First of all I want to congratulate Relic on the lauch of CoH3. The gameplay is fun, the performance is stellar and no gamebreaking bugs on my side as of yet. Cudos for that.
For reference, my graphic setup runs on high, 1080p.
With this post I want to sumarize many, but not all, of the rough edges coh3 has, and some of which are unforgiveable given that the play test was +/- 2 months ago, after the game launch was postponed in late 2022.
I am primiarly focussing on the GUI of menus, status descriptions and placeholder art assets, as well as the art direction concerning menus in general.
Menus & GUI and art assets
Issues on the Italian-campaign make this game look very rough and early-access like.
Unit-tab icons are not of the same resolution, comparing the SSF icon with ship icons you see a clear difference in contrast. Inconsistency is the word of this thread, there are quite a few of them to follow. Speaking of contrast, the map itself is quite washed out and is lacking contrast.
Additionally to the right the terrain info, is a simply black box, without any kind of border-finish or something that blends well with the rest of the screen.
Next issue are menus in general, which dont use the space available effectively and leave lots of bland spaces. It really quite an eye-sore if you compare this with the in-match UI. Ability icons dont look good in my opinion, quite grainy.
The menus before starting an encounter on the campaign map are quite a punch in the face. You get low res. art assest listing "support abilties", from which a couple reuse CoH2 assets, as well as copy pasted resource icons on a flat surface. This simply doesnt look good for 2023. What was the GUI/Art department doing in the past 2 months?
Speaking of reused art-assets: I understand seeing those in the play-test, but this is a disgrace for a launch title. This would be understandable if you would have launched the game as early-access. Again I'm wondering what the Art-department was doing.
Not as pressing, but still sub-optimal compared to coh2's game setup screen: The select map "button" is blended in with the rest of the UI while the game options stick out. I always press game options on accident, and then realize the "change map" button is right below the minimap. Easy to confuse with the frame of the minimap in this screen in my opinion.
Unnecessary menuing. In coh2, you could look up players with one click in-game. Now its ESC --> "Player list" this throws you out of the game which really doenst need to be. Muting in late game will be a pain in the a** for no good reason, seconds count for that matter.
On a sidenote: Please reintroduce the playername feature of coh2, when pressing the Alt-key. Im not quite sure why that was not taken from coh2.
Lack of information with units
What does crew shock actually do? New players (basically everyone right now) need to find that out outside of the game because the game is not telling you. SImiliar to "Height advantage". Great, what does that mean? I had to look that up outside of the game. That should not be the case.
Another inconsistency, Buffs/Debuffs are not listed in the status effect bar of units. There is no way of telling what debuffs do to your units, unless you can deduct what is giving you the debuff and you have experiece with said ability giving you the debuff. Because the game is not telling you what is actually going on with your unit (with the exception of arbitrary icons above the units). Again, we had this in coh2, why cant we have this in coh3?
An old friend of the Play-test. Missing vet descriptions, primarily found on static defence which can vet. How can something like this make it in to the launch version? Relic you can do better. While we are on the topic: Can we please get numbers telling the vet bonusses instead of vague descriptions? There is no need to hide such information from the player.
At the end I have to say the main-menu is very bare bones, and I hope Relic will touch up some of the icons (top right appears odd and low res) and will use the empty space for something like in coh2. A revamp of the menus in coh3 would be desireable from my side.
I have to say i agree with pretty much all of this, your descriptions of the problems facing the game are on point. I mean how can you release a game with an old re-used art asset from a 10 year old game? They even used a picture of a land matress rocket artilery instead of the nebelwerfer. I really hope they manage to fix this and make the game more presentable, because as you say there is a very strong core there. Its just a disgrace that we have this standard on the gaming market today where studios release clearly unfinished products and expect full price.
It's stunning how many aspects of the UI are a clear step back from CoH2. It took me a while to even find the unit kill counter - it's hidden under a pop-up menu.
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