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2 years ago Apr 18,2023, 20:33:08 PM

In Conversation with Steve Mele

5 574 Views

Q&A with CoH3's Executive Producer

Following Company of Heroes 3’s launch in February, the entire team has been busy rolling out hot fixes, addressing bugs, and releasing our first major update with Operation: Sapphire Jackal. Throughout all of this we’ve been seeing lots of valuable feedback from our amazing community, and as we’ve been doing throughout development, we want to keep you in the loop.  

John from the Community team sat down with Company of Heroes 3 Executive Producer Steve Mele for a conversation about what we’ve been up to, some of the key areas we’re looking to address based on your feedback, and what’s next for Company of Heroes 3.  


John: Thanks Steve for taking the time to chat with me and answer some of our community’s questions. First, I wanted to quickly go over the launch of Company of Heroes 3. From your perspective, what are the big takeaways from the last few weeks?  

Steve: It’s been incredible, and busy! Interacting with the community has really highlighted the player outreach and interest in Company of Heroes 3. It’s just such a big game, it’s easily the biggest Company of Heroes game we’ve delivered at launch. We’re really excited about the breadth of experiences we were able to provide with four factions, the Italian Dynamic Campaign, North African Operation, and new features like Full Tactical Pause. This is a beloved franchise with dedicated fans, and it’s always exciting to finally get the game in players’ hands to enjoy.  

We’ve also been listening to feedback around issues that are preventing players from enjoying CoH3 as much as we want them to be. Some of that feedback we’ve already been able to address in the hot fixes since launch, and in our first major update we just released, Operation: Sapphire Jackal. We still have lots of work to do to make CoH3 the best it can be, and we’re committed to giving it the same level of support we did for past CoH titles with updates and new content for years to come.   

John: One of the new programs we championed throughout production was our player-focused approach, CoH-Development. Can you talk about how we incorporated early feedback while working on Company of Heroes 3?  

Steve: We knew right from the jump that we wanted to get players involved as early as possible. That feedback really helped us validate the directions we wanted to take, like moving to a Mediterranean theatre, which isn’t very common in World War II games, as well as the Dynamic Campaign being a feature that sounded exciting and made sense for a CoH game. CoH-Development was also vital in making sure that we introduced new features like Full Tactical Pause in a smart way, helping us with our goal to provide options for players, especially those who are new to the franchise or to strategy games, without sacrificing the core CoH experience that veterans expect. As those features came to life, being able to let people play early versions of the game allowed us to see how things were working, and even get a head start on balance, map designs, and more.  

It’s always a balance, because there were areas where we were confident we knew where we wanted to take the experience. CoH-Development was always intended as a way to validate, correct where it made sense, and bring our community along for the ride. I really can’t express how valuable it was to have that level of communication with our dedicated players so early.  

John: Speaking to that feedback and communication loop with our players, what does that look like now that we’ve launched?  

Steve: It’s important to say that the work doesn’t stop when the game launches. It’s actually the opposite - we believe that this is where the real work begins, because we’re committed to Company of Heroes 3. Any of our players who experienced CoH2 on launch day compared to what it is now knows how much it continued to evolve with added content, maps, bug fixes, and balance patches. We plan on evolving Company of Heroes 3 for years to come as well.  

More specifically to your question, our players are critical to that evolution. Relic has been around for over 25 years. In those early days we weren’t able to continue to evolve our games the way we are now, and we sure weren’t able to speak to our players so quickly and so directly. Our Community team is incredible. They’re constantly bringing feedback from players straight to the team about what people are loving, and what we still need to work on. The Community and Production teams then work together to look at our data and our roadmap, since often what people are asking for is actually something we’re already working on. Then, when we know we can commit to delivering something great, we’ll share that back with the players so they know they’re being heard.  

John: What about bigger features? How does the team decide what we include for launch, and what comes further down the road?  

Steve: That’s a great question. The short answer is lots and lots of very difficult decisions throughout the entire development process, because we want to do it all. I won’t get too into the details of how games are developed, but it’s worth mentioning that CoH3 is developed on Essense Engine 5, the newest version of Relic’s proprietary engine technology. When players tell us CoH3 plays and feels just like a Company of Heroes game should, that’s a huge win because moving to a new engine always brings some challenges along with it. We knew that in order to evolve our gameplay in exciting ways and bring in new features like the Dynamic Campaign and Full Tactical Pause, we couldn’t just bring over what we had built before. We had to do a lot of work to make it happen.  

