I was quiet disappointed finding out that veterancy bonuses are qiet streamlined in this game

that was actually something i admired about coh 2 even back then, It made every unit more unique from one another (some even going up to vet 5)

This goes back to Coh 1 where you actually had an entire diffrent Vet System for every faction.

In Coh 3 infantry, Team weapons and Vehicles/Tanks basically share the same Veterancy.

So here is how to change things up:

-ofc units need to have a unique stat boosts

-more unique abilities/passives

-more units can go up to vet 5

As an example maybe the Kradschützen can get its reverse back at a certain vet and it can go to vet 5 now but level up a little quicker

So please just concider it relic i think it would be very appreciated by the community.