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A Large MOD Plan——New Order:1977

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a day ago
Sep 27, 2024, 12:12:41 PM

  I am a Company of Heroes fan from China, and I have always wanted to make a free large-scale Company of Heroes MOD. I have spent more than ten years of my leisure time designing plots, units, mechanisms, campaigns and other content. This may sound a bit crazy, but it all stems from my heartfelt love for Company of Heroes series. I am not good at English, so I used translation software, so some translations are inaccurate.

  Let me first briefly talk about core changes. As a large-scale Company of Heroes MOD, the biggest adjustment of New Order: 1977 is to implement asymmetric positional warfare mechanism based on Company of Heroes.

  Asymmetric positional warfare means that various factions of this MOD no longer have similar positional warfare strength compared to Company of Heroes. According to the difference in positional warfare capabilities, factions are divided into positional warfare factions, balanced factions, and mobile factions. My main design goal is to increase diversity of 1V1 matches. Next, I will briefly introduce how I implemented this mechanism based on Company of Heroes. Please comment on it. Thank you very much.

a day ago
Sep 27, 2024, 12:17:46 PM

1. Asymmetric positional warfare: positional warfare factions, balanced factions, and mobile factions

  There are a total of six factions in this game, which are divided into positional warfare factions, mobile factions, and balanced factions according to their different positional warfare capabilities. Let me briefly describe  background  story  and a  explanation .

  In 1933, after the Reichstag fire, Hitler had already secured the throne as the leader of the Third Reich. But in a speech, a follower of Ernst Thälmann risked his life to assassinate Hitler. After three gunshots, Hitler was killed immediately, and the assassin also died from taking poison. However, this did not bring any changes to the world, but instead gave rise to a new disaster.

  The plot comes from my semi fictional satirical novel, with  main storyline being the 1977 UE-USSR Great War. I satirized fascism, chauvinism, and militarism, expressing my disgust towards war and sympathy for the suffering of  people.

  1.1 Positional Warfare factions

  Factions that relied heavily on strong core units and fixed formations for combat, and heavily relies on stable resource production capacity. Note that the positional warfare factions also have mobile units.

    1.1.1 United States of Europe (UE)

   Although Hitler had been assassinated, the global fascist movement did not die with him. Mussolini's powerful rise and cunning strategies ultimately led to the birth of a new nation on the European continent. From its inception, UE has openly pursued expansion, with other countries either submitting to its rule or being conquered. People of UE regard themselves as a " Master Race," oppressing those they see as "Inferior races." Now, only one last piece of the puzzle remains in this world...

    UE places great emphasis on individual quality, therefore it has various powerful units, but expensive and slow. Gaining an advantage through strategic decisive engagement is UE's winning strategy.

    1.1.2 China (CN)

    Faced with pressure of UE's expansion, Stalin chose Wang Ming as his proxy in China. Wang Ming and his successor, Wu Kang, flattered Soviet Union in a nearly obsequious manner, draining China's resources until Wu Kang's deputy, Chen Guoan, assassinated him and became the new leader of China.

However, things did not improve. A failed coup enraged Chen Guoan, leading him to carry out two horrifying purges, in which countless lives were lost in political struggles. From that point onward, China became a crumbling structure, leaking from all sides. Although it was still nominally the world's third-largest military power, the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1973 completely exposed this "paper tiger" under the spotlight...

    China is weak in technology and emphasizes the number of troops to gains an advantage in quantity. China has a unique morale system where players can decide to unleash their power at the right timing and deliver a fatal blow to enemies.

  1.2 Mobile factions

  Factions that didn’t rely on core units and fixed formations for combat is called a mobile faction, which uses continuous attrition battles and stealing supply stations to deplete enemies. This MOD can only be used by engineers to occupy supply stations. Engineers and workers of mobile factions are combined, so mobile factions have inherent advantages in occupying supply stations.

