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Mass infantry sections + Brens are currently unstoppable??

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4 days ago
Sep 24, 2024, 2:47:47 PM

Is it just me, or mass infantry sections + Brens are currently unstoppable?? They laser any HMG (or any other inf), even while using merge on them as Wehr... their long range dmg & accuracy is insane right now... every game, brits just massing inf at this point. And ther is no direct counter to that.

As Wehr: Grens (even with mp40) they are way too squishy. Panzergrens don’t get even close enough. Jäger gets outscaled on distance(even with G43s), Stoßtruppen.. way too late. And any early vehicle they just go one sections with AT upgrade. So no Scoutcar or Stummel...

Gonna try Snipers now, but since Humber got 100% hit buff towards them tho, it doesn't even makes sense to try it out.

I had minor success using mass Fallschirmpioneers with grenade launchers, since the Brens have to hold to fire. But they're also quite squishy...
Is there something I'm missing?

To me infantry sections + Brens feel too strong right now!



3 days ago
Sep 26, 2024, 1:14:56 AM

It would be better to use artillery and smoke to neutralize Brens's range Retro Bowl Unblocked and attack from close range with strong infantry units.

2 days ago
Sep 26, 2024, 11:37:08 AM

Hello, Its Relic, Understood we will nerf DAK, thank you !


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