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2 years ago Jul 25,2023, 16:00:54 PM

[PC] Emerald Bear 1.2.0 - Patch Notes

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The Emerald Bear update (1.2.0) is packed full of gameplay improvements and balance adjustments. We are also introducing two new maps and the first version of our player profile. Be sure to review all of the changes and fixes below or check out our Mission Briefing for an overview.  


Multiplayer Maps 

  • Added 3v3 Benghazi map to Automatch, Co-op vs A.I., Skirmish and Custom game modes. 

  • Added 4v4 Monte Cavo map to Automatch, Co-Op vs A.I., Skirmish and Custom game modes. 

Player Profile 

Menu Improvement – Social interaction options 

  • Players can now find all social interactions by clicking the "..." button next to a player’s name.  


  • Ace of Spades (Build 5 US Forces Fighting Positions in a match) - reduced completion count from 5 to 2   

  • Buzzsaw (Deploy 5 Wehrmacht MG42 Machinegun teams in a match) - reduced completion count from 5 to 2   

  • Death or Glory (Deploy 5 British Forces M3 Grant or Crusader tanks in a match) - reduced completion count from 5 to 2   

  • Edelweiss (Kill 5 infantry with Jäger squads upgraded with Reconnaissance Packages in a match) - reduced completion count from 5 to 2   

  • Eighty Eight (Kill 8 Allied vehicles with an Afrikakorps FlaK36 Anti-tank gun in a match) - reduced completion count from 8 to 1   

  • Eyes and Ears (Upgrade 3 US Forces Scout squads with a Utility package in a match) - reduced completion count from 3 to 2   

  • Fieldworks (Build 3 Wehrmacht Fighting Nests in a match)- reduced completion count from 3 to 2   

  • Gun Carriage (Kill 5 vehicles with the US Forces M3 75mm GMC in a match) - reduced completion count from 5 to 1   

  • Gustav Line (Build 5 Wehrmacht Concrete bunkers in a match) - reduced completion count from 5 to 2   

  • Hanomag Scrap (Kill 5 Wehrmacht or Afrikakorps trucks or Half-tracks in a match) - reduced completion count from 5 to 1   

  • Hedgehogs (Build 20 tank traps with British Forces Royal Engineers) - reduced completion count from 20 to 10   

  • High Velocity (Kill 10 infantry with Wehrmacht or Afrikakorps FlaK anti-aircraft guns in a match) - reduced completion count from 10 to 5   

  • Infantry Anti-tank (Kill 3 vehicles with infantry squads in a match) - reduced completion count from 3 to 2   

  • Jerry Surprise (Build 5 Modified AT mines with British Forces Royal Engineers in a match) - reduced completion count from 5 to 3   

  • Loudmouth (Kill 3 vehicles with US Forces Bazooka teams in a match) - reduced completion count from 3 to 1   

  • Making Tracks (Deploy 5 US Forces M3 Half-tracks in a match) - reduced completion count from 5 to 1   

  • Mechanized Support (Call-in 3 Afrikakorps Mechanized infantry or team weapon groups in a match) - reduced completion count from 3 to 2   

  • Panzerarmee (Kill 5 vehicles with Afrikakorps panzers in a match) - reduced completion count from 5 to 1   

  • Panzerkorps (Kill 5 vehicles with Wehrmacht panzers in a match) - reduced completion count from 5 to 1   

  • Purple Heart Boxes (Kill 5 US Forces trucks or Half-tracks in a match) - reduced completion count from 5 to 1   

  • SAW Upgrade 5 US Riflemen squads with additional BARs in a match) - reduced completion count from 5 to 4   

  • Stonk (Kill 5 Afrikakorps infantry with any British Forces artillery in a match) - reduced completion count from 5 to 1   

  • Stupafied (Kill 5 team weapons with the Wehrmacht SturmPanzer IV) - reduced completion count from 5 to 1   

  • Supply Depots (Build 3 Resource Caches in a match) - reduced completion count from 3 to 2   

  • Too Much 20mm (Upgrade 3 Afrikakorps Half-track carriers to the 250/9 autocannon variant in a match) - reduced completion count from 3 to 2   

  • Transport Mess (Kill 3 British Forces CMP 15CWT trucks in a match) - reduced completion count from 3 to 1   

  • Wooden Shoes (Build 5 Schu-Mine 42s with Afrikakorps Panzerpioneers in a match) - reduced completion count from 5 to 3 



Vehicle Mobility & Pathfinding 

End of Movement  

  • Added a new functionality for vehicles to end their movement order at a set distance before a blocker. 

Infantry and Vehicle Blocking 

  • Infantry units no longer ignore moving vehicles and try to path around them. 

Front-Facing Movement Preference 

  • Vehicles now use their original facing direction for most movement orders. 

Formation Movement 

  • Vehicles now adhere to their formation as expected when performing formation movements instead of converging to the same point.  

Phasing Through Units 

  • Vehicles are now allowed to phase through each other and through enemy vehicles that are moving, although they will still prefer to move around if possible.  

Preference to not go around even if path is blocked 

  •  Vehicles will no longer go off the path while chasing enemies. This change was made to address unpredictable vehicle behavior when the vehicle path is blocked in chases. 

Road Preference  

  • To prevent vehicles from responding unpredictably and often veering to roads instead of taking the shortest route to the order location, road preference was turned off. 


  • Vehicule turning has been improved to prevent them from pivoting on the spot or losing too much momentum while turning. This change is meant to improve responsiveness with vehicles, especially during flanks. 

Changes to Vehicle Speed 

All the vehicles in the game had their speed, acceleration and rotation rates adjusted. This change helps improve the responsiveness of a number of vehicles and creates a differentiation between all vehicle classes.  

