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2 years ago Sep 30,2022, 17:00:04 PM

Company of Heroes 3 Essence Editor

12 521 Views

Company of Heroes 3 Essence Editor 

We’re making Company of Heroes history! The Company of Heroes 3 Essence Editor and modding will be supported day 1. That means when the game launches, it will come with the latest that our brand-new Essence Engine 5 has to offer, and new capabilities to build more incredible Company of Heroes experiences than ever before. We aim to make the creation, sharing, and playing of mods as seamless as possible for both creators and players.

Once created, mods can be published to the Steam Workshop to enable an easy and familiar path to downloading and playing community content. At launch, we’ll be sharing comprehensive documentation for these new tools to help guide new and experienced creators.  

At launch, you will be able to create: 

  • Maps & Scenarios 
  • Game Modes 
  • Tuning Packs

We aim to continue growing these tools with your feedback for years to come! Find all the details below, including a handy FAQ to answer your top questions.
Maps & Scenario Mods 

  • Create new RTS maps to battle A.I. in Skirmish or play with and against friends in Custom Games. 
  • Modify existing maps – change city layouts, or start from scratch and sculpt and paint a custom terrain. 
  • Choose HQ and Capture Point locations. 
  • Drag and drop squads, vehicles, or buildings anywhere on the map. 
  • Change the lighting from day to night, add atmospheric fog, carve out rivers and more. 
  • Upgrade your maps by adding a scenario script or custom logic. Be your own game director and create exciting stories and nail-biting missions. 

Game Mode Mods 

  • Create new Game Modes to battle with or against the A.I. and other players and friends. 
  • With SCAR (Scripting at Relic) at your fingertips, the possibilities are endless - configure your own starting setup, win conditions, mid-match behavior and more. 
  • Direct the A.I. – get them to attack strongholds, capture or hold ground, defend positions, push or home-in on enemy forces, patrol and guard objectives and more. Create options for your game mode that hosts can use to change the match parameters. 
  • Script your own UI to implement custom functionality or add custom UI elements to the HUD 

 Tuning Pack Mods 

  • “Be your own balance designer” by creating a Tuning Pack to modify your matches in Skirmish and Custom Games. 
  • Edit squad, vehicle or building properties like cost, build time, production output, health, armor levels, and damage. 
  • Modify tech trees and alter the progression path to units, buildings and abilities. 
  • Experiment and tune population caps, resource gain, economy, build speed and more! Caution: use responsibly as performance could be affected - many CPUs and GPUs were pushed to their limit while testing this feature!

Making & Sharing Mods 

After purchasing Company of Heroes 3, creators will be able to download the Company of Heroes 3 Essence Editor from the Tools section of their Steam library. A full suite of documentation will be available on the web, guiding players through both simple and complex features in the toolset. Launching the Editor will present you with the Mod Wizard, which asks you which mod type you would like to create and sets you up with the files and panels you need to get started. When you are ready to test your creation, you just need to press the Build Mod button and launch the game – your mod can now be selected in a Custom lobby! When you are ready to share your creation, just Publish the mod from within Company of Heroes 3 – the mod will then be available on Steam Workshop for all players to see and download! 

Pro Tip: Start with an existing scenario when learning the tools. Starting from scratch can be daunting but building from an existing template will help when creating your first mods.  

Playing & Managing Mods 

To play Company of Heroes 3 mods, players can browse the Steam Workshop to download a compatible mod and then select it in-game as a Skirmish or Custom match host. Players can also simply join a Custom match that has a modded Map, Game Mode, or Tuning Pack (or a combination) selected. They will then automatically subscribe to, download, and play the mod in moments. Any mods that a player subscribed to will automatically download updates that are published by the mod creator. Players can unsubscribe, report, and view mod details from the Mod Manager, available from the Home screen’s Mod tab.

Post-launch we plan to continue supporting, refining, and adding capability into the Company of Heroes 3 Essence Editor and in-game mod manager well into the future. We can’t wait to see the cool stuff you create! 

Frequently Asked Questions 

How do I download a mod for CoH3? 

You can browse the Steam Workshop for Company of Heroes 3 to download a compatible mod and then select it in-game as a Skirmish or Custom match host. If you join a custom match that is using one or several mods, you will automatically subscribe to and download those mods. You can manage your mods from the Mod tab in CoH3’s main menu. 


As a player, will I have to pay for mods? 

No. All mods will be available for free via the Steam Workshop.  


As a modder and creator, how do I access the modding tools? 

Starting at launch, the Company of Heroes 3 Essence Editor is available to anyone who pre-orders or purchases Company of Heroes 3. 


What types of mods can I make? 

At launch, the Company of Heroes 3 Essence Editor will support Maps & Scenarios, Game Modes, and Tuning Packs. 


Will you be adding more functionality so we can make different types of mods? 

