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10 months ago Apr 09,2024, 18:45:02 PM

[PREVIEW] Coral Viper Hot Fix Balance Changes

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Our team wants to share a preview of potential multiplayer balance changes for Company of Heroes 3 on PC. Often with balance patches, things get tighter over time, and then new content will cause turbulence. We’d like to address this turbulence with a hot fix coming soon! As always, this hot fix will address some technical issues, however, we also want to get a jump on multiplayer balance feedback. This is why we’re sharing this with you today. We would like to get some feedback from you about our current planned direction. 

This first set of changes is on target for our next hot fix (1.6.1), with additional changes planned for subsequent hot fixes and updates as necessary (release dates to be determined). 

Please review the below changes and let us know what you think. Your feedback will help us determine if we should proceed with these changes as planned (with or without minor adjustments), or if we need to address larger concerns in our next hot fix or update.

Are there any critical changes you’d like to see added to an upcoming balance hot fix or update? Is there anything on this list that you think might cause issues? Please provide us with all your feedback! Keep in mind, that these changes are planned for a hot fix, so it is not targeting large sweeping changes. There are still longer-term initiatives we are working on when it comes to gameplay and multiplayer balance. 

-    The CoH3 Design Team

Planned Changes

Grenadier Squad – In general we feel the buffs given to this unit were a bit too much, especially with the power spike timing of their assault package. As such, we are reverting the cost change from 1.6.0 and standardizing the upgrade timing to match other units more closely.

•    Assault Package munition cost increased from 45 to 50

•    Assault Package research time increased from 20 to 30 seconds

Infanterie Kompanie Officer Quarters – Cost of this is increasing to account for the increased power level it provides to Grenadiers.

•    Fuel cost increased from 25 to 40 fuel

Breakthrough – This battlegroup has been performing a bit too well and we’ve identified this ability as one of the most egregious ones. 

•    Duration reduced from 90 to 60

Afrikakorps Tiger Deployment Call-In – We love that this unit is seeing more play! However, it’s appearing a bit too quickly on the battlefield and doesn’t allow enough time for the proper counterplay. We’re increasing the cost to make this unit a bit less cost effective and makeg teching straight for it more risky. 

•    Fuel cost increased from 180 to 220

Panzerjeager Squad – We wanted this unit to function similarly to other units in this role like the British Anti-Tank (AT) rifles. 

•    Panzerbuchse AT Rifle now deals 50% less damage to buildings; except bunkers.

•    Panzerbuchse AT Rifle deals 75% less damage to destructible ambient objects.

Improved M9 Bazookas Rockets – As this tech is intended to have lower impact than the BARs, we wanted a cost that’s closer to the intended power level of this technology.

•    Fuel cost reduced from 40 to 30

Australian Light Infantry – The Australian Light Infantry are having their short and mid-range power increased to better reflect their early-game role as aggressive, anti-infantry combatants.

•    Accuracy increased from 65/55/35 to 72/61/35 (short/medium/far).

Archer Tank Destroyer – For this unit to hit the field in time to counter big tanks, we’re slightly reducing the Command Point cost. 

•    Reduce command point cost from 7 to 6

Bofors Emplacement – As it’s pretty expensive and immobile, we wanted to give the Bofors some more presence on the map and increase its general effectiveness versus infantry. 

•    Health increased from 600 to 720

•    Reload time sped up from 4 to 3 seconds

•    Area of effect increased from 1 to 2.5

•    Area of effect far damage increased from 0.25 to 0.4

•    Area of effect distance increased from 0.5/0.75/1 to 0.5/1.25/2

•    Area of effect penetration increased from 1 to 5

•    Angle scatter increased from 2 to 3

•    Angle scatter max increased from 2 to 4

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10 months ago
Apr 9, 2024, 7:00:17 PM

There one missing big nerd for indirect dak Lieg 18 and half track mortar, you have a nerf Indian mortar so nerf Lieg why a faction can have a doctrinal unit power in her base roster for 275, you have you Nerf it, even to replace for a basic mortar and move the lieg for futur battelgroup

10 months ago
Apr 9, 2024, 7:00:40 PM

Looks good! 

10 months ago
Apr 9, 2024, 7:01:01 PM

I agree with all the changes so far. Is there any chance there could be a small nerf to the funkwagen? The ability to camoflage Flak 36 cannons, Tigers, Med trucks is kind of broken. You can really abuse that ability late game.

10 months ago
Apr 9, 2024, 7:03:30 PM

USF - A little in the right direction, but I would like to see some the infrantry support centre upgrade fuel reduced. It really shouldn't be this or armour decision. I think they were under utlised in the first place.

I would also like to see the hellcat get a little more buff, i.e reverting some of the changes for 1.6

The grens will still be oppressive so a minor munitons cost, may not change the meta.

Why is there no mention of the DAK BG invisibiluty cloak? It's over performing for it's cost and impact on the game.

