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Company of Heroes 3
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Wonky Death Animations

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a year ago
Jan 3, 2023, 6:22:26 PM

I just recently rewatched the DAK vs Brits gameplay video and paid particular attention to the death animations. How has this gone largely unnoticed?

Units bounce off the ground in a weird ways and change positions very suddenly after being killes. It's quite jarring. I know this has been an issue in previous releases of COH, but COH3 has been in development for years now and you would have hoped that this issue would have been addressed.

I'm no animator nor graphics specialist, but here are my high level observations:

  1. units bounce off the floor when dying;
  2. units fall with accelerated physics (as though gravity is more than 1G);
  3. units suddenly change position after being killed. I believe this is tied to the wounded animation which triggers after the unit has been killed and requires the unit to be in a certain position

a year ago
Jan 4, 2023, 10:03:37 AM

I mean, this is a game in a series which show animation of headshot from the front or side when it's hit from the back, downed model is invincible (in CoH1) and more ridiculous ragdolls like 2 models getting stuck together. It's not that big in my book.


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