We plan to support the Company of Heroes 3 Essence Editor post-launch and will look to add new capabilities and quality of life improvements in the months and years ahead. 


Can I make a total conversion mod? 

Total conversion mods are not supported at this time 


Can I create custom skins for infantry, vehicles, capture points or faceplates and profiles? 

We are not supporting custom skins at launch.  


Can I port a mod I made in CoH1/CoH2 to CoH3? 

Any mods you would like to see from CoH1 and CoH2 will need to be recreated to function in CoH3. Due to innovations in fidelity and systems, along with new massive capabilities added to the engine, all aspects of Company of Heroes had to be rebuilt by Relic for CoH3. We’re all starting over together.    

Please keep your questions and feedback coming! We will continue to add to the modding FAQ above and further discussion helps us ensure we cover everything in our official modding documentation at launch.  

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2 years ago
Sep 30, 2022, 5:20:08 PM

please give us custom models support and full mod freedom like coh1

2 years ago
Sep 30, 2022, 5:27:34 PM
shipwreck55 wrote:

please give us custom models support and full mod freedom like coh1

This is the big one Relic!

2 years ago
Sep 30, 2022, 5:32:35 PM

This is essentially the same functionality that we have with COH2. Crippled Modding Tools compared to the functionality we had in COH1 and COH2 (pre-launch builds) which Relic maliciously removed because modders such as myself pointed out that COH2 was essentially a mod of COH 1 with COH2 re-using most of the COH1 stuff and also because it would interfere with Relic's DLC plans since we were able to add units from COH 1 such as the Hetzer or Hummel into COH2 Beta builds and Relic wanted to lock it down due to DLC greed. 

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Sep 30, 2022, 5:45:18 PM

This is generally, good news for mod creators like me.

But unfortunately, it is effectively a further reduction of mod support, at least at launch. Mesh import was not going to happen, that's no surprise. But skins, as in CoH2, must be made possible sooner than later.

Custom skins for infantry would be nice, but custom skins for vehicles is really where its at. It is understandable that you want to sell cosmetics, but looking at the quality and accuracy of the current in game vehicle textures, community effort to create historical skin packs is dearly needed. Further, us tuning pack creators rely heavily on alpha layers to do some wizardry with the meshes we have.

Speaking of tuning packs, one information that's missing currently is a word on the UI. Custom Icons, Portraits and Symbols are essential to every proper tuning pack that doesn't just alter a few stats. Will I be able to burn my own Icons, etc. for custom units into the game as with CoH2?

Further, any word on whether proper AI adjustments will be possible in tuning packs? CoH2 Tools let us burn a custom ai personality.ai file, but giving access to squadai scripting would be a much needed upgrade.

Thank you for supporting the modding community regardless, it's a pillar of your games. Hope to see the tools expanded shortly after release. 

2 years ago
Sep 30, 2022, 6:26:26 PM

great to be able to have your own victory conditions, but I would like the coh2 mod that allows you to simulate battle, it is very important to understand the meta

2 years ago
Sep 30, 2022, 8:10:02 PM

hopefully the editor will also be in the player's language, followed by a pdf guide for explanations

2 years ago
Sep 30, 2022, 8:58:01 PM

Will we be able to apply tuning packs or other tweaks to the campaign? Specifically the Italian campaign?

2 years ago
Oct 17, 2022, 6:15:48 PM
shipwreck55 wrote:

please give us custom models support and full mod freedom like coh1

Without this the game's life span will be effectively cut in half. It's always the creativity of the community that keeps games alive. Just at look at C&C it's still alive to this day despite being older than CoH.

It's also part of the reason why CoH1 is still alive.

2 years ago
Oct 18, 2022, 10:05:27 PM

@John_RE Does Essence Engine 5 still use Lua 5.1? It would be nice to use some of the features of 5.2 or higher...

2 years ago
Nov 8, 2022, 3:02:50 AM

I only reactivated my old CoH 1 and 2 account (as a CoH Veteran) to say this:

Allow custom models and custom skins. We need Fallschirmjäger to drop behind enemy lines, we need Hetzer or Hummel and the massive variations in call ins, doctrines etc.. like we had in Blitzkrieg Mod for Coh 1 or the Spearhead II mod for Coh 2.

At least give exclusive rights for models and skins to a few dev teams like those from Spearhead, Wikinger or Blitzkrieg mod to create something awesome. Ask them for a cooperation and sell the mods they did as DLCs, if you need the money. I don't care how you do it, but do it.

When do game companies get it, that mods are the most valuable assets for them??? A modding community developing in freedom keeps gamers playing. But if you keep them chained, due to some stupid advice from your marketing department (brand integrity, bla) then your game will fail like Dow III.

A very large part of the variety comes much later after release or through modders. In the Beta of Coh3 I also found that the "unit bound" weapon system was bad.

