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This game needs an Punishment system

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No dude .... just no
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3 years ago
Jul 14, 2021, 2:47:00 PM

It seems that no one paid attention to it.

I think it is really unfair when you have leavers, AFK, saboteurs, teamkillers and others in your team. CoH match takes much time and it is not easy to balance such people out.

That's the reason i think CoH needs a Punishment system, there are too many leavers too many AFK´s and to many other abusive things:

  • Votekick
  • AFK punishment / AFK kicker
  • Lagg kicker
  • Team Kill punishment
  • Leaver punishment

...... or a basic report system

For a fair play !


3 years ago
Jul 14, 2021, 2:55:41 PM

Sometime team kill is on accidnt, I dont think punishment system will work

3 years ago
Jul 14, 2021, 11:52:13 PM
Stephan9147 wrote:

Sometime team kill is on accidnt, I dont think punishment system will work

not in coh2. i actually sent an artilery target on friendly target after winning a game lol

3 years ago
Jul 17, 2021, 8:32:20 AM

It is not static (should not be) "action Y will cause punishment X" you (they) can implement algorythm and different parameters for such a system.

And it is definily needed when you played CoH1 and CoH2 you know what i mean when talking about all the abusive players there.

3 years ago
Jul 17, 2021, 8:50:20 AM
Stephan9147 wrote:

Sometime team kill is on accidnt, I dont think punishment system will work

This is refering to people who build AT guns and attack ground at your base to kill you

3 years ago
Jul 17, 2021, 8:52:01 AM

Yes! Please, desperately, yes.

Droppers and afkers ruin the larger game modes, since as soon as its a 3v4 is pretty much gg. I really, really, really hope theres a system like CSGOs or Dotas 

3 years ago
Jul 17, 2021, 8:54:06 AM
BestNoob wrote:
a basic report system

This is something already in place even for CoH 2. Of course, a manual system is never a perfect and also laborious approach, but I imagine there'll never be a solution that would make it completely unnecessary. Therefore, we can realistically only talk about it improving the game the way as many situations as possible are handled/prevented automatically.

BestNoob wrote:
Team Kill punishment

For example, why are we even able to target teammate structures or units? If we are, why are we even able to deal any damage to them? Why is friendly fire a thing if it's a bannable offence? If the game didn't allow for it, there would be way less incentives to use it for griefing purposes.

BestNoob wrote:
  • Votekick
  • AFK punishment / AFK kicker
  • Lagg kicker

This is something that completely makes sense but absolutely makes none at the same time. The very nature of team games is that it's played by teams of ... people. Kicking someone to replace them with an AI is just shooting yourself in the leg. The team who gets one of their own replaced with an AI would simply just leave, end of story. That's why votekick feature just wouldn't work inside a game like that.

BestNoob wrote:
Leaver punishment

This is something that definetely needs to be accounted for. Dropping while the game is loading. Dropping when it just loaded. Dropping after the first encounter with the enemy that goes not to their expectations. This simply ruins the experience for all other parties involved. There should be warnings for that, escalating to automatic bans after a certain threshold.

3 years ago
Jul 17, 2021, 9:14:14 AM

@Harris , removing friendly fire altogether is probably not a good idea. Beyond the immersion breaker, imagine how effective and silly it would be if my teammate could bombard the enemy with artillery and mortar, while I could charge unhindered straight through all that and mop up all the encumbered opponents :)

Intentional friendly fire is quite easy to spot though, so Implementing a less punishing tag of 'bad behaviour / uncooperative' could perhaps be enough.


From my perspective, any online game needs a system to report and moderate player interaction. The minimum standard would be an easily reached mute button(chat, pings/emotes, and / or voice), and a convenient way to report badly behaving players. And yes, that last bit should also cover players who you met recently, not just someone who is currently in the same chat/game as you. It annoys me to no end when a person can throw out profanities and behave like an ass the last second of the match, and then they remove any chance of reporting them by leaving quickly.

Updated 3 years ago.
3 years ago
Jul 17, 2021, 9:17:31 AM
Polly wrote:
imagine how effective and silly it would be if my teammate could bombard the enemy with artillery and mortar, while I could charge unhindered straight through all that and mop up all the encumbered opponents :)

Even right now in CoH 2 the friendly fire damage in such cases is absolutely minimal and surely is nowhere close to being realistic. In my book, it's better off removed alltogether than left in "neither here nor there" form it is right now.

