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Give Console playerbase a option to refund

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23 days ago
May 25, 2024, 2:11:42 PM

With the recent announcement that Console will no longer be receiving updates I believe it is only fair console players be given the opportunity to refund their game.

The year we've had COH 3 on console hasn't been a smooth one. Incredibly slow update schedules, little to no communication from the Dev team regarding console progress and the final nail in the coffin, literally dropping us from development.

Every single console player paid for the game just the same as a PC player and ergo we have a right to get the same product and value. Hell I feel terrible for the poor guys who purchased the Premium version of the game only for it to be left out high and dry.

I'm not ignorant to why this has happened I understand the reasons Relic provided, but that isn't our fault nor our problem it's theirs and taking money from players only to drop the game within a year for their platform is just a scummy move.

I'm also well aware that a number of PC players think this is a good thing for Relic because it will support their platform's development. To which I say once again we paid for the game too, regardless of whether or not you think RTS games do or don't belong on console is irrelevant, we're already here.

It's honestly a downright shame that it's come to this because there is a console community of players who wants the game to thrive and survive even after the ridiculously long wait for any sort of updates and content drops there are still people playing, to my surprise I didn't think the players would stick around after waiting 7+ months for a update.

At the end of the I'll say it one last time. We gave our money for a product. If Relic doesn't want to support that anymore, fine but at least give us a chance to get our money back. Try to keep some good will and faith with consumers who were evidently willing to support you and your product. Please don't screw us over one final time.

21 days ago
May 26, 2024, 9:42:48 PM

Demanding a refund after playing a game for a year. Man, gamers really are something else. 

21 days ago
May 26, 2024, 10:43:22 PM
Aerohank wrote:
Demanding a refund after playing a

I believe you're missing my point. Console players purchased the same product a PC player did. We should get the same value and content correct? 

Now that they're no longer going to be delivering updates to console how is it fair at all???

 For example in update 1.6.0 (which console never got, we're now permanently at 1.4.3) PC got 2 new free battlegroups and maps (also maps from 1.5.0) How can you charge one playerbase the same amount of money for a product with less content? and on top of this PC support is continuing! That's more content that console players will never have access to even though WE PAID THE SAME AMOUNT OF MONEY.

You see what I'm getting at here? If Relic came out and said that they were cutting off support for COH3 for all platforms I wouldn't have anything to say because everyone would have paid for and received the same thing.

Imagine you go to the movies and get a drink, you pay for it but realize it's only been half filled but the person in front of you who bought the same size of drink got theirs fully filled.

My point while long winded is that it's unfair to console players who either deserve the same product as everyone else or some sort of compensation for the Dev team backing out on delivering that to them only.

21 days ago
May 27, 2024, 6:13:35 AM

your right op. My brother plays on ps5 hes not  a pc gamer. So he should have all the updates and content pc players have. Thats a pretty shitty move by relic

21 days ago
May 27, 2024, 12:09:10 PM

I'm kinda partly agree with a topic starter. Partly, because I think since game is still playable (and you can at least finish the campaing) it should be partial refund, for example half of a price.

Though I have to say that from the start I thought of a console edition as a strange move, probably forced by Sega as a publisher to increase profit. But in my opinion consoles are no place for a strategy and to force console edition of a strategy was a dumb move at the first place.

And this makes me wondering does abandoning of console version foreshadowing possible closure of a PC version support as well. Since it is still in state when more players still plays coh2 instead (more factions, more commanders) and I'm not seeing any new battlegroups or factions in the relic's plans.

21 days ago
May 27, 2024, 2:09:32 PM
DaddyWesker wrote:

I'm kinda partly agree with a topic starter. Partly, because I think since game is still playable (and you can at least finish the campaing) it should be partial refund, for example half of a price.

Though I have to say that from the start I thought of a console edition as a strange move, probably forced by Sega as a publisher to increase profit. But in my opinion consoles are no place for a strategy and to force console edition of a strategy was a dumb move at the first place.

And this makes me wondering does abandoning of console version foreshadowing possible closure of a PC version support as well. Since it is still in state when more players still plays coh2 instead (more factions, more commanders) and I'm not seeing any new battlegroups or factions in the relic's plans.

In reality, Relic lacks personnel capable of developing console games, with both AOE4 and COH3 being handled exclusively by external teams. Support for PC will not be discontinued anytime soon, as Relic lacks the capability, resources, and financial backing to do so. Moreover, the recent updates were actually a temporary addition to the battlegroup.

18 days ago
May 30, 2024, 2:19:22 AM

I'd really like a refund as we were told one thing and delivered another, if sega decides to offer it or not I'll be looking to get one

I have less than 10hrs playtime in the last year and we barely got the firsf dlc not too long ago 


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