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Infantry TTK

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4 days ago
Jun 14, 2024, 2:27:37 PM

Good afternoon everyone, I haven't written for a long time, but I have to raise the issue even though no one will listen.

 The most important problem of the game is not the lack of doctrines and units, not maps, but the main gameplay, a couple of highlights that are much worse than in the second part. 

The first problem is the TTK infantry, units exchange fire for half an hour, can stand against each other shooting without loss, incredibly slowly throw grenades with negligible damage and cannot damage the tank engine without throwing 3 grenades. Infantry is useless and it is not interesting for them to play.

 The second problem is the complete lack of physics in tanks, inertia, acceleration, braking of all this is not there, here the tank is a radio-controlled plastic car, also the wild speed of tanks that do not care about the terrain and the surface on which they drive, hello guys mud snow, etc. it has already been done once you have sand and concrete this is one thing and also. Also, what has been written about a thousand times is the reaction of tanks to shell hits, sound effects accompanying the shot and hit.

The problem is at the core, and if there is at least one person left in the studio who played the second part, ask him, let him point out these simple things.

4 days ago
Jun 14, 2024, 3:50:52 PM

They already confirmed in the next patch TTK is getting changed and vehicle improvements are coming.

4 days ago
Jun 14, 2024, 7:06:09 PM

I specifically highlighted the problems, the developers may make some changes while not correcting those important points that I wrote about, it is the fundamental changes that are important

3 days ago
Jun 15, 2024, 11:28:53 PM
digitalvadim wrote:

I specifically highlighted the problems, the developers may make some changes while not correcting those important points that I wrote about, it is the fundamental changes that are important

I imagine the TTK will be getting shortened like you describe. Though I'm not 100% sure about the vehicle changes they have planned. I do agree with you that vehicles and tanks currently feel like to toy cars. I hope they fix that.

Updated 3 days ago.

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