    1.2.1 America Country (AC)

    After the founding of UE, Mussolini deliberately sought to win over the United States. A massive influx of capital from UE helped the U.S. quickly recover from the Great Depression, leading to a time of great prosperity. This illusory boom deepened America's isolationism, and as UE conquered the world, American people, lost in the hedonism of the "American Dream," turned a blind eye to unfolding events, ultimately paying the price for their inaction. After their defeat, the U.S. was plundered by UE. Though still nominally an independent country, it was under tight surveillance (only 13 free states, others are occupied states, named as America Country).        During the "dark thirty years," successive America Country presidents carefully fulfilled UE's demands, but no one willingly accepted being a puppet. Resistance against UE has been brewing in secret all along...

    America Country emphasizes speed and excels in using its speed advantage and intelligence advantage to harass and consume enemy forces. It has a unique military doctrine system and develops different military doctrines to unlock different units and support abilities, which gives America Country high flexibility.

    1.2.2 Liberate Army (LA)    

    Uprisings against UE have erupted continuously, and the world’s rebel forces have collectively chosen General José Antonio as the leader of "Grand Uprising Army." Liberate Army from the Middle East is one of the weaker factions in Grand Uprising Army.

Their uneducated leader, Mujahid, who believed that "justice is everything," was politically and militarily clueless. He foolishly followed José Antonio’s orders, leading to Liberate Army’s annihilation in a positional warfare battle against UE and its puppet forces. The remnants of Liberate Army had no choice but to retreat into desert. After this defeat, internal divisions plagued Liberate Army, and not only was the ultimate goal of Grand Uprising Army in doubt, but the very existence of Liberate Army itself was now uncertain...

    Liberate Army is a faction that places extreme emphasis on offense, with a large number of timing units and unique mutually exclusive decisions. Defeat enemy through continuous fierce attacks and advantageous timing units. Liberate Army units are relatively fragile and require more micro.

  1.3 Balanced factions

  A faction that achieves balance in both positional and mobile warfare.

    1.3.1 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

    From the very moment UE was founded, it was seen as a deadly rival by Soviet Union, which was extremely wary of its expansion. Strangely, however, despite fierce rhetoric exchanged between the two countries, there has never been any actual conflict between them. They are each other's largest trading partners and share a synchronized, tacit pace of expansion. But both sides know that a life-and-death war between USSR and UE is inevitable, and Soviet Union will likely have to face this powerful enemy alone...

    Soviet Union was relatively weak in the early stages and had a special unit transformation system known as Glorious Evolution, which can brutally transform soldiers into cyborgs or attach nuclear components to vehicles. Making it a powerful faction in the middle and later stages.

    1.3.2 Japan (JP)

    Contrary to their promises, UE did not launch a coordinated attack on Soviet Union, and the Empire of Japan quickly collapsed under Soviet Union’s tide of steel. After its defeat, Japan became a third-rate nation, plunging into a dark era. Great dictator Kato Nobuyoshi seized this opportunity to rise to power. Outwardly, he aligned with UE, adopting a policy of military demobilization, but in reality, he had been secretly developing new military technologies, preparing to avenge Japan's humiliation.

    At last, Kato found an opportunity he had longed for. But little did anyone know, defeating enormous China was only an appetizer in Kato's grand feast of ambition...

    Japan emphasizes flexibility, using Nano-Drones to converge into various units and can make various tactical choices and modifications according to the needs of battlefield.

Updated a day ago.
a day ago
Sep 27, 2024, 12:26:59 PM

2. Implement of asymmetric positional warfare system

  I implemented an asymmetric positional warfare mechanism in Company of Heroes MOD from two aspects: combat system and economic and resource system. The combat system favors positional warfare factions, while the economic and resource system favors mobile factions, which creates differences between them.

  2.1 combat system

    2.1.1 Line fillers and firepower background

    Basic infantry of each faction is called line filler (means cheap cannon fodder), which is the only unit in each faction that can be built without strategic resources and only consumes war bonds. Attacking command of line filler is compulsorily regarded as an attack move command, which means that line fillers cannot attack specific targets and can only provide a "firepower background" or "firepower intensity" to reduce enemy's overall health instead of killing a specific target.

Line fillers will determine the probability of attacking enemy units based on the weight ratio brought by distance. Each 5 meter is divided into a level. 0-5m is close range with 80 weight points, 6-10m is medium close range with 45 weight points, 11-15m is medium range with 25 weight points, 16-20m is medium long range with 15 weight points, and 20m and above is long range with 5 weight points.

