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Early days of new patch

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a month ago
Sep 18, 2024, 4:00:10 PM

Seems things are going the right way on this, early/mid game is much more enjoyable now.

Few things...

- Not sure why the bishop got a buff along with all the other arty, it already seems to fire it's shells in rapid succession and had good damage and now it really causes immense collateral with each proximal detonation and also because it fires rounds so fast, even if you move away the next one hits you too.  Was it just a case of "let's just buff all arty"?  Cos Bishops were already powerful and regularly spammed since they were so good pre patch

- Whirbelwind - not sure the cost increase really achieved anything here (apart from that fact it was just lumped in with all the other light vehicles getting a fuel increase) but really is it a light vehicle?  And the nerf was so hard in previous patches I don't see anyone using it anymore so adding extra fuel cost seemed a bit much

- Brumbar, quite glad this got extra fuel cost as it dishes a lot of damage out but perhaps instead of fuel increase why not have nerfed it's AT capability instead, I always found it a bit off it did so much damage or rather than it pen'd so regularly, I imagined it be like the old ISU 152 where it deals big damage to inf but rarely pens medium armour.  Leave the pen vs stuarts and greyhounds etc as speed their defence and remove the pen vs medium armour

- Brit eng - not sure why these need a firepower buff since they were already dominant early game infantry excelling at the short range role.  Even though ger pios got buffed they still get absolutely eaten by counterparts.

- Honestly why didn'y you increase cooldown on zombie army, such an easy isolate fix and it just turns 2vs2 games in 3or4 vs 2 games... endless waves of infantry that tie up your army while the new aoe arty batters you

Early days and lots of good changes but some seem a bit odd and some just seem "lazy" e.g. buffing or nerfing a whole class of units when in reality the individuality of their performance in game is wildly different so broad brush changes are a bit blunt and counter productive.

Updated a month ago.
a month ago
Sep 18, 2024, 7:44:35 PM

With the buffed air support Wirbelwind may become an expensive but necessary unit.

But I'm more concerned about the lack of any changes to the rangers and zombies. I suspect this BG was made specifically for console players so that they could win too.

a month ago
Sep 18, 2024, 8:32:05 PM

Yeah I've only faced ranger spam once since patch and they had 4 ranger units and they seemed to have extended abilities... it slowed ALL my troops rather than just one unit... they remain seriously powerful and zombie army cool down is still stupidly short, that was an easy one to fix but no...

Updated a month ago.
23 days ago
Sep 22, 2024, 1:24:41 PM

Advanced inf is broken in the same way as usual. In the hands of a good player it is extremely difficult to beat. In the hands of a bad player it is self defeating for them or at least that has been my experience. One way or another it has so many super powerful abilities that synergize and requires a specific but simple build order that it should be nerfed in some respect. But somehow I feel that this BG won't be touched for a long time. I just hope I am wrong about that.

As for the patch as a whole it is definitely moving in the right direction. The change to DAK pgrens is probably my favorite. It didn't seem like it would make much of an impact at first but not having your infantry just stop firing for 4 secs is a big thing. The increase in cost of LV's also was a great thing, they are now much less spamable and playing them is a conscious choice rather than a braindead necessity. I feel that maybe the armor on the stugs is a bit overkill when AT guns can't be used effectively (like on hedgerow maps) but overall a decent patch. Finally feels like I'm not loosing to braindead blob as DAK.

23 days ago
Sep 22, 2024, 1:46:49 PM

Lol Dak (It.Inf.BG) is broken now, due to Guastatori armor bug and flamerbuff. even Pgrens from dak got slightly overtuned combined with kradschützen buff. I hoped for a Pgren buff but relic did to much. But they will address this by next week so, maybe that will be fine againe but now it is a mess.

Updated 23 days ago.
23 days ago
Sep 23, 2024, 7:15:09 AM

I still dont understand why the LEIG and Flak got nerfed... it was the only decent thing around to support.. I like that they buffed LV prices for all, but I honestly think relic doesnt care about our opinions nor have time to test their changes before release... 

23 days ago
Sep 23, 2024, 8:54:47 AM

These guys can't be stopped))) !!!!!!!!!!!!

Updated 23 days ago.
2 days ago
Oct 14, 2024, 4:11:33 AM

But I gotta say, some of these buffs looks kinda random. The bishop? Seriously? It was already a beast! mario 64


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