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a month ago Jul 24,2024, 20:12:00 PM

Hot Fix 1.7.1

2 184 Views

A.I. Changes 

  • A.I. will now prefer contesting capture points when making initial contact with the enemy. They will avoid immediately taking cover. 
  • A.I. team weapons will prefer the backline in combat more often. 
  • Bugs with team weapons positioned at the frontline have been addressed. Now refacing happens more frequently to prevent team weapons from looking the wrong way. 
  • Team weapon positioning adjusted. A.I. will no longer reposition mid combat, just reface. 
  • Battlegroup ability casting improved. Targets are more likely to be in-combat. 
  • Recrewing can be triggered during combat now. A.I. will be more likely to acquire team weapons. 
  • Infantry will not pick a second cover spot if it moves them further from combat. 
  • A.I. team weapons will retreat more often in combat. 
  • Alternate build order for US Forces. The Engineers-first build order is now removed. 
  • A.I. build order adjusted across all factions. Tier 4 units acquired faster.

Bug Fixes 

  • Fixed an issue where the Mechanized Battlegroup's Raid Package incorrectly granted a bonus to infantry and team weapons.  
  • Fixed an issue where the enemy’s turn in the Italian Campaign would sometimes freeze or not complete, preventing the player from progressing.  
  • Fixed cases where Match History would not load when viewing Player Profiles. 
  • Fixed an issue where camouflaged units would not fire on enemies in their weapon range even when hold-fire was disabled. 
  • Fixed an issue with the standard cooldown on Vote to Surrender. Calling a Vote to Surrender can no longer be done in rapid succession by a single player. 
  • Fixed an issue where the British Forces Foot Guards and US Forces Bazooka Team would have floating weapons after being hit with artillery. 
  • Fixed a visual error in the post-match screen where ELO values were not displayed correctly.   
  • Fixed an issue where certain autocannon shells were not properly aligned, and their trails would not appear on specific occasions.  
  • Resized the 2cm autocannon shells which were too large.   
  • Fixed a visual issue with the arrows connecting Battlegroup abilities and units in their tech tree.  Selected abilities should differ from purchased abilities and display a yellow highlighted border. 
  • Some physics pieces/rubble/debris were not rotating around their center, causing parts to swing around wildly looking unnatural. 
  • Fixed an issue where status decorators and veterancy stars tooltips were triggered after a delay. In addition, they should no longer disappear after just a few seconds while continually hovering over the tooltip. 
  • Pips (red indicators) no longer appear in the Loadout incorrectly.
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a month ago
Jul 24, 2024, 8:24:03 PM

Great work! balance adjustments will come later? 

Updated a month ago.
a month ago
Jul 24, 2024, 10:51:30 PM

Great work on yet again improving realism!  I do wonder though, would it be possible to have dynamic weather such as rainstorms or thunderstorms that pop up?  Day and Night cycle?  That would greatly improve the immersion even more!  Please consider it, keep up the good work!

a month ago
Jul 25, 2024, 12:53:30 AM

Are bug reports still done through the original link, I only ask as it is still shown as the way to report bugs but it is a Sega link?

Until otherwise noted here are a few bugs with steps included in the description, if the link is still valid I will submit them once confirmed.

US Medical Half Track Towing Bug

Invincible Nebel SP

UI Tool Tip Incorrect

Missing Asset Purple Box

Weapon Drop Crate Bug

a month ago
Jul 25, 2024, 9:57:34 AM

Why can't tanks crush infantry like it was in the previous parts?!!!!!

a month ago
Jul 25, 2024, 4:38:34 PM
sima1988 wrote:

Why can't tanks crush infantry like it was in the previous parts?!!!!!

We've changed this system in CoH3 so it feels less random/punishing. Certain tanks can crush infantry now only if they are already in the 'pinned' state.

a month ago
Jul 26, 2024, 3:31:31 AM

Fixed an issue where the enemy’s turn in the Italian Campaign would sometimes freeze or not complete, preventing the player from progressing.  

You guys didn't fix this problems, the enemy will still stuck when it's turn fix it now.

a month ago
Jul 26, 2024, 8:56:43 PM
John_RE wrote:

it was good and correct when the tank, as a heavy force of metal, could drive through all obstacles and destroy everything in its path, destroying everything with its tracks

We've changed this system in CoH3 so it feels less random/punishing. Certain tanks can crush infantry now only if they are already in the 'pinned' state.

a month ago
Jul 27, 2024, 12:03:08 AM
John_RE wrote:
sima1988 wrote:

Why can't tanks crush infantry like it was in the previous parts?!!!!!

We've changed this system in CoH3 so it feels less random/punishing. Certain tanks can crush infantry now only if they are already in the 'pinned' state.

Nice, did not know about it working in the pinned state.

a month ago
Jul 30, 2024, 7:00:34 AM

this tank has been waiting in Africa for 2 years!!!! (((((

Updated a month ago.
a month ago
Jul 30, 2024, 5:49:23 PM
John_RE wrote:
sima1988 wrote:

Why can't tanks crush infantry like it was in the previous parts?!!!!!

We've changed this system in CoH3 so it feels less random/punishing. Certain tanks can crush infantry now only if they are already in the 'pinned' state.

Bersaglieri Squad infantry units are very weak, you need to add machine guns for them with no points and in the late game add heavy Italian P40 tanks. Rework this battlegroup. Please!

Updated a month ago.
a month ago
Jul 31, 2024, 7:07:56 AM

COME THIS.....!!!!!



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