3 years ago
Jul 17, 2021, 9:59:31 AM

A system like in Moba's would be wise imo. Yes, sometimes it is but I did have a lot of games were people just troll.

3 years ago
Jul 17, 2021, 4:36:12 PM

I support this, this would change multiplayer in coh3 compared to coh2. extremely toxic, trolls, and leavers should be banned.

Updated 3 years ago.
3 years ago
Jul 18, 2021, 3:46:34 AM
Harris wrote:
Polly wrote:
imagine how effective and silly it would be if my teammate could bombard the enemy with artillery and mortar, while I could charge unhindered straight through all that and mop up all the encumbered opponents :)

Even right now in CoH 2 the friendly fire damage in such cases is absolutely minimal and surely is nowhere close to being realistic. In my book, it's better off removed alltogether than left in "neither here nor there" form it is right now.

I think friendly fire is fine, but having it turned off while inside a base could be nice. Like how you can't call arty strikes into your opponents base.

3 years ago
Jul 18, 2021, 6:18:48 PM

Couple of suggestions from my experience: 

THERE MUST BE some sort of punishment for players who leave match. I'm sure many of you guys seen, that guy who lost his brand new tank in yolo rush insta leave the game, or after successful  stuka/katyusha/panzerwerfer barrage into group infantry. I know its heartbreaking but if someone leave during the game he for example shouldnt be able to join any game in... 30 minutes? 1h? maybe according to number of leaves during last 24h? 

There should be also some kind of "reset button" when someone got bugsplat or just alt+F4 during loading screen.  in coh 2 there are two options: either all of you leaves or you are waiting to surrender. 

Maybe system which  will substitute the leaver with someone else? 

Other system which comes to my mind is reputation/honour feature. This would  fight afkers/trolls/ blamers/leavers and maybe get some rewards for players who are friendly, helpful and respectful for others. You can see often "get that pudding fuel" "why the pudding you have builded that" 

3 years ago
Jul 25, 2021, 3:42:38 PM

A REPORT System must be easy to do 1 - 3 Klicks and report is out, better is a automatic system that punish abusive behaviour.

Also dont forget about the Cheaters, i saw Resource/Unit Hacks for CoH2 (okay they came from asia, russia and india) but i think i had them also in EU games (but relic tolds me it isnt xD)

Neither CoH1 or CoH2 had a report system, you could send replays manually to RELICs mailadress where some guys tell you that nothing suspect found or the behaviour isnt that heavy to take action against this players. Steam, Sony, Microsoft as example (look at Fortnite, Apex Legends) DO NOT TAKE ACTION against CHEATERS or other behaviour. It the job of the DEVELOPERs. So a REPORT via STEAM is useless (better to report abusive players for other abuse than cheating (insult, harassment etc.) for such things they recieve Temp bans 99%)

And god beware us of such report system where you can only report players by luck; because HUD is buged or you can only report after 10 seconds or only ingame and not after a match ......

Updated 3 years ago.
3 years ago
Jul 25, 2021, 5:31:14 PM

I can only agree with this.

Dropping is annoying.

Add an ever increasing delay to join another match each time you drop from the game.

3 years ago
Nov 22, 2021, 11:36:22 PM

*Push ?!

3 years ago
Nov 26, 2021, 11:19:45 AM
HeerFeldMarschall wrote:

100% agreed, thanks for the post! I really hope this gets implemented.


Yeah i tried to use the Steam Profile report for CoH2 and its just a bad joke, i mean yes you can report STEAM Profiles for abuse as example: (insult, harassment, spam, spammer, spamming, toxic, abusive behaviour, other abuse, profanity, inappropriate abusive content, racism, sexism, discrimination) but the report option for reporting ppl. for ingame abuse DOES NOT WORK its useless to report plls for such behaviour via Steam.

3 years ago
Nov 30, 2021, 2:28:42 AM

Agree 100%, Especially in pug section. One suggest i could give, would be a personal block log where i can make a choice if i want to play with Griefers or not. 'Griefers cant join my games and i can not join griefers games', it is a win, win situation. A similar system to the block system Steam uses in their valve games.

Updated 3 years ago.

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