Can we make AT gun crews a bit more resilient from the front?  

Brit grant spam appears pretty much every game and they just roll up in front of at guns and blow away the crew with, the double guns usually do the job first time every time... I have no counter, I can only build P4s...  tiger gets flanked too easy if the at guns just get instantly stripped.

I just don't have any counters to these things, grants will just wipe marders head on

I try to wipe any backing support weapons using nebel and it just misses, last game fired 3 times at an mg... 18 rockets... everyone missed a static mg...

I don't know what to do anymore, my counters get insta stripped by the hordes of elite allied inf and tanks that perform every role (AI,  AT) and are very resilient.

I'm buying vet, I'm using recon to prepare my attack, dropping flame bombs on their guns and still when I attack it just all gets blown away... I don't have any other abilities or units...  Don;t understand how wehr can play games ELO 1400+...