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2 years ago Apr 20,2023, 18:27:37 PM

Balance Update 1.1.4

1 704 Views

We are excited to release our first major balance update in 1.1.4. In this update, our team has focused on several key areas to tone down oppressive strategies and increase unit and strategic diversity. We will continue to monitor unit/faction performance for future updates.

In this Update you can expect: 

  • General adjustment to balance for all factions  

  • Balance pass over Battlegroups  

  • Addressing the power of Forward Reinforcement  

  • Significant changes and boosts to Heavy Machine Guns and Anti-Tank Gun teams 

Find the full patch notes here.

Check out our livestream where we discuss the objectives of this update with our Gameplay Designers and what we're keeping an eye on.

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2 years ago
Apr 20, 2023, 6:48:16 PM

Looks like they didn't fix the BUG when the British mortar dies and you try to tow it. Both drives are locked. By the way, the game will remain unbalanced. The Afrika Korps strategy is to do STUG and Marder. STUG is very cheap for the amount of armor. And the main thing, they didn't add the same color system as COMPANY OF HEROES 2. I always want to be the blue one, I get confused all the time. I am yellow, green, light blue, etc. Not to mention they didn't put the name of the players.

2 years ago
Apr 20, 2023, 7:04:42 PM

I just tested here, the British anti-aircraft CMP 15CWT still doesn't shoot down any planes. Are you sure you applied any changes to it?

2 years ago
Apr 20, 2023, 8:22:55 PM
BrazilianHunter wrote:

Looks like they didn't fix the BUG when the British mortar dies and you try to tow it. Both drives are locked. By the way, the game will remain unbalanced. The Afrika Korps strategy is to do STUG and Marder. STUG is very cheap for the amount of armor. And the main thing, they didn't add the same color system as COMPANY OF HEROES 2. I always want to be the blue one, I get confused all the time. I am yellow, green, light blue, etc. Not to mention they didn't put the name of the players.

I agree with the names of the players. We should be able to see who is who by clicking on an allies unit. But I disagree with your problem on colors. Back in CoH2 I always got confused in team games because each player was color blue on their screen, so when I said *yellow player*, because I was the yellow player for some people while 1 of my teammates was the yellow player for me. Everybody having unique colors is the right move in my opinion, and this has been in any other RTS, Age of Empires, StarCraft, WarCraft, Empire's Earth and so on.

2 years ago
Apr 20, 2023, 8:58:50 PM

Slightly bemused at the (quite dramatic) cost increase for the 'Perimeter Monitor' for the Indian Artillery, considering it's temperamental nature, as I shall now explain below. 

It states it 'targets all visible enemies in friendly sectors', only it doesn't. Sometimes it will rain down hell on Earth, other times you sit there watching that ability timer go down without so much as a spark landing where there are quite clearly enemies sitting in the circle. Perhaps this could be abated by reducing the actual 'warm up' time for the ability, allowing the shells to arrive sooner, since it isn't like it's hard to avoid, the big flares should be warning enough.

But where my personal gripe with the Indians lies is in it's supposed, and I quote from in-game, 'artillery bombardment' aspect. What artillery bombardment? You have either a somewhat unreliable, (now) very expensive 'super' ability (or howitzer), and a rather average anti-infantry airburst ability. Granted I'll probably be massacred by artillery haters, though I couldn't care less since I won't be paying attention after posting, but if you could throw in some actual shells as well as the airburst itself, like in Company of Heroes 2, the Indian Artillery Battlegroup would certainly live up to it's rather bold primary claim. 

BUT I will end on a positive note there, thank you for making the artillery barrage flare a bit cheaper (despite it not being an exclusive ability).

2 years ago
Apr 20, 2023, 9:16:19 PM

Great update - ignore the trolls.

Now remove the CoOp VS AI from main menu and force everyone to use Custom button (Rename it Multiplayer), or at least have goal rewards around custom stuff. ;) 

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Apr 20, 2023, 9:19:44 PM

I think the 221 was able to cap but it seems it can not cap anymore. Can someone check and confirm or am I missing something?