US Forces 

VehicleSpeedRotation RateAccelerationDeceleration
4X4 Truck9.75708.7510
M29 Weasel8655.57
M3 Armored Personal Carrier7.2502.55
M16 Quad Half-track6.9502.55
M3 75mm Gun Motor Carriage6.9502.55
M8 Greyhound Armored Car6.75504.56
M24 Chaffee Light Tank6.5403.55.5
M8 Scott SPG6.75403.54.5
M31 Recovery Vehicle64535
M4A1 Sherman Medium Tank5.5352.34
M4A3 Sherman Bulldozer5.5342.34
M4A3 Sherman Easy 85.75362.54
M18 Hellcat6.6383.54.5


VehicleSpeedRotation RateAccelerationDeceleration
221 Armored Car8.45067
251 Half-tracks and variants7.2502.54
Marder III M4.6282.254
StugG II G & StugG III D5282.254
Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind5.75352.33.5
Panzer IV5.253223
Panzer IV Command Tank5.5342.53
Wespe SPG5.43023.5
Panther Heavy Tank5.2341.84
Tiger Heavy Tank3.8251.52

British Forces

VehicleSpeedRotation RateAccelerationDeceleration
Dingo Scout Car8.56078
CMP 15CWT Truck and variants7.55535.5
Humber Armored Car8.15057.1
Stuart Light Tank6.5453.754.5
Crusader AA Tank6.5353.54.4
Bishop SPG5.2301.83.1
Crusader II & III6.7383.754.8
M3 Grand Medium Tank5282.14
Matilda Heavy Tank3.85221.752
Churchill Heavy Tank3.5251.52
Churchill Black Prince Heavy Tank3251.51.5

Deutsches Afrikakorps*

VehicleSpeedRotation RateAccelerationDeceleration
Kradschutzen Motorcycle Team11.5751012
250 Light Carrier & Mortar variant7.35754.57.5
250/9 Halftrack (2cm autocannon)7.6754.57.5
Flakvierling halftrack6.9503.257.5
2.5 Tonne Trust & Medical variant7.4553.256
L6/70 Light Tank7.5504.257
8 Rad Armored Car6.755045.5
Marder III4.6282.254
254 Reconnaissance Tractor6.8402.64
Famo Recovery Halftrack6.3503.57
M13/40 Light Tank6.63535
Semovente 75/18 Assault Gun 6.53535
Panzer III & variants6.254034.5

*Refer to Wehrmacht for the unit speed for the StuG IIIs, Tiger, and Panzer IVs 

Event Cues 

  • All event cues have received an Art pass and will now look more cohesive with one another.  

  • Event cues have been further adjusted to reduce how often they appear on the player’s screen. 

End of Match Results 

  • Damage Dealt and Damage Taken stats no longer include environmental damage or friendly fire.  

  • Kill stats such as Soldiers Killed and Vehicles Killed no longer include friendly fire. 

  • Squads Lost stat at the end of the match now shows the correct number. 

  • Unit Efficiency fixed and changed from percentage to a ratio Efficiency Factor. 

Minimap & Tactical Map 

  • The animation for out-of-supply sectors has been updated to be in line with previous Company of Heroes games, flashing between two different tones of blue (or red for enemy territories). 

  • Territory lines will no longer disappear in out-of-supply sectors.  


  • To ease the work of modders who might want to approach the tuning of flight and off-map systems for the first time, we have created archetype abilities in the Attribute Editor to look at and use as an inspiration source, full of detailed comments on how to correctly set them up.  

Off-Map Abilities - Multiplayer 

The intent of the changes to off-map abilities is to deliver a more robust, reliable and responsive system, while also improving the experience by providing more tells from both a visual and audio standpoint.   

Off-Map Audio 

  • Added projectile sounds to off-map abilities that vary with the type of ability. 


Both off-map and flight abilities will now use an expanded set of flares, which will indicate the danger level of an ability. 

  • Added yellow-colored flares for low threat abilities like unit mortar barrages abilities. Added orange-colored flares for medium threat abilities like strafing runs and standard off-map abilities with medium caliber weapons. The existing red-colored flares will now announce heavy threat abilities, like bombing, rocket runs, loiters and high caliber off-map abilities.  
  • The green-colored flares will be kept for paradrop related abilities. 

Sector Off-Maps 

  • Added sector highlight on both the minimap and tactical map that will inform players which territories are being covered by a sector ability. Sector abilities used by the player or allies will highlight the affected territories in yellow, those from opponents will turn them orange. 

Ability Reticles 

  • Adjusted various reticles for abilities to match the effective radius or the ability type. 

Ground Deformation 

  • Off-map ability projectiles now do ground deformation damage. 

US Forces 

Special Operations Battlegroup 

Raiding Flares 

  • Considerably reduced the ability delay.  

  • The ability will now correctly spawn a flare on the highlighted territories. 


Breakthrough Battlegroup 

Zeroing Artillery Barrage 

  • Shells will initially drop more scattered and in fewer number, increasing in number and accuracy over time. 

British Forces 

Indian Artillery Battlegroup 

Off-Map Airburst Barrage 

  • Adjusted ability to be significantly more reliable. 

  • Reduced the ability effectiveness against neutral buildings 

Perimeter Monitor 

  • Perimeter Monitor will feature three separate artillery that will individually target any visible unit with heavy artillery, followed by a delay before new targets are acquired.  

  • Perimeter Monitor now shows area of effect on the covered sectors for both the minimap and tactical map. Sectors affected will be yellow to the player team and orange to the enemies. 

British Armored Battlegroup 

Recon Artillery 

  • Now usable anywhere on the map except on HQ areas. 

  • Recon artillery airplane call-in now gives vision for artillery to be dropped on visible enemy units. 

  • Ability will now end if the recon airplane gets destroyed. 

  • Enemy units inside their HQ sectors will not be targeted by artillery, even if inside the ability area of effect. 

  • Munitions cost reduced from 180 to 150. 

  • Plane health increased from 240 to 640. 

British Air and Sea Battlegroup 

Assault Flares 

  • Frontline sectors will be highlighted on the minimap and tactical map, and recon flares will be dropped to provide vision of the area. 

  • Rate of fire bonuses decreased from +50% to +25%

Naval Bombardment 

  • Ability reworked to be significantly more lethal and reliable.  

  • Cost increased from 200 to 225 

  • Heavily increased the number of projectiles fired.   