10 months ago
Apr 9, 2024, 7:03:51 PM

Good changes, I was going to suggest either buffing the aussies or lowering their cost. (I could also suggest a lowering of the cost even with the buff, they are 300 compared to 260 of the Infantry section but perform worse in most aspects). I would strongly suggest reworking or looking at the stealth aspect of the new DAK commander. Instead of a permanent shield I would suggest a 'trigger' from the funkpanzer that provides stealth for a limited time, allowing you to push with it as it is being used this way now. But it will only last say, 5-10 seconds. And has a lengthy CD to allow for counter play. I also don't think stealthed tanks is a good a thing and would suggest this perk is reworked entirely. Tanks are too important to the game, and rolling up next to your front line without being seen is just too silly a concept. I would keep the camo to infantry only imo.

Even if you disagree I would suggest strongly that you look at the battlegroup as a whole, as you can probably see the community feels largely the same as I do. I think the concept of it is quite fun and cool, and things such as the siphon etc are unique and balanced well.

Updated 10 months ago.
10 months ago
Apr 9, 2024, 7:05:04 PM

When are the Rangers going to be adjusted? They still are both glass cannons but with tremendous survivability.

10 months ago
Apr 9, 2024, 7:05:26 PM

Revert the CoH2 snare change you snuck in and this looks very feasible

10 months ago
Apr 9, 2024, 7:07:14 PM

Officer Quarters nerf looks overboard. Grenadiers themselves need hit harder, probably removing the ability to heal on the move. I would increase Vet requirements on Grens the same way Humber Vet requirements were increased. And I would revert some of the Humber Vet nerfs directly because of Snare buffs. It should be more possible to get a Humber to Vet 3 as counterplay to Snare buffs.

Please nerf Funkwagon, idk how.

Also. Please consider adding a munition requirement to Kettenkrad Recon Mode. Kettenkrad transitions too easily from capper to primary vision for your weapons teams.

10 months ago
Apr 9, 2024, 7:07:22 PM

Good changes. The only big thing missing is the camo being given to everything with no cost.

10 months ago
Apr 9, 2024, 7:10:59 PM

These look like steps in the right direction. It would be great if you could keep up evaluating the impact of the changes of 1.6.1 and then do another round of small rebalancing adjustments if necessary, we'll only know if you got things right after playing after all.

10 months ago
Apr 9, 2024, 7:11:20 PM

I think the officer quarters upgrade cost is a little too high.  Also, mobile camo units with the DAK is kind of busted and needs to be addressed. All of the other changes look good!

10 months ago
Apr 9, 2024, 7:11:52 PM
Grimauldus wrote:

Good changes, I was going to suggest either buffing the aussies or lowering their cost. (I could also suggest a lowering of the cost even with the buff, they are 300 compared to 260 of the Infantry section but perform worse in most aspects). I would strongly suggest reworking or looking at the stealth aspect of the new DAK commander. Instead of a permanent shield I would suggest a 'trigger' from the funkpanzer that provides stealth for a limited time, allowing you to push with it as it is being used this way now. But it will only last say, 5-10 seconds. And has a lengthy CD to allow for counter play. I also don't think stealthed tanks is a good a thing and would suggest this perk is reworked entirely. Tanks are too important to the game, and rolling up next to your front line without being seen is just too silly a concept. I would keep the camo to infantry only imo.

Even if you disagree I would suggest strongly that you look at the battlegroup as a whole, as you can probably see the community feels largely the same as I do. I think the concept of it is quite fun and cool, and things such as the siphon etc are unique and balanced well.

Agreed with your points

10 months ago
Apr 9, 2024, 7:11:52 PM

40 fuel for Infantrie Kompanie OQ seems too expensive. A minor cost increase (like 30) might make more sense, but would also like to see the time it takes to research it to go up to like 60 seconds.

Grenadier snare range buff at vet 1 needs to go away for sure.

The rest of these changes are good, but the detection range for detector units also should increase to 30. I also don't think Funkwagen should cloak vehicles but I might be alone on that. It makes Operation Skorpion lose a lot of its appeal and utility.

I also think we need to see Anti-Aircraft be made MUCH more effective against Loiters, are they are still far too impactful. I would rather see the damage increased and range increased so that there is more risk/reward play, as right now they just take too long to shoot down with 1 AA piece to make the investment worthwhile.

Also in team games, Kettenkrad should not be able to cloak while in vision mode. It's virtually impossible to find/pick this thing off and for the vision it provides, this shouldn't be the case.