Deciding where to spend our time and resources is always difficult, because we’re huge CoH fans too. Every map, mode, faction, and feature of past CoH titles has its fans at Relic. However, one thing we all knew was that to justify releasing a proper numbered sequel that we can call Company of Heroes 3, it had to be more than just new maps and missions. Our team is so talented, and they had a lot of ideas as to what a Company of Heroes game, and what a strategy experience, means in 2023. Our primary goal was to provide players with something new and exciting, both for the franchise and for Relic. That lead us to Company of Heroes 3, which is by far the most content we’ve ever included in a game at launch. As developers we will always want extra time to add this or that. But there's a point where you have to release the game, get it in players’ hands, and start getting that feedback to help crystalize where we can go from here. 

We know there are features players still want to see, and we knew that was going to be the case when we launched. What I can say is we’ll be supporting this game for a long time, and some of those features are already being mapped out.  

John: Let’s talk about our first major update, Operation: Sapphire Jackal. I think the big question from players with this update was why we focused on rolling out Challenges and cosmetics before some of those additional features we know players are requesting. Can you elaborate on that?  

Steve: As I touched on, we had a couple of main goals with Company of Heroes 3. The first was to deliver the biggest Company of Heroes experience to date. I’m proud of where we landed on that - CoH3 has a huge breadth of content and features, a brand-new theatre, and some of the most ambitious missions and set pieces ever seen in the franchise. Second, we knew we wanted to support CoH3 for a long time. That support will come from a number of areas including updates and balance patches, new maps and modes, and substantial DLC expansions. We know from past CoH titles that player customization is a big deal for our fans, especially in multiplayer battles, and we wanted to ensure there was a way for players to express themselves in-game as soon as we could. Cosmetics in Company of Heroes 3 are just that, purely cosmetic, and can be obtained via premium currency as well as a selection obtained with Merit, an in-game currency earned by playing the game. 

Challenges and cosmetics are features that were in development before the game was released. We were aiming to provide those for launch, but we decided to wait a bit while we focused on the core gameplay experience. Now that they’re out, we’re able to continue to iterate and improve them based on player feedback, as well as continue work on other features and updates we have planned. 

John: Can you speak to any of our upcoming plans for Company of Heroes 3? 

Steve: We’ve been listening to the feedback from our players, and right now our goal is to improve the gameplay experience for them. The team has been working hard, and in the weeks following launch we’ve been able to deliver multiple hot fixes and updates that have helped address many of the most common issues players have experienced. As developers, we never want there to be friction in a player’s ability to enjoy our game, and while we’ve made a lot of progress, we still have work to do there.  

We’ve also just released Operation: Sapphire Jackal, our first major update that introduced a number of fixes and weekly Challenges. We’re currently working on introducing a major balance update, which players have been requesting, as well as a new multiplayer map and improvements to the user interface. The team here is so passionate, and working hard to make this a great experience for our players. While we can’t do everything at once, going forward you’ll continue to see a regular cadence of updates, balance patches, and content drops. Also, while I can’t say too much right now, we’re working hard on our first DLC expansion that I think players will love. 

John: That’s all great news. I really appreciate you taking the time to answer some of these community questions, Steve. We’ll have to do this again! 

Steve: Thanks John, and thanks again to all our players! 

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2 years ago
Apr 18, 2023, 8:50:33 PM

I don't think any of the questions were really answered? This all sounded like corporate PR speak that tried to avoid all the questions by praising themselves.

The very first question was avoided entirely by hand waving and saying that they're taking care of it and released Operation: Sapphire Jackal ... That's the update that upset even the loyal fans

Many players are very meh about the move to the Mediterranean, as it really limits the unit roster and map designs that we have access to. This can be seen by the italian campaign recycling the same map 100 ways. Tactical pause isn't even something most people use, because longtime players of the game (and people who bought the game) don't need it.

They say "new maps and missions " but that's to be expected from a new game? And the map selection is so small in the base game, and the smaller maps all feel the same. They might be able to claim the most content ever at launch, but we get a janky Italian campaign and a half decent Afrikan campaign...

"Let’s talk about our first major update, Operation: Sapphire Jackal "
BUY OUR STUFF, WHY AREN'T YOU SPENDING MONEY. That's what this is screaming out right now in this response. Relic cannot believe that fans reacted negatively to needing $25usd for a winter camo scheme for the Germans, and it does NOT give you all the units skins! There isn't even any winter maps in the game at this time? This was a beyond insulting "update" and really spoke volumes about the current leadership at relic.

The weekly challenges are also broken. They fixed the only way to reasonably complete the challenges within 24 hours of it (tuning packs/mods) but have not changed the "kill 50 vehicles with light vehicles as the DAK"... like wow.

Overall, this was just massive PR speak and honestly I think it's more damaging to release this kind of interview than not.

2 years ago
Apr 18, 2023, 9:06:55 PM

Sorry, but faking an interview is a real no go. This is the company interviewing itself. Wtf?

The only way this could be legit is if one group inside Relic has literally no clue about what another team is doing, which... Well actually seems alright.