  • Near AOE damage distance decreased from 4 to 2 

  • Reduced damage from 440 to 280 

Deutsches Afrikakorps 

Italian Infantry Battlegroup 

Propaganda War 

  • Ability will now correctly work only on squads capable of retreating.  

  • Slightly reduced the delay after which units are retreated. 

Obice 305mm Barrage 

  • Ability reworked to be significantly more reliable. 

Registered Artillery 

  • Ability can now be cast on player owned Victory Points independently by the owner of the resource sector on which they are located.  

  • Shells will initially drop more scattered and in fewer number, increasing in number and accuracy over time.  

  • Updated projectiles Area of Effect profile to be more effective. 

Italian Combined Arms Battlegroup 

Artillery Cover 

  • Enemy units inside their HQ sectors will not be targeted by artillery, even if inside the ability area of effect.  

  • Radius increased considerably.  

  • The ability will feature three separate artillery that will individually target any visible infantry, team weapon and vehicle, dropping flares before each barrage.  

  • When the ability is used, it will now highlight the covered area and start looking for possible enemy targets. 

Team Weapons  

Aim while on reload/cooldown cycles 

  • Team weapons can now move the barrel to acquire a new target while the reload or cooldown phases of the team weapon are happening. They will no longer wait for these phases to be completed before acquiring a new target.  

Idle state 

  • Team weapons are now able to track and start the setup process much better when the weapon is not set up and an enemy moves into range. Previously it was possible that the team weapon would indefinitely try to follow the center of a squad as it moved.  


  • Team weapons now only start to teardown if ALL entities of the targeted enemy squad are out of the arc of fire. Previously it was possible that entities from the enemy squad were still targetable, but the team weapon chose to teardown  


  • Team weapons now teardown much faster. Barrels now snap to the center quicker to allow the team weapon to start the teardown process. This makes team weapons more responsive.  

Turn in place range 

  • Team weapons now have a range around them at which giving a re-face order won't make them move to the location. Most of the time, when doing a proximity click near a team weapon with a re-face order, the intent of the player is to pivot and not move, which adds extra delay. 

Unit Selection 

  • Increased the selection boxes for infantry. This will help when selecting infantry, both the player’s and the opponent’s. 

  • Retreating units no longer remain selected or selectable.  

  • When re-selecting units, the game will now reset any previously opened menus such as construction.  



Anti-tank guns and all vehicles 

  • Auto-reverse range is now reduced to 40 from 60.  

Camouflage Ambush Bonuses 

  • All infantry squads now use the same camouflage ambush bonus. +40% accuracy and +25% damage for 5 seconds when firing from camouflage.  

Casemate Tank Destroyers 

 Marders, StuG IIIs, Brummbars, Semovente, 75mm Halftrack Gun Motor Carriage 

  • Casemates will now center themselves when a target is outside its arc. 

  • Casemates gun now tracks their target without moving their hull. 

  • Casemates guns now traverse, target and fire within their arc without needing to be perfectly centered. 

Cover Combat 

  • The range where small-arms weapons ignore cover is increased from 7 to 10 meters 

Hazard Removal Package 

US Forces, British Forces, and Wehrmacht 

  • Hazard Removal Package is now standardized across the board for all factions to increase the repair rate by 2.5 for a total of 10 health per second when repairing. 

Heavy Howitzers/Artillery 

BL 5.5 Inch, Cannone da 105 

  • Barrage recharge times from 60 to 45.  

Infantry-Based Timed and Passive Healing Abilities 

  • Squad based timed combat abilities such as sprints and passive squad healing abilities are now disabled when the unit is retreating.  

Medium Anti-Tank Guns 

M1, 6-Pounder, Pak 40, Pak 38 

  • Increased the pack-up time from 1.3 to 1.75 seconds. However, anti-tank guns are now more responsive. 

Medium Artillery
Pack Howitzer, 4.2-Inch Mortar, Le.IG 18 

  • Barrage recharge times from 30 to 20. 


Direct-fire projectiles such as direct-fire tank guns, anti-tank guns, autocannons, and flamethrowers were reviewed. These changes will increase the reliability of vehicles when firing over low obstacles and prevent exploits when firing through objects. 

  • All projectiles will immediately collide with obstacles when they miss their target and roll scatter. 

  • Projectiles will now use 3D paths to their targets. This prevents them from auto-colliding with low obstacles in their way such as mines and walls if the shooter would normally be able to fire over the obstacle.  

Recon Loiters 

  • Airborne Recon Loiter plane health increased from 240 to 480. 

  • Recon Artillery plane health increased from 240 to 640. 


  • Repair abilities will now have increased speed when they are affected by modifiers. Bonuses will stack to grant faster repair speeds.  


  • Units that are suppressed now take a +33% penalty to weapon scatter on missed hits. This change is meant to increase the chance of weapons such as grenade launchers no longer landing directly on their target when the unit wielding it is suppressed.  

Uncrewed Machine Guns and Mortars 

  • Target size increased from 1 to 20 to facilitate force-attacks on de-crewed weapons. 


  • Build time decreased from 50 to 40 seconds. 

US Forces 

US Forces has been powerful in 1v1 and weak in larger team modes. These changes will be toning down the Easy Eight while improving underperforming units like Elite Infantry and support units.  

¼-ton 4x4 Truck 

  • Lethality for mid to far range increased by 10%  

Air Support Center 

  • Damaged aircraft no longer increases the recharge time of Air Support Center abilities.  

  • Double Sortie fuel cost decreased from 50 to 40.  

  • P-47 Dive bomb cost decreased from 90 to 70 munitions.  

  • P-47 Dive Bombs now deal +50% bonus damage to vehicles.   

  • P-47 Strafing Run cost decreased from 60 to 50 munitions. 

Bazooka Team 

  • Bazookas reload and wind down adjusted for a rate of fire increase from 4.75/5.5 to 4.25/4.75 seconds. 

  • Health increased from 90 to 95. 

Captain Retinue 

  • Now gains Shared Veterancy. 

  • Off-Map mortar barrage can now be used when suppressed.  


  • Engineer health increased from 80 to 85. This change does not impact health when upgraded to Assault Engineers.  