    Calculation method of attack probability is to first count how many levels have exploitable targets, in order to determine the probability of each level being attacked. If a level has multiple exploitable targets, these targets will evenly distribute the probability of this level.

    For example, a reservist (AC line filler) is attacking his enemy, an enemy consul (UE’s heavy engineer) is at medium close range, and three Sturmabteilungs (UE line filler) are at medium long range. The probability of being attacked in medium close range and medium long range is 45:15, which is 9:3. These three Sturmabteilungs will also divide the probability of being attacked in medium long range equally, which means that the probability of the consul being attacked is 75%, and the probability of each Sturmabteilung being attacked is 8.33%

    Impact of this mechanism is that players can use meat shield units and some line fillers to form a basic formation for combat. As mentioned earlier, fragile Sturmabteilung’s survival ability has greatly improved under the protection of a consul.

    2.1.2 Remove victory point, only annihilation 

    Difference in positional warfare strength makes mobile factions unsuitable for defending victory points. Secondly, changes in resource mechanisms have accelerated game pace and do not require victory point mechanisms. 

    2.1.3 Cover

    Inherited light cover (represented by yellow shield), heavy cover (represented by green shield), and removed negative cover (represented by red shield). Now cover provide soldiers with a certain damage and suppress reduction rate, rather than dodge rate. Cover mechanism has been greatly simplified, and now manually manufacture cover like build sandbags only provide light cover, and the number of heavy covers has been significantly reduced. Light cover will provide 30% damage reduction and 50% suppress resistance, while heavy cover will provide 70% damage reduction and 85% suppress resistance.

    2.1.4 Suppression

    Inherited the weapon suppression mechanism, but with some changes. There are currently three types of suppression effects, among which Mild Suppression is indicated by a yellow exclamation mark. Units that are mildly suppressed will experience a slight decrease in attack and movement speed, while characters will still stand and shoot. Moderate Suppression is indicated by an orange exclamation mark. Units that are moderately suppressed will significantly reduce their movement and attack speed, and characters will adopt a crawling posture. Heavy Suppression is indicated by a red exclamation mark, and characters will lose combat ability and be unable to move.

Suppression weapons will take effect immediately, but its initial effectiveness is low and requires continuous attacks to reach the weapon's maximum suppression capability. Suppression mark will continue to charge until it is fully effective. If a unit stops being suppressed, it will gradually recover. If a unit is under heavy suppression and suppression scale reaches its upper limit, it is also known as a Pin or Pin down.

Units with suppression capabilities have generally been nerfed. Not only is suppression effect lower, but it also requires a cumulative suppression scale to gradually take effect. In addition, with the nerf of cover system, positional warfare factions can often break away from cover to launch an attack with good meat shields.


  2.2 Economic and resource system

    2.2.1 Three types of resources: War bond, Fuel and Strategic Resources

    Just like Company of Heroes, New Order: 1977 is also divided into three types of resources: war bonds, fuel, and strategic resources. Changes in resource system are mainly aimed at accelerating game pace and mechanism of asymmetric positional warfare. War bond

      a high return bond issued by rulers to defraud the people of funds, but unfortunately it will never be redeemed. War bonds are converted from ore collected by workers, with an initial conversion ratio of 1:1. However, player's army gross will decrease conversion rate by 0.5% for every 1 population. War bonds determine the number of players' troops, unit conversions, and frequency of using air force support abilities. Mining mechanism is mainly designed to provide opportunities for mobile factions to harass. Limited resources also keep the game within 30 minutes. To some extent, war bonds resemble manpower of Company of Heroes. Each map has a main mining location on both sides, and a sub mining location on each side of the map. Each mining location has two mines, parallel distributed on both sides of player's HQ (mining mechanism inspired by Warcraft and StarCraft) Fuel

      Collection method of fuel is same as that of Company of Heroes, which is provided by fuel supply stations distributed on maps. Fuel will determine player's mechanization ratio. Because HQ only provides a small amount of fuel production capacity, players must compete for supply stations in order to obtain additional fuel. Normally, units that require fuel will far powerful than basic infantry units. This mechanism determines gameplay of regional control. Occupying a fuel supply station will not immediately result in full production efficiency, which will gradually increase from 50% to 100%. Production efficiency will encourage players to secure their own fuel supply station while harassing the opponent's. Fuel production efficiency mechanism also replacing supply line mechanism. 1v1 maps typically only have 8 fuel points. Compared to Company of Heroes, fuel no longer affects technology and unit conversion. Strategic Resources

