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Company of Heroes 3
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20 days ago Aug 27,2024, 15:51:00 PM

Breaking Point - Community Event


EDIT: You wrought havoc on the battlefield over the last week and deployed over 3-million satchels, demolition charges and flamethrowers! The Breaking Point profile items will be unlocked for everyone this week. Thanks for your hard work BLOWING STUFF UP!

Join forces to hit... The Breaking Point! As a community, use satchel charges, demolition charges and upgrade your units with flamethrowers 3-million times to unlock these epic profile rewards. You can take part in both singleplayer and multiplayer, just make sure things go boom!

For a limited time, earn bonus Merit with three unique event Challenges:

Burning Passion

  • In Singleplayer, equip 25 units with Flamethrowers.


High-Priority Target

  • Destroy 5 Train Stations or Churches.


Explosive Personality

  • In Missions, Skirmishes or Multiplayer, construct 25 Demolition Charges.

DAY 1: After one day of the Breaking Point event, you've made things go BOOM 320,000 times! To hit 3-million, we'll need to throw more satchel charges and use those flamethrowers! We can do it.

DAY 3: 1 million down, 2 million to go. Spend the weekend blowing things up with friends!

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19 days ago
Aug 28, 2024, 5:10:03 PM

I condemn the challenge with the church!!!! But I support various tasks for awards

18 days ago
Aug 29, 2024, 5:42:04 AM

if they have a artistic sense its a reference to Saving private Ryan but its a game and its very specfic

11 days ago
Sep 5, 2024, 6:09:34 AM

make the P26 heavy tank available for production for DAK without adding battlegroups


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