M1 81mm Mortar 

The Delayed Fuse ability is primarily meant to demolish emplacement bunkers. However, its current power allows it to devastate team weapons when abilities such as Airburst are meant to be the premiere anti-infantry ability of the mortar. 

  • Area of effect damage distances significantly reduced from 1/1.5/5 to 0/0.5/5.  

  • Delayed fuse mid-range damage reduced from 33% to 25%.   

  • Delayed fuse radius increased from 4 to 5 (to better match the effect).  

  • Delayed Fuse Shells cooldown between shots increased from 0.75 to 1.5 seconds.  

  • Delayed Fuse Timer from 1.25 to 3 and now properly displays a timer. 

 M1919 Machine Gun Team 

  • Manpower cost reduced from 240 to 220; does not affect the Airborne variant.  

M29 Weasel 

  • Machine guns can no longer target aircraft.  

M3 75mm Gun Motor Carriage 

  • Direct-fire range increased from 45 to 50  

M4A1 76mm Conversion Upgrade 

  • Fuel cost reduced from 50 to 40 fuel. 

M4A3 Sherman Bulldozer 

  • Bunker-buster deals +100% bonus damage to emplacement.  

  • Frontal Armor increased from 195 to 240.  

  • Population decreased from 14 to 12.  

  • Scatter angle decreased from 9 to 5.  

  • Scatter distance scatter ratio decreased from 1 to 0. 

 Weapon Support Center 

  • Cost decreased from 120 manpower and 15 fuel to 100 manpower and 10 fuel. 

Armored Battlegroup 

M4A3 Sherman Easy 8 

The following change puts the Easy 8’s area of effect and accuracy on-par with the standard Sherman 76mm. This is meant to significantly reduce the E8’s power against infantry.  

  • Accuracy increased from 0.075/0.0563/0.045 to 0.1/0.0563/0.047.  

  • Area of effect mid-range decreased from 2 to 0.75. 

  • Area of effect model limit decreased from 4 to 3. 

  • Area of effect radius increased from 4 to 4.5. 

 M8 Scott 

  • Auto-fire and barrage fire-aim time decreased from 1 to 0.5.  

  • Fuel cost decreased from 50 to 45. 

Special Operations Battlegroup 

SSF Commandos 

  • Bazooka reload and wind down adjusted for a rate of fire increase of 3.6/4.5 to 3.5/4 seconds. 

  • Population decreased from 10 to 9. 

  • SSF Commando health increased from 95 to 110. 


  • Rockets per barrage increased from 10 to 15 

  • Range increased from 70 to 80 

  • Rocket area of effect mid-range distance increased from 1.5 to 2 

  • Rocket area of effect far damage increased from 0.175 to 0.3 

  • Rockets now deal 50% deflection damage 

Airborne Battlegroup 

Carpet Bombing Run 

  • Now drops 2 additional bombs per bomber; bombs dropped now fill the entire reticule correctly. 

HMG Paradrop 

  • Manpower cost reduced from 240 to 220. 

  • Recharge time increased from 30 to 75 seconds.  

P-47 Rocket Strafe 

  • Damage to buildings reduced by 75%. 

  • Damaged against infantry reduced by 75%. 

  • Delay before the 2nd plane attacks increased from 1 to 2. 

  • Rocket count from 6 to 5. 


  • ‘Cooked’ Frag Grenade fuse time decreased from 1.6 to 1. 

  • Bazooka reload and wind down adjusted for a rate of fire increase of 3.6/4.5 to 3.5/4 seconds. 

  • Carbine short-range lethality increased by 8%. 

  • M1919A6 Light machine gun mid-far lethality increased by 15%. 

  • Population decreased from 10 to 9. 

 Supply Drop 

  • Cost decreased from 150 to 125 manpower. 


The Wehrmacht has been overperforming and these changes are meant to tone down overall performance. To promote a more diverse gameplay, some units that have been underused have been improved. 

221 Armored Car 

  • Machine gun mid-far lethality increased by 10%. 

  • Sight increased from 35 to 45. 

2cm Flak 38 AA Gun Team 

  • Manpower cost decreased from 320 to 280. 

Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind 

  • Bonus damage to aircraft decreased from +50% to -25%. 

  • Cost decreased from 360 manpower and 70 fuel to 320 manpower and 60 fuel. 


  • MP40 Submachine gun mid-range lethality decreased by ~15%. 

  • MP40 Submachine gun near lethality decreased by 5%. 

Marder M III 

  • Long-range accuracy from 0.045 to 0.04.  

  • Long-range accuracy reduced by 12%. 

MG 42 

  • Suppression against suppressed targets from 0.5 to 0.35.  

  • Suppression applied to other squads increased from 88% to 93%. 

StuG III (All Variants) 

  • Machine Gun burst length reduced by 15% at mid and far. 

  • Machine Gun can no longer target aircraft. 

  • Machine Gun far accuracy reduced from 45% to 33%. 


  • Point-blank Blast area of effect limit decreased from 4 to 3. 

Luftwaffe Battlegroup 

Luftwaffe Strafing Run

  • Command Point cost decreased from 2 to 1.

  • Cost reduced from 75 to 50 munitions.

British Forces 

The Training Center changes impacted the British Forces more than anticipated. To adjust, some core units are gaining increased performance and the Training Center will now be available from the start. We are planning to continue making further improvements to the British in the future. 

17-pounder Anti-tank Gun 

  • Weapon range increased from 70 to 80. 

CWT 15CMP Truck 

  • 20mm AA gun cost reduced from 75 to 60 munitions. 

Dingo Armored Car 

  • Machine gun can no longer target aircraft.  

Foot Guards 

  • Bazooka reload and wind down adjusted for a rate of fire increase of 3.6/4.5 to 3.5/4 seconds. 

Infantry Section 

  • Bren Weapon lethality increased by 4-6%. 

  • Lethality at all ranges increased by 3%. 

  • Population decreased from 8 to 7.  

Forward Observer Base Howitzer  

  • Fog of War scatter increased from 1.25 to 2.5. 

  • Ready-aim time reduced from 2 to 0.5. 

