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Feedback to improve the modding tools

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2 years ago
Feb 23, 2023, 8:45:14 PM

I don't like saying this, but after a long time looking forward to the game and modding tools, I couldn't be more disappointed today with the possibilities of tuning packs.

In the current state,

- It is not possible to create new files, for example new upgrades and abilities.

- It is not possible to edit objects which are spawned at the start of a game, for example HQs.

- It is not possible to edit actions, for example what weapon an upgrade provides.

- It is possible to import an custom icons, happy with that!

Please make it possible to do the following,

- Create custom files: upgrades, abilities, entities and squads.

- Modify all entities, no matter when there were spawned.

- Adjust actions in abilities and upgrades (I think this is called State Tree now).

I would be very grateful if these things are worked on.

I will end by saying the the overall UI of the tools is very good, had no trouble finding what I was looking for, even importing icons was no issue!

Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Feb 24, 2023, 1:31:51 AM

This is done in the Tuning packs. You can edit all the variables for each item. You simply Clone the object, and make the changes, and build (compile)

I have a editor forum for AGE4 which is the same engine/editor, so most of it applies. There is a tutorial I made on tuning packs.


Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Feb 24, 2023, 8:15:16 AM

I have plenty of experience with tuning packs in CoH2. And I was hoping for similar functionality for CoH3. Currently it is only possible to make some balance changes, similar to AoE4. However, that is not what I am looking for. I would like to change tech trees, abilities and upgrades for different game experiences. Sadly all that is not possible. They even stated that here: https://knowledge-center.community.companyofheroes.com/article/Tuning_Packs/Tuning_Packs/Attribute_Editor_Guide

This is core functionality for any mod in my perspective.

2 years ago
Feb 24, 2023, 6:40:38 PM

Heartily agree SneakEye, good to see you are looking at this too, it will certainly curtail our ability to remake our COH2 mods.

2 years ago
Feb 25, 2023, 10:58:53 AM

Yeah, I was hoping to port my mod from CoH 2 to CoH 3, and you can't do so many things.

  1. No settings application of vehicle status states (crew shock, gun destroyed, etc) by chance on damage taken
  2. No adjusting or adding veterancy modifiers
  3. No idea how to actually set modifiers on custom upgrades to make them function
  4. You can't search and apply states

It's so barebones that you can't do half as much as you could in CoH 2. I looked at the documentation online, and they outright state the limitations and include most of the important features. I really hope this is improved soon.

2 years ago
Feb 25, 2023, 7:41:56 PM

In addition to everything said above, limiting mods to the skirmish/multiplayer part of the game is incredibly disappointing. 


Just being able to add and modify units or battlegroups to the dynamic Italian campaign alone would greatly expend the game’s lifespan for singleplayer-only players. 


The current state of modding being even more limiting than CoH2 and nowhere near close to CoH1 (or preferably surpass it) is upsetting.  

2 years ago
Feb 28, 2023, 11:39:09 PM

COH 1 and 2 used to be able to mod single player and they decided to remove the functionality. It was an absolute greedy move and I should not have rewarded them with my money by purchasing COH3. Relic is an absolute garbage producer. Instead of offering quality content for people to spend money on, they decide to remove modding abilities so they can continue to micro-trans you do death.

2 years ago
Mar 1, 2023, 7:27:13 AM

Hear hear! The freer the mod tools the better.

Would love to see a star wars overhaul mod... my god that would be amazing.

2 years ago
Mar 1, 2023, 7:04:26 PM

totally agree on that. 

Tbh what we have right now is extremely lacking and doesn't come close to what people expected when you were posting that the mod tools can do more than before on steam and here on the forums.

2 years ago
Mar 1, 2023, 9:22:42 PM

It would have been more honest simply to announce months ago that the game would not ship with mod tools or support modding outside of map creation and new game modes (using SCAR).

The mod tools as they exist now are essentially useless outside of obtaining unit stats - which I suppose is useful, but mostly because the game lacks any kind of documentation or in-game tech tree that would otherwise provide some of this information in more ergonomic form. I do not understand why there isn't a tech tree or any kind of in-game database.

The assumption must be that modding capability is heavily limited so as to avoid impacting the sales of potential future DLC which could otherwise be created by the community for free. My understanding is that the developers were forewarned (months/a year ago) about the limitations of the modular system used by CoH2 - and now CoH3 - because it was such an unnecessarily restrictive system back then, and it forbade any kind of frontend modding that was previously possible in CoH1. This means that total conversion mods, or even just adding new factions or battlegroups, will not be possible in CoH3 unless the mod tool system is entirely re-designed, which of course it won't be. (Why would resources be put into this?)

My other worry is that because this game is also due a console release, the intent will be to maintain a degree of uniformity between platforms, which means a reduced focus (if 'reduced focus' means anything when compared to CoH2) on the modding community for PC, as such a community won't exist on consoles.

Judging by the 'mixed' state of the release version of the game, I think the time spent on modding support would have been better spent on the game itself. It would have made more sense to not have mod support at all, thereby freeing up resources elsewhere and letting modders save their money. It's a crying shame that we're now on the third full game in the CoH franchise (I suppose fourth if you include CoH: Online) and it hasn't been possible to add new factions, doctrines or unit models since CoH1. I think that's a fairly damning indictment, regardless of what people like @SneakEye and @Nachocheese have been able to achieve in CoH2 using engine workarounds and a degree of imagination.

It's a huge shame, but it was entirely predictable - and indeed predicted - that we'd end up here. Some games can be salvaged (and in some cases even revived) by their modding communities, but obviously this won't be one. I hope to be proven wrong, and if the tools are expanded then I'll be here to help create content for the benefit of the community, but this is a very depressing start to the CoH3 era for modders, and I don't understand why such stringent restrictions have been put in place if the goal is for modders to devise interesting/fun mods, because at this point it just isn't possible and surely Relic knew that a year ago.


2 years ago
Mar 1, 2023, 11:20:18 PM

They even blocked advanced AI editing. For God's sake they want to sell DLC even from AI? This is the height of stupidity and greed.

2 years ago
Mar 2, 2023, 3:59:14 PM

Well said Toljus! I second this! If any developers are reading this please take Toljus post as an open letter. (A bird wisperd that tools would be expanded after release, guess it's because it's quite alot of work to support.)

Also I want to say that the new Scenario Editor is absolutley great imho, although without the ability to get more assets like modles added/ported by modders it won't be able to develop any real uniqe mapping 'expressions' in the future.

Look at what the Source SDK community have done for Source Engine games, the unlimited expression of the Source tools have kep games alive (and still selling) for 19 years.


Updated 2 years ago.
2 years ago
Mar 2, 2023, 5:30:45 PM

I was so hyped for the mods in this game too.. I saw one of the pre-release videos of them talking about how modding was going to be a big focus in the game and got so exited. Like a child in a free candy store :( Relic I am pleading on my hands and knees that you add support for custom models and sounds! I promise i will buy all your shitty skins and commanders :(

2 years ago
Mar 17, 2023, 5:47:08 PM

Since we were asked to provide feedback on the mod tools, I suggest unlocking state trees. It appears it would be an easy change, and would bring the mod tools almost to parity with CoH2's.

Until then, I have to agree with the assessment that the mod tools have already filled their 2 functions: not getting in the way of the in-game store, and tricking modders from previous titles into buying the game. Saying that the tools exist at this point is misleading.

Some people, myself included, want to engage with the game through the mod tools. I need to engage with a game to buy DLC. This is why I believe mods do not hurt DLC sales, even if it looks like they would.

Updated 2 years ago.

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