the single-player experience into a reactive, player-driven narrative based on strategic choices, non-linear exploration, and nuanced interactions with allied commanders who need your help to achieve their goals. 

Campaign Companies 

On the dynamic campaign map, order companies to secure key cities, ports, and airfields. Improve and customize your companies with powerful upgrades and abilities. Deploy American Airborne and Special Forces companies, British Artillery and Armoured companies, and many more. 


As before, squads can earn veterancy in combat to unlock powerful abilities and buffs. Deal damage to enemies to gain experience and rank up. Preserve veteran squads for a distinct advantage in the late game. Veterancy also plays a role on our dynamic campaign map, but that’s a topic for another time. 

In multiplayer and skirmish modes, select from a set of battlegroups that feature devastating abilities. Call in Airborne Paratroopers or Luftwaffe Fallschirmjager. Call in a barrage from 25-pounder artillery or a Stuka bombing run. Deploy a hulking Churchill or Tiger tank to crush the enemy’s defensive line. Battlegroups are focused, balanced, and curated. Every player has access to the same weapons of war. 

Multiplayer Gameplay
Company of Heroes 3 will launch with more maps than any previous game. Our maps cover a variety of locales and have been developed in collaboration with community map makers to ensure a balanced experience.

Keep checking back at community.companyofhereoes.com as we have info to come on multiplayer modes and features. 


Thank you for reading and contributing to our CoH-development process. Check back next week for more info on the core gameplay of Company of Heroes 3. 

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4 years ago
Jul 13, 2021, 5:39:26 PM

Hey Good afternoon

I would like to suggest something that could make the game very interesting.

at company of heroes 2 and company of heroes 1 I've always missed a way to customize your commander. for example each player would have a number of points available to spend on each skill and each skill would have its value in points. certainly a tiger skill would cost more points than a smoke skill. another cool thing would be to be able to put your own name in the commander. that would give the impression that you are the commander of your army.

Thank you very much in advance


4 years ago
Jul 13, 2021, 5:47:47 PM

Hello, I would love to know if both sides will be balanced in terms of factions. It would be a fresh change from the way CoH2 has been for years. For example CoH2 has British, American, and Russian on one side while the German side only has OKW and Wehrmacht. Will CoH3 have a balanced number of factions at launch?

4 years ago
Jul 13, 2021, 6:00:37 PM

Will there be returning factions such as the Soviets or the OKW? Or is there a way to "link progress" from CoH2 to the new one?

4 years ago
Jul 13, 2021, 6:23:53 PM

Hi to all of the hardworking people behind the screen reading this! First of all I'm super glad you guys are back with coh 3. Second of all will vaulting over obstacles be like coh2 where we had to click the obstacle or will it be automatic like we'll click on the other side and it will just happen? We also had problems with suppresion before in the early games cause of vertically fighting an mg would fire at the ground but still would be able to shoot the infantry below it. Or any other unit. I guess what I'm trying to say is will fog of war be enough to protect those soldiers from incoming fire to avoid suppression. I know these things are looking like complaints but I just want a game that's good on your standard and ours. Sorry in advance id it sounds like that.

Updated 4 years ago.
4 years ago
Jul 13, 2021, 6:33:38 PM

Иконки отрядов и способностей из CoH 2 будут изменены в CoH 3 ?

4 years ago
Jul 13, 2021, 6:35:21 PM

Please take your time to make the game more polished, refined and better than the previous entries. Thank you !

4 years ago
Jul 13, 2021, 6:40:48 PM


1- Something I always wanted on coh2 from coh1 was the nigh maps and rain weather, will those come back for COH3? see all the lighting on a nigh map was epic! 

2- for the campaign I see you are going total war path which is good IMO but please let the enemy AI also attack me in the campaign map otherwise it could become boring

3- Made the campaign difficult, I am a veteran RTS player and I can't stand easy campaigns in RTS 

4 years ago
Jul 13, 2021, 6:48:48 PM

Its wonderful to see some of the new features that are going to be part of the game. The dynamic campaign map looks like a big winner, one question I do have, where is the basebuilding? its been a key part of the series since the start and is a major feature of war strategy games. I am curious as to why it hasn't been mentioned or has been removed completely.