  • Rotation rate increased from 25 to 45. 

  • Scatter max decreased from 15 to 6. 

M3 Stuart Light Tank 

  • Self-repair ability speed increased from 0.66 to 1.2. 

  • Stuart Utility package cost reduced from 60 to 40 munitions. 

Training Center 

  • Now immediately available at the start of the game and does not need to be purchased. 

  • Training upgrade experience for infantry, team weapons, and light vehicles increased from 500 to 800. 

  • Training upgrade experience for medium and heavy vehicles increased from 500 to 1250. 

Vickers Heavy Machine Gun Team 

  • Mid and far range lethality increased by 5/7.5%. 

Air and Sea Battlegroup 


  • ‘Cooked’ Mills Bomb fuse time decreased from 1.6 to 1. 

Commando LMG Section 

  • Now use unique Lee Enfields that have increased accuracy and damage over the standard Infantry Section at all ranges. 

  • +31% increased lethality at short-range, +34% at mid-range, +20% at long-range. 

Incendiary Carpet Bombing Run 

  • Now drops 2 additional bombs per bomber; bombs dropped will now fill the entire reticule correctly. 

  • Munitions cost increased from 110 to 150. 

Naval Blockade 

  • Command Point cost decreased from 2 to 1. 

Supply Surplus 

  • Now provides a 25% discount on built Resource caches to the player by Royal Engineers or those built directly on territory points. 

  • Field Infirmaries cost decreased from 200 manpower to 150. 

Deutsches Afrikakorps 

The DAK is receiving adjustments to address key weaknesses in early game options. This is meant to open options for different styles of play.   

8 Rad Armored Car 

  • Scatter angle and Scatter max increased from 2 to 3.5.  

250 Light Carrier 

  • Cost decreases from 280 to 260. 

  • Now gains shared veterancy. 

Armored Reserves 

  • Cost decreased from 200 manpower and 150 fuel to 100 manpower and 75 fuel. 

  • Requires only the Panzerarmee Kommand to be purchased.  

  • Tiger fuel cost increased from 180 fuel to 240 fuel. 

Assault Grenadiers 

  • Grenade Assault cost decreased from 45 to 35 munitions. 

Combined Arms Ability 

  • Now triggers on the 250-mortar half-track, 254 Reconnaissance Tractor, and the Walking Stuka Halftrack 

Flak 36 Anti-Tank Gun Team 

  • Fire-aim time increased from 0.125 to 1. 

  • Ready-aim time from 0.125 to 0.25/5. 

  • Reload time increased from 2.125 to 2.5/2.75. 

Flakvierling Halftrack 

  • Bonus damage to aircraft decreased from +50% to -25%. 

  • Weapon range increased from 40 to 45. 

Le.IG 18 Howitzer 

  • Barrage recharge times decreased from 30 to 20.  

Marder III 

  • Long-range accuracy reduced by 12%. 


Panzergrenadiers will now be more powerful without Combined Arms while retaining the same overall strength. This was to help address the significant difference in viability of the unit in small vs large games while still incentivizing Combined Arms play. 

  • Base Lethality at mid and long-range increased by 10%. 

  • Combined-Arms accuracy bonus decreased from +30% to +20%. 

  • MG42 LMG accuracy increased by 10%. 

StuG III (All Variants) 

  • Machine gun burst length duration multiplier from 1/0.95/0.7 to 1/0.8/0.6. 

  • Machine gun can no longer target aircraft. 

  • Machine gun far accuracy from 45% to 33%. 


  • S-Mines Launcher now deals significantly less damage to infantry but now will suppress and pin them. 

Walking Stuka Rocket Launcher 

  • Rockets now deal 40% deflection damage. 

Italian Infantry Battlegroup 

Booby Traps 

  • Increased health on the booby trap from 20 to 140. 

  • Now uses the demo charge model. 


  • Reinforcement cost from 40 to 35. 

  • SMG moving burst increased from 35% to 100%. 

Italian Combined Arms Battlegroup 

Semovente 75/18 Assault Gun 

  • Barrage recharge time decreased from 90 to 45 seconds. 

  • Barrage reload decreased from 3.5/4 to 3 seconds. 

  • Ready-aim delay on HEAT Shell ability removed. 

Strafing Run 

  • Bonus damage to vehicles decreased from +225% to +200%. 

  • Damage increased from 10 to 15. 

Armored Support Battlegroup 

Vehicle Awareness 

  • Command Point cost increased from 1 to 2. 


  • Fixed a low chance for the game to crash while hovering over the minimap icon of a squad that is currently in combat.  
  • Fixed a memory leak in the reflection system that resulted in the leaking of speech data. Players should see a more stable experience match over match.  
  • Fixed a synchronization issue in the replay launch argument where if the teams were uneven or there were unused slots in the match, errors could occur - units not spawning from production buildings or friendly teams showing as enemy.  


  • Added Barb Wire cut sounds effects.  
  • Added Naval Blockade siren sounds effects. 
  • Added Propaganda bomb sound effects. 
  • Added sound effects to Custom Game context menus.  
  • Fixed Navy Bombardment sounds effects to adjust with volume settings.  
  • Updated audio treatment for the War Cry ability; the sound effect can now be heard by all factions when active.


  • Large explosions are now more likely to rend infantry and small explosions are more likely to create ragdolls.  
  • Churchill Black Prince's right-side treads are now playing the correct animation.   
  • Deutsches Afrikakorps Tank Traps now use the same model and stats as the Wehrmacht version.   
  • Five pounder crew no longer t-poses when aiming at extreme angles.  
  • Fixed an animation issue when infantry entered the Deutsches Afrikakorps 2.5-Tonne Medical Truck.  
  • Fixed an issue where the infantry were incorrectly positioned inside the Deutsches Afrikakorps 250 Light Carrier.  
  • Fixed numerous issues with floating objects when destroyed.  
  • Fixed the Wehrmacht Command Panzer IV coaxial Machine Gun visual effects not being hooked up correctly.   
  • Heavy Mortar Teams animations now sync up to the barrage timing.   
  • Improved Half-track animations and soldier positioning.  
  • Improved idle and driving poses on the Kettenkrad crew. 
  • Improved missing terrain details. 
  • Improved the visibility of visual effects when points are captured.  
  • Increased Tanks/Vehicles particle visual effects when an engine is critically hit.   
  • Reduced camera clipping through the terrain on several maps.  
  • Reduced cloud density to improve visuals on the Foggia map.  
  • Resource cache improvements now properly play construction animation.  
  • Corrected some of the wrong pintle mounted weapons. 
  • The pivot animations of loader and gunner are now matching the tracking fire angle.  
  • US Hellcat tarps will now match their cosmetic themes.  
  • Weapons will no longer float when the unit is hit by explosive type weapons.