2 years ago
Apr 20, 2023, 9:59:19 PM

Did they finally nerf M16 truck? It seems it no more knocks down the planes instantly...

And when will we get players names in game?

2 years ago
Apr 21, 2023, 4:33:29 AM

As this is just focussed around balance, its a step in the right direction. Overall the challenges are a positive change on Paper. In a week we should know more, about how they actually play out. 

Please dont forget about reintroducing features from the previous games, such as player names (alt-key), more visible kill counts (you have the space in the UI) and working & clean stats.

2 years ago
Apr 21, 2023, 5:44:01 AM

Well, it's definitely a step in the right direction.When is the AI improvement ?

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Apr 21, 2023, 11:07:52 PM



Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Apr 22, 2023, 3:28:07 PM

DAK after 1.1.4

  First off all good patch nice changes good direction great work but you said - ''The Afrikakorps were oppressive in its middle and late game while also being overly vulnerable early on. We are making minor adjustments to even this out by strengthening its early game and reducing the power of their Armory upgrades"

  So you know that DAK is ''overly vulnerable'' early on do you think that the -5 seconds build time on trash pzpioneers is enough??? the only thing that does it makes you bleed manpower earlyer, the buff to heals on the halftrack does not change nothing about having the worst  inf in the game

 The Flakvierling Half-track buffs does not matter nobody builds it and even if you do it has the same timings with allies light tanks and you will hold it in base maybe to shoot down planes, by the time you put it out there are Chaffeys ,Greyhounds, Stuarts roaming around and it will delay your 8rad,Marder or Stugs

  Pzgrenadiers need urgent buff and why they cost 300 mp its just mindblowing  and there is something bugged about Dak manpower flow or there is too much upkeep cost or reinforcement cost Dak its allready the hardest faction to play and the most manpower hungry, if  you try to build couple squads  to try in vain to compete with opponent infantery you will burry your manpower flow and you cannot go put out vehicles and you will lose to the opponent superior infantery and upgrades anyway 

  Before the patch if you survived early game and did not get spawntrapped and managed to build couple vehicles and do the armory upgrades you had a chance to win, now you killed that with huge manpower upgrade costs { allready they have mp problems} and nerfed  effectivness of the armory upgrades + indirect nerfs from stronger AT guns and buffed allied vehicles  , how we supposed to play this faction now how we supposed to win ? 

  Plz make a tutorial and show us how we should play this faction now if not even Orangepest cant figure a viable build and struggles to win with it, nobody plays DAK anymore you see only US vs Wehr

  Why the hate on this faction why every damn update ,hot fix , or ninja update you must find something to nerf about DAK just take it out allready and give us a russian , italian , france faction if you hate it so much and cannot give us a way to play it 

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Apr 22, 2023, 7:04:21 PM

Will you please fix the mission not ending bugs already. Your patch has not addressed this issue. This keeps happening thrughout the Italy campain mutiple missions. 

2 years ago
Apr 24, 2023, 3:55:24 PM

I believe the game is heading in the right direction. And the recent update was a good start.

All the naysayers and trolls should take a break and have a nice bit of cheese to go with their whine.

2 years ago
Apr 27, 2023, 8:27:02 PM

good day everyone. On the cob it's a problem with textures, and if you give out kulemets and ptrs for bad breaths, the stench will appear again and again and pour for the goodness of the bad. so the problem is in the textures, if two windshields sit in the car, then the stench will go through the textures. It's time to fix such insignificant bugs for a long time.

2 years ago
Apr 27, 2023, 9:59:53 PM
lnlnem wrote:

Will you please fix the mission not ending bugs already. Your patch has not addressed this issue. This keeps happening thrughout the Italy campain mutiple missions. 

company of heres 3 = bug

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
May 8, 2023, 2:58:42 AM
Fuchsgeist wrote:

I think the 221 was able to cap but it seems it can not cap anymore. Can someone check and confirm or am I missing something?

You ever used the Mech Battlegroup? With the doctrine ability that gives light vehicle capture?


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