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2 years ago Feb 22,2023, 04:23:31 AM

Company of Heroes 3 Reviews

1 142 Views

The reviews are in and our team couldn't be more proud of the love we've received so far. Check out all of the collected reviews on Metacritic. We are super excited to see you on the field soon!

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2 years ago
Feb 22, 2023, 4:53:44 PM

I am unsure about that "Good" reviews, I am going to very carefully inspect the game.

2 years ago
Feb 22, 2023, 6:14:25 PM

Nice list of reviews.

2 years ago
Feb 23, 2023, 8:13:06 AM

caint wait to play :)

2 years ago
Feb 26, 2023, 2:03:18 PM

You are ignoring the negatives in this game and clutching onto straws here. A lot of reviews talk about the disappointment of this game. It flopped!  Check the steam reviews. I’m a huge fan by the way but this game could have just buried the series. Should make another company of heroes 3 with a different team! Feels cheap and boring playing this overpriced rubbish. Nothing personal but I speak for many on this epic fail. Such a shame. 

2 years ago
Feb 26, 2023, 7:57:34 PM
Riegel wrote:

Nice list of reviews.

I think 'selective' is the word you're after.

2 years ago
Feb 28, 2023, 3:22:42 PM

One of the biggest flops of 2023, just look at the steam reviewers, you can't pay those people off.

2 years ago
Mar 3, 2023, 12:12:40 PM

Please... Focus on the negative points too, and the game will be really great again! ,-)

2 years ago
Mar 4, 2023, 6:57:57 PM

  The matching mechanism is very stupid. It always matches the friend team with the matched team. Friend team originally cooperates with the battle through voice software, and the system will default to level 1 of four 20-level team to match the worst matched team. After abusing the matched team for more than ten games, the next time you change a teammate, it is the lowest level by default. As a result, it is impossible to play this game without forming a team. At least seven of ten innings were abused.Why is it difficult to match an opponent with similar level. Either the opposite side is abused by us, or we are abused by the opposite side.

      The second is all kinds of stupid designs. In order to pursue the realistic picture, the vehicle design is very large, but the common fault of the real-time strategy is the narrow terrain. The cars are always crowded together and can't move, and the system will make these vehicles turn around in place; Because the signal is too loud in coh2, some people say it is very noisy, so the signal sound is changed to a minimum. The high tension during the game leads to no one listening at all. The artillery of the partner is killed by the bobbin. When I send the signal, the partner can't hear it; The message sent will only be displayed for 3 seconds. If you don't pay attention to the game, you can't see what your partner is saying;

         As an old player of COH, I have been playing for nearly 8000 hours since 2006. I'm really disappointed with your new work. Can I have a refund?

2 years ago
Mar 5, 2023, 7:07:00 AM

Only part of the battle is yet fought: now to see the updates!  Congrats on the launch, and I am sure Relic's dedication will make the game into a successful one ... which is exactly what everyone here wants for it.  

2 years ago
Mar 7, 2023, 2:39:24 AM

They say self praise is no recommendation! Those reviews  do not portray what the software is actually like.
I am dismally disappointed in the so called finished product you have produced. I have found and experienced double digit bugs in the game and I se again today the 5th update in 2 weeks of the release. The AI is very, very dumb and a disappointment compared to COH2!
This youtube clip has picked up heaps of problems too.

2 years ago
Mar 8, 2023, 10:06:34 PM

Underneath the pile of rubbish there is a good game waiting to be dug out... I'm just not sure Relic can be bothered.  Some serious questions about the state of the game and the design for you guys:

1. Why is there a delay when issuing unit orders?

2. Why is it unclear if a squad will do what I told them, now or ever?

3. Why are player colours the way they are? (seriously just shoot the person who chose that pallet)

4. Why are germans so OP, and US still the shittest faction after your balance patch?

5. Why is the art ... well whatever the hell it is - I mean the lobby screen and menus... wow, hurts my eyes?

6. Where are my generals and battlegroups?

7. Rankings and matchmaking?

8. Where is the progression system?

9. Why do units get stuck in random pieces of terrain all the time - there are only like 3 maps per team size, how hard could it have been to test it?

10. Why is retreat buggy?  (some units leave a single model behind and so are permanently stuck in retreat)

11. Why can't I remap my keys to COH2 layout?

12. Where are my zoom options?

13. Why is there so much useless shit on my HUD?

There is a limited time to fix all of the problems COH3 has, before the core community recognise that COH2 is just better and more importantly, NOT BROKEN, and they walk away.  At that point Relic's best move might be to kill COH2 servers... and at that point our best option is to give them the middle finger.



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