Dynamic Italian Campaign 

  • Adjusted firing cone range of campaign map howitzer emplacements to better match the ranges of its bombardment ability.  
  • Commander XP is now correctly awarded for off-map abilities.  
  • Consistency work done on all Campaign Company's active ability icons/titles/descriptions in the RTS to better match what was described in the Company unlock page.  
  • Enabled the ability to save during our Gela tutorial so players can take additional time to complete it without being reset.    
  • Fixed a camera issue in the intro mission Gela where the camera could get locked at one of the map borders.  
  • Fixed a rare issue on the campaign map where transport ships could complete the “Assist the damaged destroyer” objective.  
  • Fixed an issue that made it difficult to click on some of the towns in the Italian Dynamic Campaign.  
  • Fixed an issue to prevent emplacements on the campaign map from shooting through mountains.  
  • Fixed an issue where British Armored Company Crusader AA tanks would not benefit from suppression when upgraded with the 'Rapid-Fire' campaign ability.  
  • Fixed an issue where saves sometimes failed to load if the save was made while the American recon aircraft ability was in use.  
  • Fixed an issue where the “Repair damaged equipment” objective would be completed during the enemy turn.  
  • Fixed an issue where the sniper could use their Medkit ability when uninjured.  
  • Fixed an issue where the US Airborne and Spec Ops support ability passives were selectable in the campaign.  
  • Fixed Assassinate Baumann target being killable without completing the mission.  
  • Fixed attack and load commands not working correctly when issued from a company that was already within another city/town. Units automatically unload from the city and go to attack the enemy.  
  • Fixed British Forces owned capture points flying the Wehrmacht flag instead of the British Forces flag in Italy.  
  • Fixed detachments dying the moment they are purchased if they were purchased while inside the enemy's emplacement cone of fire.  
  • Fixed excessive fog in the Italian Dynamic Campaign when the camera zooms out while paused.  
  • Fixed Partisan capture ability not removing capture resistance pip when used on capture point with just 1 pip while having Valenti Local Relations upgrade.  
  • Fixed Partisan Explosives ability not dealing any damage.   
  • Fixed stance change being available while having no action points.  
  • Fixed the US Airborne company in the campaign being able to requisition the M3 Armored Car before unlocking it.  
  • In the Gela tutorial mission, the retreat command for the first objective should no longer fail.  
  • Save & Load is now accessible in the Gela & Calabria prologue to the Italy Campaign.  
  • Standardized tooltip description and help text for the Company support ability passives.  
  • Updating consistency for the Italian campaign map and the Italian campaign map tutorial objective transitions. Voice over and banners now follow a predictable pattern.  
  • Updating consistency for the tutorial mission objective transitions. Voice over and banners now follow a predictable pattern. 

North African Operation 

  • Improvements in convoy movement and behavior in the Desert Village Ambush mission. 