In the Beta you had no freedom in unit equipment, "grenadiers have this, panzergrenadiere have that" and that's it :( There were only 4 infantry units..., pioneers, grenadiers, panzergrenadiere and paratroopers. 

We NEED mods. No freedom for modders, no buy for me.

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Nov 11, 2022, 6:45:11 AM


I totally agree! At first I wouldn’t even bother with this game when I saw it was being developed. This was because as usual, you could only play as the allied, which I have no interest in. Then suddenly I saw the game was updated with two new German faction. Wehrmacht und Afrikakorps. This is insanely amazing !!! I love it and are so close to preorder two copies for me and my son. I thought everything was in the bag also with the mod tools from day one. I was so happy and thrilled! . BUT- Then I can now see that it will not allow to mod flags, swastika etc. which is an insane move as many myself included WANTS THAT! To be honest I hate the political correctness and I can throw up over it. Not every one share the same political beliefs you know. For me this is a show stopper to buy two copies. You should at least offer a free DLC with correct flags and symbols etc. then people can download where it’s not illegal like my country. But I’ll postpone my preorders until mod tool can do it or another modder has managed to do it. I will NOT play with a fake incorrect 3rd Reich flag.

2 years ago
Dec 4, 2022, 8:28:02 AM

Will we apply tweak packs or other adjustments to the campaign, such as adding a dynamic campaign to Sicily instead of just a landing stage. At the same time, the function of total conversion should be added and supported in the later stage, because this can prolong the playing time of the game and attract some new and old players of RTS games

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Dec 7, 2022, 6:18:27 AM
TyrannMisu wrote:

I only reactivated my old CoH 1 and 2 account (as a CoH Veteran) to say this:

Allow custom models and custom skins. We need Fallschirmjäger to drop behind enemy lines, we need Hetzer or Hummel and the massive variations in call ins, doctrines etc.. like we had in Blitzkrieg Mod for Coh 1 or the Spearhead II mod for Coh 2.

At least give exclusive rights for models and skins to a few dev teams like those from Spearhead, Wikinger or Blitzkrieg mod to create something awesome. Ask them for a cooperation and sell the mods they did as DLCs, if you need the money. I don't care how you do it, but do it.

When do game companies get it, that mods are the most valuable assets for them??? A modding community developing in freedom keeps gamers playing. But if you keep them chained, due to some stupid advice from your marketing department (brand integrity, bla) then your game will fail like Dow III.

A very large part of the variety comes much later after release or through modders. In the Beta of Coh3 I also found that the "unit bound" weapon system was bad.

In the Beta you had no freedom in unit equipment, "grenadiers have this, panzergrenadiere have that" and that's it :( There were only 4 infantry units..., pioneers, grenadiers, panzergrenadiere and paratroopers. 

We NEED mods. No freedom for modders, no buy for me.

hey tyran it is me shadowichigo/barakyisrael. good to see u buddy ima send u this on steam lol.

but yea relic... i wholeheartedly agree with this. And no, i had no contact with tyran to post this let alone did i even think id see him write on this post before reading. i am a die hard coh fan, bought the platinum hardcover case at gamestop when i was like 13 back in 2006, and been a hardcore blitzkrieg mod during it's release around 2009/2010. Eventually coh2 came out and i got hooked on spearhead mod, and as much of a passion i have for this series, it wouldn't be without the mod support. The mod support and modding community alone has kept me going for all these years. i loved coh1 i really did but i kinda got turned away bc of lack of realism etc, so i almost faded away from game until blitzrieg mod came out and legit would play that from it's initial release until present! that's roughly 13 years and still strong thanks to the blitzkrieg dev team. same thing with coh2. i played the beta, enjoyed but was more thrilled and anticpating the mods. then the game had its full release and continued playing. finally, i would be burnt out from playing patiently waiting for a mod or blitzkrieg successor to come. eventually i was exposed to spearhead (during its initial beginnings) and thought it was way too extreme at the time, so i waited until it became the spearhead of what it is from about 5 to 6 years ago. it was a mod that brought me back to coh2 itself. please please please focus resources on developing full mod support!

2 years ago
Jan 11, 2023, 1:38:46 PM

Just to give my two cents. I totally agree with TyrannMisu! Me and my friends were really looking forward to CoH 3. All in hope for a new blitzkrieg mod. CoH 1 plus Blitzkrieg Mod simply is the best WW2 RTS out there. We’re still hyped about this game and still playing it again and again. So pleeeeaaase! Don’t do it like Activison and EA/DICE and LISTEN TO YOUR COMMUNITY!!! We are the ones who keep a game alive! Bring mod support and even if a new Blitzkrieg Mod is made as a DLC for 20 bucks…idgaf! I would pay 50 for a DLC like that! 


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