Also how early are we picking up in the Africa campaign? right at the first landings? or later on? I would love to experience the African D-Day and all the issues that sprang up from it. Also a great way to introduce Patton.

Updated 4 years ago.
4 years ago
Jul 13, 2021, 6:54:46 PM

Gates of Hell has a conquest campaign that can be played cooperatively for the battle aspect.
Can something similar be done for the single-player dynamic mode to allow cooperative play for the battles?

4 years ago
Jul 13, 2021, 7:19:22 PM

How moddable will the game be? Some of my fondest memories of COH1 and COH2 came from modded maps and units.

4 years ago
Jul 13, 2021, 7:20:53 PM

Any word about the "tactical map"? I love that feature and honestly I'd be a total failure if it's missing in COH3!

4 years ago
Jul 13, 2021, 7:23:15 PM

Будет ли изменина механника и динамика?

4 years ago
Jul 13, 2021, 7:36:55 PM

I would like to see infantry fighting with bayonets, knives or wrestling when they are next to each other. I would also like to see more punishment for inf units charging against another infantry unit  without cover or use of smoke. 

When leveling up, I would like to see a simple point system with maybe max 3-4 choices, where a player can decide which stat or ability to enhance for a unit. 

I would also like to see infantry being able to drop on will equipped weapons so that they can equip other weapons purchased or taken from enemy units. 

Wiping enemy units should always drop their weapons.

I would also like to see friendly fire punishment for both infantry and armor units that get into the way of other inf/armor units firing at the enemy. 

4 years ago
Jul 13, 2021, 7:51:53 PM

This has certainly made my day.
I'm sure it's in there, with the "many factions" bit; but hopefully other Allies got in their like Free-France, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa, but also include colonial troops from the French and British Empire (maybe doctrinal callins?) 

I had family that were Tirailleurs Indochinois in both World Wars, so, here's holding onto (a fool's) hope that they miiiiiiight appear.

4 years ago
Jul 13, 2021, 7:58:16 PM


Wtf I can't believe this. Anyway, do you think we can get the jeep or the WCS1 to have the ability to toe AT Guns and artillery? 

4 years ago
Jul 13, 2021, 8:18:50 PM
ThieuTuongNam wrote:

This has certainly made my day.
I'm sure it's in there, with the "many factions" bit; but hopefully other Allies got in their like Free-France, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa, but also include colonial troops from the French and British Empire (maybe doctrinal callins?) 

I had family that were Tirailleurs Indochinois in both World Wars, so, here's holding onto (a fool's) hope that they miiiiiiight appear.

Canadian and Indian callins are confirmed for the Allies. Check the Steam page. I wouldn't be surprised at all to see more diverse callins than those added.

4 years ago
Jul 13, 2021, 8:24:18 PM

This is a longshot, but I'm kinda hoping we'll get to use the engineers a bit more. For example, let them cover and hide vehicles under camouflage so the enemies wont see it until its too late.
Or maybe have engineers break up a wall to a house, so a tank could enter it and hide inside of it.
Setting things on fire to make smoke to obscure sight, or putting out fires.

Also, I love to play the "turtle game", where I place lots of fortifications and then slowly slowly advance. I'm kinda hoping there will be more for both my kind of players, but also for those that prefer to break through and rush or the ones simply making more balanced attacks.
As a turtler, I love to blow up bridges to block easy access or force enemy to take the roads I want them to. I kinda wish there was the same to be done to buildings inside towns, so I could tear down a wall over a road so enemies would either have to go around it or send in engineers to have it cleared.
Maybe the maps from the Battlefield games could be an inspiration to how you could make the game evolve a bit. Have parts of the map destructable (like, blowing up a large oil cistern in the docks to have a big fire rage over a large area so no one can enter/exit that area. Blow a dam so water levels rise and only a few select roads/bridges is usable. etc). Heck, I even would like to see maps like "Rush" from Battlefield, so it starts on one part of a large map, then if you are able to push the enemy the map will move to another part (with temporary buildings acting as your bases from zone to zone).

Anyhow, I hope the development will run smooth and the game will be awesome when finished :D


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