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Company of Heroes 3
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Distinction of the Africa Korps 6/10

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4 days ago
Dec 18, 2024, 1:59:49 PM

I can't unlock the distinction (Master mechanized 6/10) of the Africa Korps. I released before the first 15 minutes the only vehicle called HalfTracks in the game for the Africa Korps, that is to say the Half traks Flak FD/Kfz, without success. And I told myself that the title was (Master mechanized) and that it was probably the 18 Tonnes, again without success. I then tried with two releases of SD/Kfz 250 then later the one with the name SD/Kfz 251Stuka but again without success. So what vehicle is it really? or is it a bug? the whole thing is partly skirmish in the single player mode and in multiplayer coop against the AI.


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