Jk obviously. Ending it with "That’s all great news. I really appreciate you taking the time... " is just the tip of the iceberg. It's a fake conversation with nothing new to learn. Sorry, but this is trash.

2 years ago
Apr 18, 2023, 9:10:34 PM

Thx for Q&A session

It was so strange

"I won’t get too into the details of how games are developed, but it’s worth mentioning that CoH3 is developed on Essense Engine 5, the newest version of Relic’s proprietary engine technology. When players tell us CoH3 plays and feels just like a Company of Heroes game should, that’s a huge win because moving to a new engine always brings some challenges along with it."


Are you happy that COH3 working on your engine like COH?

Guys, this should be a basic thing, not some miracle.

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Apr 18, 2023, 9:12:04 PM

Borderline cringe how tone-deaf this all sounds when the unanimous and clear player feedback is being ignored. Then in the same breath to claim feedback has been core to the development and they are responding to it. This is dragging the amazing Company of Heroes franchise in the mud. 

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Apr 18, 2023, 9:16:28 PM

Maybe they asked ChatGPT to do the interview. Waiting for the deep dive details on the next balance update on the 20th April. Hoping that it's not just talking about a patch which is coming in a few weeks time, I'm hoping to be hearing about a patch in the next few days but I won't hold my breath. If they dare to try and charge for some DLC before finishing the game they've already released and been paid for I'll just be done with the company and franchise. 

2 years ago
Apr 18, 2023, 9:19:03 PM

I fully applaud reaching out to the community. It is long overdue. Thank you. You need to do this every week until Steam reviews get above 60%.

But the quick summary of this Q&A is:

- You are bragging about the near game killing cash grab Sapphire Jackal in game store.

- Instead of fixing the myriad of missing features you are focusing on another cash grab DLC. This will be the final nail in the coffin to your IP. Not a good idea.In fact it is a terrible idea.

This is the definition of insanity.

Please, add features and make heavy balance patch changes. Anything else and you guys should be sending out resumes.

2 years ago
Apr 18, 2023, 9:26:30 PM

A statement or FAQ Format would have been more appropriate and authentic. Repacking previous trivial statements as an "Interview" with another Relic employee is just not a good look.

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Apr 18, 2023, 9:31:06 PM

Please just read the Communication thread in your Feedback Discordchannel.

Plenty of people wrote there what they are expecting regarding the coms from you guys.


2 years ago
Apr 18, 2023, 9:31:48 PM

This entire conversation can be summarized as: "We will support the game post-launch via feedback"

I don't think we learn anything new here and Relic really should drop this facade so and instead answer direct questions about their plans and actions.

I would rather the CM brings up questions about specific features and have the dev or management discuss what they have learned and have some plan to improve those features based on the community feedback. Perhaps throw us a few images and some iteration of what they have done?

I think they can learn a lot from how League of Legend handles requested features and changes here. More dev talks and clear roadmap plan is needed and not these interview.


2 years ago
Apr 18, 2023, 9:32:28 PM

What's the point of doing a Q&A with yourself, where you ignore all of the community's concerns? This is just PR talk & padding yourself on the back.

You guys would make great politicians.

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Apr 18, 2023, 9:36:27 PM

Fake interview. They interviewed themselves :D 

When will you fix the game (Fix AI behavior and tons of balance bugs) and remove the idiotic daily challenges ??? 

Instead of listening to the community that wants to improve your game you will release DLC to make money ahahahah. Oh, and I forgot about the store :D

I think this will be the last breath Coh 3 will take before it dies. 

Lelic then don't say players ruined your game it's your own fault.

Lelics... lelics... lelics .....

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Apr 18, 2023, 9:38:02 PM

This is just insulting. You obviously have no respect for your players.

You're not only wasting our time in-game but out of the game now with cruft like this.

We need authenticity, transparency and real game improvements.

I, for one, haven't played since week 1 and have been following development news. If this is what you call "news" then I'm not even following along any more. I've given up hope on COH3 and even franchise as a whole.

2 years ago
Apr 18, 2023, 9:42:56 PM

It's ridiculous and comes to be a tremendous lack of respect for the user and the community in general who are fans of the franchise. You could have taken everything that worked well in COH 1 and COH 2 and added these new mechanics that would definitely work. Regarding the campaign, I think they spent a lot of time making the promotional trailers are at a very high level of quality and that was what the fans expected in terms of the game's graphics, but they didn't prefer to work with a team of 30 developers to make the game with a reduced team. There are so many problems in terms of bugs, animations, maps and audio, the dubbing in the game was limited to the English language.....