  • Adjusted collisions so buildings cannot be built too close to rocks.  
  • Adjusted resource points and Heavy Machine Gun Base Bunkers on skirmish maps so that units capturing the point do not get shot at.  
  • Airborne Company Heavy Machine Gun Paradrop ability can now be used in the Fog of War.  
  • Brummbar sight decreased from 50 to 35 as intended.  
  • Certain variants of the CWT truck no longer fall through bridges as if the bridges weren't there.  
  • Cleared rubble from various building entrances on (6) Mignano Summit to enable better access and reduce pathfinding issues.  
  • CMP 15cwt Anti-Air Trucks can now Prioritize Aircraft.  
  • Evaluated Italian buildings to ensure they hold an appropriate number of squads.  
  • Fixed ability cancellation timing exploit that allowed the first shot of an ability to still go off, even after both the ability cost and recharge have been refunded.  
  • Fixed an issue where Deutsches Afrikakorps reinforcing the 88 used a different crew rather than those found upon the unit spawning.  
  • Fixed an issue where 2.5-tonne Utility Trucks did not have a veterancy ability; they now use the Field Supplies ability found on the medical variant.  
  • Fixed an issue where builder units would run on the spot and not complete construction.   
  • Fixed an issue where cancelling the Destroy Obstacles ability would cause the ability to go on cooldown.  
  • Fixed an issue where certain units could cause their primary weapon to permanently swap to a barrage weapon.  
  • Fixed an issue where Engineers that were affected by the Assault Engineer upgrade would not get extra health. 
  • Fixed an issue where Panzerjager Squads did not have the Prioritize Vehicle ability.   
  • Fixed an issue where paratroops would freeze in midair when reacting to explosions.  
  • Fixed an issue where Pioneers did not get their construction bouses from veterancy.  
  • Fixed an issue where Precision Shot and Precision Barrage were affected by Indian Artillery's Artillery Saturation ability.  
  • Fixed an issue where Sherman Dozer Delayed Fuze did not have a delay before detonating.  
  • Fixed an issue where Smoke Canisters on the Stuka could trigger the cooldown on the unit's barrages.   
  • Fixed an issue where specific non-garrisonable structures stated they could be garrisoned.  
  • Fixed an issue where Stosstruppen Shock Assault bonuses did not stack with other modifiers such as veterancy. 
  • Fixed an issue where team weapons could get destroyed when receiving explosive damage in a structure.  
  • Fixed an issue where the Deutsches Afrikakorps Flak 88 could only be reinforced up to a maximum of 4 models rather than 6 after being recrewed.  
  • Fixed an issue where the 254 Reconnaissance Tractor was not affected by Emergency Repair Kits.  
  • Fixed an issue where the Bazooka team's White Phosphorous rocket would refund its cost.  
  • Fixed an issue where the M1 Anti-Tank Gun and Pak 38 needed to accelerate and decelerate like a vehicle.  
  • Fixed an issue where the Mortar Half-tracks Smoke Barrage and Self-Repair abilities overlapped.  
  • Fixed an issue where the Pathfinder Icon was used on the Recon Group for the M8 Scott's upgrade path, not the Scout Icon.   
  • Fixed an issue where the Received Accuracy bonus from the Training Center would not apply to reinforced infantry entities.  
  • Fixed an issue where the Scout Squad's utility package used a different icon in the build queue.  
  • Fixed an issue where the Semovente HEAT Shell could create an invisible smoke cloud.  
  • Fixed an issue where the StuG D could not rotate when using the Firing Positions ability.  
  • Fixed an issue where the White Phosphorous Rocket could instantly destroy destructible objects like bridges.   
  • Fixed an issue where there was no requirement text for paradrop abilities when attempting to paradrop units over unsuitable terrain.  
  • Fixed an issue where there was no UI reticle when deploying M31 Recovery Vehicles or the Mechanized Assault Group from the German Breakthrough Battlegroup.  
  • Fixed an issue where units cannot vault after picking up a team weapon.  
  • Fixed an issue which allowed mortar barrage abilities to be used while pinned.  
  • Fixed collision on wooden fences to prevent units from clipping through them.  
  • Fixed inconsistent setup time for mortar crews.  
  • Fixed an issue that would cause mortar crews to sometimes get stuck on setup.  
  • Fixed player not losing the capture point when choosing to retreat from the battle.  
  • Grenadier Med Kit regeneration set to restore 8 HP per second for 10 seconds during its duration.  
  • Guastatori can now build resource caches.  
  • Hellcat now uses a direct-fire line rather than an arcing projectile. 
  • Improved pathfinding to allow infantry units to use the stairs behind hospitals.  
  • Increased speed of Stuka bomb, fixed lingering bomb visual effects trail, and increased ground crater.  
  • Improved the A.I.'s early game capture point order when on a team. Bugs were causing the A.I. to excessively prioritize VPs and fuel at the start of the game, these have been fixed. 
  • The A.I.'s preference for capture points that are closer to its base than its teammates' bases has been increased.  
  • Fixed an issue where the A.I. would sometimes send 2 squads to capture a single safe neutral point early in the game. They will now only send 1 squad for safe early game captures.  
  • Issuing multiple repair commands on the same target will no longer restart the repair.  
  • M1 Anti-Tank Gun Focused Sight ability now has a 10 second delay between toggling the ability on and off.  
  • M3 Grant Medium Tank Prioritize Vehicle ability now functions correctly.  
  • Pack Howitzer smoke barrage no longer shares a cooldown with other barrages.  
  • Semovente now properly gains reload bonuses for veterancy. 
  • Smoke clouds deployed by a player no longer trigger mines.  
  • Team weapons no longer tear down when pinned.  
  • Text for the Crusader's Heroic Charge is now standardized between when the ability is triggered and it's passive.  
  • The Deutsches Afrikakorps's Flak 88 Truck and the British 17 Pounder trucks give consistent population that matches their cost, once acquiring and upon death.  
  • The A.I. is no longer capable of ignoring the boundary lines of the skirmish map to move their units outside of the playable space.  
  • Units should no longer get stuck when retreating from Passenger Train Cars.  
  • Units should now be easier to select with and without box selection.  
  • Updated HQ bunkers to prevent enemy access without drawing fire.   
  • Using Smoke canisters while Point-blank ability is active shouldn't result in infinite grenades anymore. 


  • A buff indicator will now appear over the 3-Inch Mortar team when the Zero-In veterancy ability is triggered.  
  • Assault Package for the Grenadiers now uses the correct icon when it is in the upgrade queue.  
  • Controls profile text now properly aligns in all languages.  
  • Fixed a naming issue with the Paratrooper Grenade ability.  
  • Fixed a ping message visual effect for friendly players.  
  • Fixed a tool-tip issue where the text 'NOT' would appear when attempting to build base structures too close to other buildings.  
  • Fixed a UI issue where several British tanks did not have portraits or UI when selected during the Desert Raid Mission.  
  • Fixed a UI issue with the Panzer Armee auto-build ability.  
  • Fixed an issue where the Deutsches Afrikakorps passive Self-Repair used a healing icon rather than a repair icon.  
  • Fixed an issue where ability requirement text is sometimes blank.  
  • Fixed an issue where Airborne Spirit displayed the wrong buff icon.  
  • Fixed an issue where British Heavy Machine Guns and Mortars showed the incorrect mini-map icon.  
  • Fixed an issue where the Flak emplacement did not display the text for veterancy awards.  
  • Fixed an issue where the Guastatori Demo Charge displayed a placeholder image when selected.  
  • Fixed an issue where the M29 Weasel with Towed 57mm Anti-tank call-in tooltip was incorrect and stated the weapon was unmanned.  
  • Fixed an issue where the Recovery Half-track's Salvage and Rapid Advance ability icons overlapped.  
  • Fixed an issue where the Stuart Ace was missing its portrait in the victory splash screen.  
  • Fixed an issue where the Stuart's Mark target displayed double requirements.  
  • Fixed an issue where Wehrmacht team weapons had incorrect portraits and text when de-crewed.  
  • Fixed missing and inconsistent key names in View and Remap Controls tab.  
  • Fixed Refresh button in Browse Custom Games Lobby.  
  • Fixed the missing portrait on the 25-Pounder.  
  • Improved the Command Tanks coordinate ability tooltip.  
  • Improved the majority of in-game tips to correct the disparity between functionality and ability. Tooltips now also provide greater clarity across the board.   
  • Improved unit production prerequisites not being properly displayed/communicated.  
  • Made the Exclusive Control Groups setting enabled by default.  
  • Self-Repair and Smoke barrage on the 250 Mortar Half-track no longer overlap with each other.  
  • The mouse cursor will now show the build icon when placing a new construction or hovering over a partly built construction.  
  • Updated the design for the team-weapon set-up bar. 
  • Updated visual style of action bars that appear on the decorator.  
  • Players can now toggle the tab navigation on and off from the Settings screen's Accessibility's General section.  
Copied to clipboard!
2 years ago
Jul 25, 2023, 4:22:58 PM

Still nothing about the Floating weapons bugs?