Updated 10 months ago.
10 months ago
Apr 9, 2024, 7:13:35 PM

All changes are fair and good.. But if u buff the bofor u need to do the same for the flak 30 of the luftwaffe as a counterpart... And make the flak 36 variants have vehicles only buttom... It get distracted too much by  air planes

10 months ago
Apr 9, 2024, 7:15:03 PM

USF Tank Depot could do with a cost reduction, to match the discounts that the other factions have recently gotten. (Particularly since both bulldozer and hellcats have been nerfed)

10 months ago
Apr 9, 2024, 7:15:55 PM

Not sure the increase from 25 to 40 fuel is a healthy idea for the Officers quarters. I think you risk just making it a no go instead entirely and also kill off any potential non-grenadier strategies with say Luftwaffe or Coastal battlegroup. I'd probably say 35 fuel instead.

Also when it comes to the Grenadiers, i believe general consensus amongst higher ranked players is to remove the Panzerfaust range buff at veterancy 1. As that's rather what giving players a bit of a headache is how quickly they can get that extra range and shut down light vehicle play a bit *too* easily. So it might be worth it to tone that down instead of the extra fuel or remove it entirely. Though having said that, part of me does like not having to worry about light vehicles pulling tank duty too easily. Which was obv. the intent to buffing the Panzerfaust in the first place, since wehrmacht otherwise heavily struggles against light vehicles.

Also when it comes to the Australian Light Infantry. I am not sure that buffing them that way is a good idea. Simply put because once they get to veterancy 3.. They have insane performance basically performing like Pathfinders or Jaeger Light Infantry out of Coh2.. on Steroids. So i think if you want to buff them like that, the lategame needs to be severely toned down. Another way would simply be to make the Scoped lee enfield upgrade a bit cheaper or more useful for its cost. But no matter how you buff them, i'd definitely look into their lategame performance as right now i do think it's borderline abusive and will become a big problem if buffs are applied as is.

Also looking into the Detection of cloaked units might be an idea as it's a bit wonky from what i hear. Plus it might be worth it to make sure that the 250/3 funkwagen can't camoflage stuff like ambulances. It's definitely a bit borderline abusive at the moment. I'd probably limit to infantry.

10 months ago
Apr 9, 2024, 7:16:48 PM

Also, we still do need a nerf on panzerfaust range on grens. This buff combined with the improved reliability of snares in general has made wehr snares a bit silly.

Panzerfausts already have longer range and faster activation times than other snares do. The +5 range at Gren vet1 and +5 at vet3 are excessive. 27 range snares is just silly.

10 months ago
Apr 9, 2024, 7:17:12 PM

Your proposals seem very good ! However, some units are starting to underperform, like the Hellcat, which is not good enough as a tank hunter. 

In addition, the permanent camouflage of the dak also poses some problems and should be nerfed.

Finally, the kettenkrad still gives too much vision and its ability to be in camouflage and then move around making it almost invincible to at guns makes the unit too strong.

Finally, the most IMPORTANT point: it's imperative to nerf the indirect dak, the Leig is too easy to spam (275 mp call-in when its base price is 320mp) not to mention its far too high effectiveness, which literally destroys allied infantry. Not counting the numerous 250 mortars, it is therefore necessary to quickly nerf the Leig and/or the 250 mortar of the dak for a correct balance. Thanks to all of you !

10 months ago
Apr 9, 2024, 7:17:33 PM

A pretty good list of light changes overall however I feel some of the suggestions are a bit misdirected:

- isn't better to just add a nerf to grenadiers in some other fashion (like a slight increase in reinforce cost?) compared to nerfing Infanterie Kompanie OQ. It feels counter intuitive for you to try and open up the veterancy upgrade to Wehr's army and now this will have a higher barrier of entry affecting other styles of play because of grenadiers. Added to this, like other said above please look into toning down the high tech screen wide gren snares it puts a damper on the fact that snares are now super fluid!

- Aussie light infantry combat buff is a welcome change from someone who enjoys UKF but it could really push them over the line in bullying Wehr in the early phases (especially with proposed OQ nerfs and delays on MP40's) and increase their value against DAK as you have more distance to bleed hp of PG/AG on approach compared to trying some form of call in timing reduction (45s) or MP reduction (270-80 range on current performance). Especially as the unit can scale very scarily into the mid and later phases of the game with veterancy and scoped lee enfields. 

- Any possibility on investigating some way to slightly tone down Gurkha power (and other identified issues) and unlocking Infantry upgrade from T2 (move to T1 at minimum for sure to avoid T0 only play with Aussies) as while the reasoning makes sense it feels pretty dreadful gameplay wise to be unable to begin spec'ing into your infantry until you enter the LV phase. You already delay your tech and ability to push out light vehicles/get ATG (without Aussie) in upgrading this in T1?

- No attempted changes regarding DAK first strike stealth blobs? It doesn't feel obnoxiously over the line but it also (atleast from my experience and what ive seen from others) does not look very fun for either side when this strat is employed. (other input appreciated for this). 

Overall though, thanks for the positives of the patch so far as well as the increase in clarity on what you're trying to achieve with balance and the intended goals.  

Updated 10 months ago.

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