I'd like to use some of the ships as visual-only in my Skirmish maps, but I've run into some issues. The big one is that I need to have troops adjacent to the center of the ship for it to be seen, otherwise it vanishes. I tried making them vis but they vanish from the editor view and do not appear in game (this applies to several objects in the editor). If I set them to "Allow out of Bounds" and scoot them over beyond the playable area, they stay visible at all times but if left inside the playable area I'm back to needing troops beside their center point to see them. Is there any way to set them as always-visible, non-interactive objects inside the playable area? Why do they (and other objects) vanish if set to Visual?
Thanks in advance.
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Maps are letters written to times and places their makers have explored. They do not control the territory, they tell it's stories
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