      Player's headquarters will provide basic strategic resource production capacity (30 points), and additional production capacity will be determined by HQ upgrade and expansion HQ. Building an expansion HQ or upgrading HQ will obtain more strategic resource production capacity (15 points). Strategic resources determine the ratio of basic units to advanced units. Meanwhile, upgrading HQ and converting units will also consume strategic resources.

This resource is to encourage players to upgrade their technology and avoid strategy degradation caused by relying solely on early-stage troops. At the same time, the production efficiency of strategic resources is usually fixed, which requires players to consider how to balance building units for current period and upgrading HQ.

    2.2.2 Remove supply line mechanism

    Due to changes in resource system, there is no longer a supply line mechanism. Now it is more encouraged for players to continuously hold onto a fuel point to maximize its production capacity, as well as to attack enemy fuel points to disrupt their production capacity. This mechanism is equivalent to supply line mechanism in Company of Heros. (Each map only has 8 fuel points so the supply line system is useless)

    2.2.3 Mining mechanism

    Mining mechanism is originating from Warcraft, and this design is mainly aimed at improving combat effectiveness of mobile factions. They can harass enemy mining workers to gain economic advantages. The second is to avoid unlimited resources and speed up game pace.

    2.2.4 Supply stations can only be occupied by engineers

    This change is to increase diversity. Workers and engineers in mobility factions are integrated, which is more conducive to raids and occupying points. Positional warfare factions need to rely on engineers to occupy points, so it must have a key sectors or direction to attack. This mechanism limits its mobility. As compensation, positional warfare factions have stronger combat units, engineers will play a role of meat shield instead of using line fillers.

    2.2.5 Difference in resource requirements

    Positional warfare factions will be stronger when resources are abundant, and mobile factions will be stronger when resources are scarce. Positional warfare factions are more dependent on fuel, while mobile factions have units with low fuel requirements and high cost-effectiveness. This design encourages mobile factions to exchange control of supply stations with enemies, and encourages positional warfare factions to defend its supply stations as long as possible while attacking, ensure a continuous high production capacity.

Updated a day ago.
a day ago
Sep 27, 2024, 12:33:12 PM

3. Personal style changes

  I personally prefer low randomness, so I changed several mechanisms to reduce it. This is not very related to the asymmetric positional warfare mechanism mentioned above. In addition to the changes to reduce randomness, there are other personal style changes.

  3.1Mechanisms to reduce randomness

    3.1.1 Remove dodge rate and penetrate rate, and use a fixed damage formula

    To reduce randomness, dodge rate and penetrate rate are removed. Weapons other than indirect fire weapons have a fixed 100% accuracy. Shelters provide infantry with a fixed damage reduction rate, and damage suffered by units is calculated using a fixed formula.

A unit has several attribute values representing defense, which are divided into hit point, armor point, and armor type. A weapon has several values that affect its damage, divided into damage and warhead.

    Warhead and armor type jointly determine the damage ratio of an attack, and armor point determines damage reduction rate, reducing damage by 1% for every 1 point of armor value. So, the actual formula is: damage * damage ratio * (100-armor point) %=damage from this attack. Some abilities can affect the parameters of the formula, such as abilities with fixed armor piercing ratio or simply increase damage form this attack.

    3.1.2 Firing while moving

    Infantry and armor car firing while moving will be punished by damage, while tank firing while moving will not be punished. This change is associated with the removal of dodge rate. Each tank is equipped with a tank gun stabilizer, so it can fire while moving freely.

    3.1.3 Replace infantry squad with single infantry

    This mechanism made to reduce randomness. Squad suffering loses will cause fluctuations in fire power. Cost and hit point of soldiers are about 66% of Company of Heroes, so there may be more units fighting on the battle field. Weapons such as anti-tank guns and mortars have been converted into self-propelled weapons, with slightly improved mobility. And this mechanism slightly improves maneuverability of setting up weapons, accelerates game pace.

