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Company of Heroes 3
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Great Update...

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2 months ago
Jul 20, 2024, 3:00:11 PM

The DAK bike no longer has reverse? why.. whats the point of using that anymore now.. you can instead just remove that unit from the game now.

The Bazookas from USF gain range when sitting still? Do you notice when they fire from cover that the rocket actually hits the cover.. why isn't this fixed. you removed the satchel and made it a vet option.. why.. it made the unit worse overall.

The Units die so fast now, its crazy. Why make them take so much damage, its even harder to have a gun fight bcuz they just get zapped in a second.

Post says it toned down mortar damage. mortars and arty still wipe units very quickly.

there was so much done with this patch, that it made the game play not good. it was too big of a patch, too many things were changed and overhauled and implemented at the same time. everything is too squishy now.

and why does USF inf have no life but still have 5 units in their squad? see this all the time. no other infantry gets down to super low life but keeps all its units. whatsup wit this?

Why do the Marders miss so much? its anti tank but its almost unreliable .. why are they missing their shots, on flat ground? 

this patch needs to be balanced, the game doesn't feel good.

2 months ago
Jul 21, 2024, 7:57:57 AM

TTK ist fine now. 

Units actually still die slower than in coh 2

The reason Relic did it was because it rewards your unit placement in battle.

Also it makes Bolt Acion units have more of a chance against incoming close combat units.

The Kradschützen i can see them adding the reverse back as there are many complaints right now and the bmw actually had reverse in real life so its a unhistoric change.

2 months ago
Jul 23, 2024, 12:02:40 PM

Problem with Dak bike is that it reverses fast. Very fast. With PF updated, the reverse potentially makes it broken with shared vet and target marking. To be very honest, it's a problem with game not having reverse speed modifier which is like Pandora's box when it comes to hard protection like CoH when it's fine with CnC since SAGE.

Never have such scenario with zook team, so I can't comment.

Mortar nerf was on auto-fire. Barrage still the same.

2 months ago
Jul 23, 2024, 7:33:27 PM

 This patch is great for infantry, waitink crying noobs, why so fast , my blobs didnt wooooooooooooooork

a month ago
Jul 24, 2024, 7:41:26 PM

250 losing to that USF cart and dingo is annoying, now you dont have the bike reverse to escape, DAK at 37 % win constant decreasing since october 2023, but yeah playing axis is fine, All my games where I was dominating the 90 % where turned around by allies BG powerful abilities. When I play allies I am confident I will turn the game even losing 100 VP to 500... My patience is running out the testing must have been something done in a couple of hours...

a month ago
Jul 26, 2024, 4:13:30 AM

Great Job Relic, Game is so much more balanced! More maps and BGs and Factions!~ Take my money Please

a month ago
Jul 26, 2024, 9:15:46 AM

Why did you make campaign auto resolve company vs company encounters. It completely took the joy out of the game for me. On release you made it an "option" to auto resolve which was cool now it's forced. Not cool. I'd ask for my money back if I thought I could get it back. I will be uninstalling until it goes back to how it was. Other wise it's not worth the hard drive space. 

Updated a month ago.
a month ago
Jul 26, 2024, 12:55:23 PM

wow that seems a bit extreme, they make a small change to campaign 2 yrs into the game life and you want a refund , what a tard. 


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