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Drop Hacker spotted

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14 days ago
May 18, 2024, 11:40:29 PM

Hi All,

Just played a game VS a guy named "THEGOODMOOSE" (his name is in full capital letters) well long story short I beat him fair and square, he is 1300 ELO Wehrmacht and I am 1077 with brits atm, He surrendered but instead of getting 25+ points from my legit win, I get a -1 on after game stats.

If he could trigger that as a glitch or if its the game that somewhat got impressed by this huge elo difference win let me know, if there is a way to get my proper ELO compensation for that win I would appreciate it. Oddly enough I have been refreshing, my cohdex and cohstats to see that -1 it doesnt appear !!! I can provide replays and ss.

Many thanks,

PS: Cheating suxx

14 days ago
May 19, 2024, 6:32:17 AM

At the victory screen we both got -1 and we had this black start when you are in placement, let me know if you encountered this any other time

14 days ago
May 19, 2024, 6:35:56 AM

Hi mate, sounds frustrating. But congrats on the win nevertheless :)

I also had some games where I won and got a -1 but never bothered to figure out why. I am pretty sure though it has nothing to do with cheating.

Maybe anyone can elaborate?

14 days ago
May 19, 2024, 8:43:48 AM

hey thanks for the congrats, yeah... it sure is frustrating... I got this coh1 p2p/pvp PTSD, where guys used to mess their wifi connection and freeze the game hoping they would trigger a loss to you. The Relic magic decision system often favored some mystical factors to grant the victory randomly then..

Oddly enough, it both looks like we were in placement and lost, this happens when you have an update, but yesterday wasnt the case.

GLHF mate, sad to hear it happens often to other players who legit made their way to get the V

14 days ago
May 19, 2024, 11:09:35 AM

haha yeah I ve been there in Coh1.. 50 min Red Balls ends in a drophack

But Coh1 had generally very unprotected code. You could modify the speach files so that the Germans spoke German and the rest English. Skins had to be manually integrated into the files too. 

I doubt there is much hacking around in Coh3 currently. This rather sounds like a "feature" :)

12 days ago
May 21, 2024, 8:26:54 AM

it is visual bug. Not DropHack.
You can check your elo is Coh3stat.com - player tab. That match still count as a win for you and + elo point.

12 days ago
May 21, 2024, 10:16:50 AM
Thekevn wrote:

it is visual bug. Not DropHack.
You can check your elo is Coh3stat.com - player tab. That match still count as a win for you and + elo point.

Sadly the game never counted I have been checking the two majors game stats, and I never gained any ELO nor can see this game appearing in my general stats, this win would have meant at least a 20 + Elo win, so no it never happend... I checked my opponenet stats and neither does he have it in his game stats. As @UberHnz said this happens more than often to certain players, in my case this was the first time

9 days ago
May 24, 2024, 2:58:29 PM

I have also checked to see if this was a visual bug and it's not. I've checked my match history for days and it's happened at least four times within this week alone these people are abusing relics spaghetti code game. And I absolutely hate to see it because me and all my other friends have had it happen more often than not. To see it not even spoken about resolved or punished is a sad day for all of us who actually enjoy the game and play right. 

7 days ago
May 26, 2024, 8:41:04 AM

This is a bug, we've lost games before and had this exact issue happen. We literally faced of in 2v2 with a position 10 wehr player and 3 games only 2 of them counted because of the -1 elo bug

7 days ago
May 26, 2024, 6:37:33 PM
KevinTDWK wrote:

This is a bug, we've lost games before and had this exact issue happen. We literally faced of in 2v2 with a position 10 wehr player and 3 games only 2 of them counted because of the -1 elo bug

I guess the Elo guardians have a mind of their own.. Let's hope it gets corrected for the next update, glhf