    3.1.4 Remove Critical

    Units will not have any engine damage, main gun damage or other component damage now, in order to reduce randomness.

  3.2 Other adjustment

    3.2.1 Remove Commander mechanism: Air Force Support abilities and Headquarters Support abilities

    Mainly to reduce balance pressure, as this MOD has six factions, more than five factions in Company of Heroes 2, making balance more difficult. So, I replaced commander system with Air Force support abilities and Headquarters support abilities, which unlock by upgrade of headquarters. Air Force Support abilities

      Using air force for raids, reconnaissance, or bombing. The first time an Air Force support ability is unlocked, its cooldown time will reduce by 80%. Air force support abilities require war bonds to be used. Headquarters Support abilities

      Can be used to provide general encouragement and motivation, or to launch certain weapons, like howitzer barrage or even an orbital impact bomb.

    3.2.2 Tank Gun Loading Indicator

    Because tank guns loading speed is very slow, usually taking 7 seconds or more, clear indicators are needed to facilitate players' observation of loading situation.

    3.2.3 Unit veteran mechanism simplify

    Units can also be upgraded to level 3, but a unit has all abilities from beginning (or some conditions) and no longer requires a veteran level to unlock them. And benefits brought by veteran system have also nerfed. Experience required for unit veteran has actually increased.

    3.2.4 More diverse unit conversion system 

    Some factions have very few units, but with unit conversion system, one unit can be transformed into new units, thereby increasing the actual available unit types. Battlefield upgrade

      As same as Company of Heroes, such as upgrading half-trucks to anti-aircraft vehicles or infantry to obtain MG42LMG. Battlefield upgrade consuming war bonds or strategic resources. Transfer training

      Dispatch a soldier into a specific building and invest resources to train them into a new type of soldier. Such as reservists transfer training to various American Country soldiers. Vehicle modification

      Dispatch a vehicle into a specific building and invest resources to transform it into a new type of vehicle. Such as converting an armed pickup truck into another type of pickup truck. Weapon rack

      China's Abled Gang can spend resources on picking up weapons or bulletproof vests on a weapon rack to adapt to different battlefield needs. A well-equipped abled gang can recycle equipment through a Furnace of Revolution. Glorious Evolution

      Soviet units can spend fusion cores next to super centrifuges to transform infantry into cyborg or attach nuclear component to vehicles, which will completely turn a unit into a terrifying monster Research

      Only UE has a scientific research system, such as a Sturmabteilung will receive one-time Iron Fist rocket after unlock Iron Fist tech. Converge

      All combat units in Japan are aggregated from Nano-Drones, which need to be sucked into specific buildings when spawning soldiers or vehicles, consuming time and resources to form specific units. Nano-Drones solidify in target area and converge into specific buildings when constructing buildings.

    3.2.5 Shortened skirmish 

Restricted by limited gold mines and other designs that speed up game pace, a skirmish of New Order: 1977 is shorter than that of Company of Heroes, and is divided into five periods. Generally, skirmish will end before 30 minutes. T1 (0-5 minutes)

      Both sides focus on capturing nearby supply points. Skirmishes between T1 units occur in the middle of the map, with infantry and light reconnaissance vehicles being the main forces. If you lose the lane, you will lose supply points, putting you at a disadvantage in the future. T2E (Early T2, 5-8 minutes)

      After upgrading to T2 but before constructing T2-specific buildings, only a limited number of T2 units are available (similar to Gargoyles in Warcraft, which don't require T2 buildings, just a base upgrade). During this stage, most factions gain anti-garrison abilities and infantry anti-armor units. T2 (8-13 minutes)

      By this time, T2-specific buildings are completed, and armored vehicles will appear. T3 (13-20 minutes)

      Main battle tanks and other core combat equipment emerge for each faction. T4 (20 minutes and beyond)

      Ultimate support units and support abilities become available.

Updated a day ago.
a day ago
Sep 27, 2024, 12:48:22 PM

I am just an ordinary player, and all of this comes from my personal thoughts. Welcome everyone to discuss and provide guidance. I have a lot of content, including complete story , campaign, faction and unit design. If anyone is interested, I can gradually upload it.


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