2 years ago
Apr 18, 2023, 9:52:08 PM

This is another big slap in our faces, honestly. How dare you post - after all the things that went down the last months - an interview thats 99% PR-speech telling us how good and great the game is. The rest 1% is telling us things we already know like how you plan to "continue working on CoH3 for a long time" and "player feedback is important to you." Honestly, I'm shocked.

This is exactly what we did not want to see. The topic of direct feedback, the launch and operation sapphire jackal was avoided completely. No talk about the things that are the real problems, things the players want to have addressed.

The last thing I wanted to hear was this bucket of PR-bullsh*it that gets shoved into our faces, thinking it would address any real concerns or problems. But no, for some reason relic seems to actually be blind and deaf. This really, really makes me sad.

In case anyone wants this interview translated (PR speech into english): https://www.reddit.com/r/CompanyOfHeroes/comments/12r5q5n/translation_of_the_latest_execute_producer_qa_pr/

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Apr 18, 2023, 10:02:39 PM
RosboneMako wrote:

I fully applaud reaching out to the community. It is long overdue. Thank you. You need to do this every week until Steam reviews get above 60%.

But the quick summary of this Q&A is:

- You are bragging about the near game killing cash grab Sapphire Jackal in game store.

- Instead of fixing the myriad of missing features you are focusing on another cash grab DLC. This will be the final nail in the coffin to your IP. Not a good idea.In fact it is a terrible idea.

This is the definition of insanity.

Please, add features and make heavy balance patch changes. Anything else and you guys should be sending out resumes.

This summarizes the situation perfectly. I think they might be in a bubble.

2 years ago
Apr 18, 2023, 10:19:06 PM

COH 1 was a complete game made in less time that coh3, it also features a custom engine for COH, so devs in those days not only created the game they also created the engine!

I just think that relic is taking the PC gaming community and use it as a beta tester for console release lol.

Please stop asking like and indie studio, coh3 doesn't sound as good as COH 1, it's animations are worse as well and it is a bug fest, like 3 maps for 1v1 and 2 for 4v4, don't even rain or proper nights maps and I don't even want to talk about balance yet since I stopped playing after day 1

2 years ago
Apr 18, 2023, 10:29:06 PM

As a player of Company of Heroes 2, I would like to provide some personal feedback for the development team:

  1. Multiplayer mode is the key to the longevity of the game. Diverse map selection is essential, but unfortunately, you have only focused on single-player mode. Look at the number of players after a month, where are the players who finished the campaign now?

  2. The game needs replays. This is a basic function. Can't you even develop such a basic function? A conscientious game developer should not release an unfinished product.

  3. Price positioning: You tried to differentiate yourselves from other games in terms of price, but the high cost of game development forces you to raise the price. I understand this point, but our expectations naturally increase as well. To this day, I am still not interested in opening the game. Maybe in half a year or a year.Looking back, did you sell us an immature game at the price of a AAA game, treating players like they were there to be played for a sucker? 

2 years ago
Apr 18, 2023, 10:29:10 PM
NorthWestFresh wrote:

Whiners complainers ...ever think maybe y would be enjoying the game more iff U made a conscious effort not to have a shit attitude about everything. It didn't matter what Relic dud and if every feature was in the game u turds would still be whining complaint  and not having fun it's ur it's ur state of existence . If I was Relic I wouldn't listen to u either or go out of my way to make u happy with ur insults and bad attitude. 

The game is great Fu In balance departn and overall balance S very good , only chaNge really nescessary is an improvement to machine guns and maybe a slight improvement to at guns but this one not really nescessary as infantry at is plenty powerful and there fore supports the lackluster at guns enough that a buff toto them is not a must.. If all u negative terms would decide to have a better attitude and come up with solutions and strategies in the

 strategy gam instead of complaining and whining all day I would realize there are plenty of tools to punish blobbing and infantry spamming and and really that's the only thingin game right now as is....the balance in this game is actually quite good impressive even.... The patch that us really needed us on ur ungrateful stuck up always bad and angry attitude . Thnx for update Relic can't wait for patch and new content. Have not bought any skins yet but as soon as observer mode and replays are in I will be buying everything to support ur hardwork.Loving my free skins from prime thank you!

Hey look at that, a single positive comment for relic!  At least you can make members of your community with severe brain damage happy..

2 years ago
Apr 18, 2023, 10:29:15 PM

Welp, Steve, I would advise actually answering the questions instead of repeating the same thing over & over in 5 different ways.
If you're all caged hostages inside relic with no way to speak your truth, blink twice!! Oh wait, I think you already blinked during the interview as hard as you could xD

John asked legit questions, please have the decency to answer in a meaningful fashion.

2 years ago
Apr 18, 2023, 11:19:51 PM

What a load of BS. 

I could go point-by-point about how this is all just nonfeeling corporate PR speak.

But what's the point. 

Relic doesn't care about this franchise and now neither do I. 


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