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2 years ago Oct 04,2022, 13:55:06 PM

Company of Heroes 3 Launch Date Moved

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CoH3 Launch Date Moved

As we approach the November 17th launch date for Company of Heroes 3, our team has decided the game is not quite up to our players’ or our own high standards. There are still bugs to squash, pixels to polish, gameplay to adjust and feedback to address. 

As a result, we’ve decided to move the launch date to February 23rd, 2023. While we know many of you are itching to get your hands on the game, we believe this to be the best decision for CoH3, our players, and our studio. This provides our hard-working team and partners with the necessary time to deliver CoH3 in a better overall state. 

So, what does this all mean? It means we’re spending this additional time polishing and finalizing features while also squashing bugs. Every day we remove bugs and finalize assets and features to help guarantee a better moment-to-moment experience for our players. Over the next 4-months we will not be adding any new features — the factions, units, modes, campaigns and modding tools for CoH3 are all set for launch. Now it’s just a matter of tuning and polishing everything to deliver on that core experience.  

We are incredibly proud of the dedication our community has shown throughout CoH-Development. Your feedback has been critical in these last stages of development and will continue to be a driver for our team for years to come. Since we first revealed Company of Heroes 3 in July of 2021, your feedback across all areas of the game has been considered, processed, and in many cases, implemented. Some examples include: 

  • Improvements to the Dynamic Campaign Map, such as a new supply system, UI improvements, a more aggressive A.I., and faster travel across the map through seaport and airport improvements.   
  • Adding a stronger focus on visual grit and details during battles, by improving shader technology and FX. A great example of improved visual grit is the new vehicle weathering system that we’ve implemented, seeing vehicles now slowly accrue more dirt and mud based on the terrain they are navigating through. You will see more impact damage, scarring, burning and damage on their vehicles as you progress on the battlefield. 
  • Overhauling the lighting system to provide higher fidelity and to ensure clear unit readability  
  • Enhancing moment-to-moment gameplay by making changes to the camera positioning and providing clearer mini map information. Changes are still being made to the HUD layout and the UI.
  • Seeing players experiment with the Multiplayer Pre-Alpha in November 2021 really helped the team make significant improvements to Battlegroups, their upgrade trees, units, and call-in abilities.  
  • Reviewing and improving parts of voice-over lines to ensure they are authentic to specific characters and their native accents featured in the game. 

Our team will continue sharing news and details with you week-to-week in the lead up to launch to keep you updated on our progress. Over 5 years ago, we set out to deliver the best Company of Heroes game in the franchise’s history, and with your continued feedback, we intend to do just that.


When will CoH3 be launching? 

CoH3 will be launching on February 23rd, 2023, on Steam. 

Why did you decide to change the launch date? 

We know we want to deliver the best game possible, and we feel that we are not there yet. Your feedback helped guide our decision to ensure CoH3 is up to the high standards of both the development team and our players. This additional time allows us to work on overall improvements, balancing, and fine-tuning of CoH 3 to ensure the game will meet player expectations and deliver the deepest tactical experience in the series yet. 

Will you be adding new features, modes, factions or units for launch? 

No, all the content that is to be included for CoH3’s launch is set. With 4 factions available at launch, two singleplayer experiences, 12 battlegroups, and over 120 units, the scope of CoH3 is bigger than any prior game in the franchise. We’re taking this time to polish, tune and bug-fix to ensure that everything will add up to an amazing experience for all our players. 

Will you be adding new content post-launch? 

Absolutely! We plan to support CoH3 for years to come, and you can find out more about those plans in this dev diary.  

Where can I leave my feedback for CoH3?  

You can leave a comment or post on our forums or jump into our Discord. Our team is active in both of those spaces reading everything we see.  


Where can I learn more about CoH-Development and CoH3? 

Learn more by heading to companyofheroes.com or our community forums. You can also follow us on YouTubeFacebookTwitterInstagramTwitch or join our Discord


What will happen to my pre-order?  

If you’ve already pre-ordered CoH3, nothing has changed. You’ll be ready to play on our new launch date of February 23rd, 2023. You can still pre-order CoH 3 here

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2 years ago
Oct 4, 2022, 2:04:06 PM

I'd always prefer this rather than getting Cyberpunk'ed. The team made a lot of improvements since start of the summer, so i have high hopes for the winter.

2 years ago
Oct 4, 2022, 2:10:21 PM

Okay. But please show a UX/UI model.

edit: And new Roadmap.

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Oct 4, 2022, 2:28:21 PM

Can you confirm, that there will be terrain deformation in the released game? I havent seen it in the alpha and every trailer just shows flat crater etc. I think this is very important from an visual point of view. 

2 years ago
Oct 4, 2022, 3:03:16 PM

Awesome news! Hopefully the particle effects and animations will see some love.

2 years ago
Oct 4, 2022, 3:28:43 PM

Now come the good. 

Coh-dev now you must show the best and the biggest that coh3 can be. So raise your head and prepare the best months to come. Make the best game that beats coh1-coh2, it's in your hands. 

It's going to be the best coh of the whole series.

2 years ago
Oct 4, 2022, 4:09:35 PM

We all want to play COH3 as soon as possible. That said, it is far better it comes out at launch in a positive state to build and grow momentum. 

The launch is crucial, please, delay as necessary - we will be waiting ready!

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Oct 4, 2022, 5:35:00 PM

i always support developers who want to delay games, because they want to make and release a good game and not rush an unfinised game, because there was an deadline.

2 years ago
Oct 4, 2022, 10:03:28 PM

what I expect with the new release date are the hotkeys, those of aoe4 are great, but they should not be exactly reassignable, if you imitate it as aoe4 did in its first season it is more than enough, I recommend aoe4 because it is complete than not I need for nothing use autohotkey

2 years ago
Oct 5, 2022, 2:41:53 AM

Fine, give me a long Beta, at or before a date near the old launch. This would go a long way towards showing the game is actually improving based on feedback rather than developer assertions.

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Oct 5, 2022, 4:14:17 AM

Good decision Relic.

I know this delay just makes the game more enjoyable and polished so how can any fan complain about getting a better game at release, trick question, they cannot. I just sort of wish this came in early summer. I would have waited for the 4000 series graphics card but my 3080 will be fine and I've been enjoying other games like I finally have glasses on and see 20/20 instead of low settings just to play the game now it's all high or ultra. I hope besides the delay they not just polish up the game BUT increase the hype of it's release.

Art of War

It's better to delay sooner rather than later

2 years ago
Oct 5, 2022, 11:51:13 PM

They will move the date again as 5 years is not long enough, why not just wait ten.

2 years ago
Oct 6, 2022, 7:27:00 AM

This is a huge let down to me as I really looked forward to play CoH3 this november !
However if it means the modding tools will be available at launch I'll bear it, and it seems this delay is for the best to us players.
Thumbs up to the team and good luck for the last sprints before release, you got your whole community support !

2 years ago
Oct 6, 2022, 8:08:24 PM

Keep up the good work! Better to release the game when it's truly done and polished!

2 years ago
Oct 6, 2022, 9:12:19 PM

Well that's great! COH-Dev Have enough time to slowly finish this perfectly up-coming game! Even though its sad that is coming out in 4-5 months... But It means more time for probably a couple of more Ideas, Features, Mechanics into COH3 If Possible. Also Polishing, Fixing, Etc. 

Anyway. Lots of people are really proud of Relic for making this Decision. Company Of Heroes 3 will be an amazing game since this decision was made. Hope Relic will add some more new things. Like the forum I made. 


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