2 years ago
Jul 25, 2023, 4:24:11 PM

Solid changes, but buff to USF Airborne Support center? Really? Those MG strafes make team weapons obsolete. That's a joke... 

And DAK is still the only faction lacking AT infantry in early/mid game. Tankhunters are way too weak and can only get called in every 6 mins. I had hoped for some penetration buffs to 250/9, Flakvierling an 8Rad....

Bersaglieri, 250/9, Command PIV, L6/40, Carro Armato, Cannone 105 and a lot more is still trash. What a pity....

2 years ago
Jul 25, 2023, 4:40:41 PM

Never been more hyped! Since the plane changes & sound rework of last patch you guys are on a roll!
Casemate vehicle & pathing changes + DaK adjustments & Off-maps are making my whole summer!! Keep it up!! <3

And darnit floating weapons not addressed though? xD

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Jul 25, 2023, 4:51:44 PM
LPDAiborne82 wrote:
VonManteuffel wrote:

Solid changes, but buff to USF Airborne Support center? Really? Those MG strafes make team weapons obsolete. That's a joke... 

And DAK is still the only faction lacking AT infantry in early/mid game. Tankhunters are way too weak and can only get called in every 6 mins. I had hoped for some penetration buffs to 250/9, Flakvierling an 8Rad....

Bersaglieri, 250/9, Command PIV, L6/40, Carro Armato, Cannone 105 and a lot more is still trash. What a pity....

These are actually really easy to dodge if you micro a little bit. Or just hit the retreat button and you are gold. let them decrease prices, its not like their call in time increased, still a waste of munitions if you just pay attention, Im not seeing the nerfs on those last 5 units you just mentioned, did I miss something?

2 years ago
Jul 25, 2023, 5:26:44 PM

wermatch now are a super nerfed faction of game!

2 years ago
Jul 25, 2023, 5:51:09 PM

relic: us forces has been powerful in 1v1

players: finally they noticed!

relic: we buff them more.

players:    -__-

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Jul 25, 2023, 5:55:22 PM
aceridgey wrote:

Surprised Stugs still have their crazy armour....

????? its supposed to be tanky lol, fight against matildas much?

2 years ago
Jul 25, 2023, 6:08:03 PM

How can I activate double F1, F2, etc., in the menu? I want the camera to focus when I press double key.

Follow a unit with the camera. How can i do it?

2 years ago
Jul 25, 2023, 6:13:11 PM

I'm SO HAPPY to inform you all that the floating guns bug has been FIXED! Finally! I love you Relic!

By the way is it me or FPSes got way worse with this update?

2 years ago
Jul 25, 2023, 6:18:04 PM

Okay, after the update I have great performance issues: stuttering at 30fps. After lowering graphics from maximum to high it's fine again with 60fps. Hopefully relic will fix this soon.

2 years ago
Jul 25, 2023, 6:36:38 PM

Nit for the post itself:

Changes to Vehicle Speed needs a before & after section.

2 years ago
Jul 25, 2023, 7:17:37 PM

Thank you Relic for long waited update seems like a lot of QOL update + solid balance changes. Hope to see more DAK and Brit players in the lobbies. Keep it going and this is going to turn around! :)

2 years ago
Jul 25, 2023, 7:30:44 PM

Lots of great stuff in here. All for prioritizing multiplayer improvements (especially maps), but if you're working on the dynamic campaign, can you do something about the issues between turns? My last playthrough if I zoomed out on the map at the end of the turn the campaign map textures would all vanish. Had a turn hang more than once. Tons of turns where the enemy is moving units and my screen is just stuck on a random area of the map. Really irritating issues for an otherwise great campaign.

2 years ago
Jul 25, 2023, 7:50:42 PM

unfortunately i have to report critical bugs

Performance is trash at the moment, i used to play with 60 FPS stable and now it constantly goes below 30 FPS, even toned down from Maximum to High.

Afrika Korps CANNOT build the Flak 36, it says "Not enough Resources" even when you do.

Please hotfix need ASAP for Performance and This!!!

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Jul 25, 2023, 8:05:35 PM

I can confirm the same Bug applies on the 17-Pounder AT for the UK Forces, you CANNOT build even with resources and upgrade.

2 years ago
Jul 25, 2023, 8:36:42 PM

These are some quality patchnotes and show very good promise for the future

We won't play yet but if it continues like this im sure the game does a great turnaround

Some balance things seem a bit odd, no Stug armor nerf and gastatori buff but these are minor things

Non Doctrinal Tiger will never make sense within the game and will fundamentally never be balanceable and just detract from the game, it belongs in a Battlegroup.

I also hope the team will continue fixing contrast outliers on too dark or too bright textures so that the person doing the color grading can improve the final outcome in the future.

2 years ago
Jul 25, 2023, 8:59:33 PM
VonManteuffel wrote:

Okay, after the update I have great performance issues: stuttering at 30fps. After lowering graphics from maximum to high it's fine again with 60fps. Hopefully relic will fix this soon.

Same here, quite aggravated since this is the first performance issue I've had since launch.

2 years ago
Jul 25, 2023, 9:00:10 PM
TrialShock wrote:

unfortunately i have to report critical bugs

Performance is trash at the moment, i used to play with 60 FPS stable and now it constantly goes below 30 FPS, even toned down from Maximum to High.

Afrika Korps CANNOT build the Flak 88, it says "Not enough Resources" even when you do.

Please hotfix need ASAP for Performance and This!!!

Much of this is being tracked in our Known Issues

2 years ago
Jul 25, 2023, 9:52:38 PM

Yeh awesome so when can console get these changes ????? Me mates are all waiting 


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