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Company of Heroes 3
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Aircraft models

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2 years ago
Feb 13, 2023, 11:37:12 PM

I am very excited for COH3. The tech test demonstrated considerable strides from the Alpha. Kudos to the Relic team for making such progress. Can't wait for launch!

One note for the modeling team: don't be afraid to use assets from Microsoft Flight Simulator 3 for the aircraft models if you're running out of time before launch.

Flight Simulator 3 is only a SLIGHT downgrade from the current quality of aircraft modes in-game; and nobody is going to notice or care anyway.

2 years ago
Feb 15, 2023, 6:40:45 PM

To be fair, you forgot to include Company of Heroes Online. /tear

Them's was the days. It was a halcyon time when an 88 emplacement was a true monster. Not like these lame 88s today. In Company of Heroes Online, it was always a race to get an 88 up on the road near the mansion, and then sit back and relax as you casually farmed 4 desperate allied players for the rest of the match.

The cope was real.

How I miss, thee, Company of Heroes Online.


2 years ago
Feb 21, 2023, 9:09:25 AM
Katitof wrote:

Something you extremely rarely see might not be the highest order priority to polish up.

Also, what is up with all these hyperboles about graphics coming from people who played CoH3 on the exact same machine they have played CoH1 on 14 years ago?

Speak for yourself, Katitof. Many of us have good hardware. I am using a Radeon RX6800XT.

When CoH1 and CoH2 came out, they both had exceptional graphics, uni models, and vfx for their time. I don't think it is unfair for people to expect the same from CoH3, and to be disappointed and criticize the game when that is not the case.

A big part of CoH's appeal is its spectacle: it's very cinematic, and playing it feels like you're watching Saving Private Ryan or some other war epic.Having shoddy unit models, bad animations, and bad vfx ruins that completely.

And yes, the models on the aircraft are very noticeable, especially with how slowly aircraft fly in this game.

The devs should look into fixing this when they can. 

Updated 2 years ago.

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